
"i'm so sorry," bobbie repeats, voice husky with unshed tears. she has no right to grieve little wolf, she knows, but—but still. she'd never really gotten to know the small black she-cat, learned through distant glimpses through the crowd and blazestar's memories, his voice bruised and longing. most of what the tabby knows of her will live on in memory, through her children and hailstorm and blazestar, turning into the legend she'd deserved to be.

still, she remembers little wolf, her bright eyes soft, advising her. treating her kindly, for all her hesitation, and then she remembers blood steaming in the snow and suddenly she doesn't want to remember anymore. bobbie chances a sidelong glance at hailstorm—he looks like a shell of a cat, all the helpful energy drained from his copper eyes and replace by a dull emptiness like a dead tree. the warrior focuses on placing each white-dipped paw before the other, explaining in low tones, "i—i thought we could find a flower for her. i keep one in my nest—in my nest back home, in memory of a friend, and i thought—i thought....."

bobbie trails helplessly off, unsure of how to act in the face of hailstorm's grief, stepping doe-legged around it. "i don't know, i just—" she sighs slowly, exhaling a plume of white, and looks down at her paws, "i'm just so sorry. i can't imagine losing—losing someone like that," she pauses, guilt swelling in her chest. selfish. selfish. "there was something i should've told her. i wish i had."

a strange smell reaches her, a strong smell—it smells damp and vicious and wild, like cat, like a border marking made by every cat in the forest. bobbie hears soft whush-thumps, ensuing crunches, like a mammoth paw stepping in the snow. instinctively she backs up, fur spiking along her newly freed neck, away from the sound, behind a fallen tree around the edge of which she peers, nodding frantically to hailstorm to follow. something is passing them by a little ways away, but even from this distance—it must be more than five fox-lengths long and taller than even slate. its pelt is a wild, dusky golden-brown, rugged and muscled with paws the size of her head.

rosemary-sprig eyes wide with fear, bobbie presses herself against the fallen tree, hunkering down with some kind of deep-seated fear that must date back to the days of the great clans. she swings her head for hailstorm to do the same, barely breathing the words, "hide."


  • @HAILSTORM. !!
  • 6TR0CBJ.png
    bobbie ; warrior of skyclan
    x. she/her ; 42 moons ; tags
    x. small, scarred lilac tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    bobbie is a kittypet-born skyclan warrior who would die for her clan regardless of whose blood runs through her veins. perpetually self-assessing, she often finds herself short of who she wants to be. skyclan gossip, if it's to be believed, hints at something more than friendship between her and blazestar.

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He feels empty and rightfully so, he watched the only love that he had known get taken away right before his eyes and the pain in his heart still fresh. As if the talons of the eagle had found purchase in his chest and they were stabbing into the beating organ within him, his usually copper gaze lacking the usual warmth and almost lifeless as he took in the surroundings around him with little to no interest. His gaze remains the same when Bobbie's words fall upon his ears and stares on ahead at nothing in particular, she apologizes and he feels the corner of his eyes beginning to sting once more as tears threatened to spill. The mass of fur and muscle bites down on his tongue taking a deep breath yet he still doesn't turn to the pale tabby only briefly lifting his gaze to the sky above them "It's f-fine." It's not fine. It felt harder to breathe, harder to live without Little Wolf but he had to... He had to get the lungwort back to Thunderclan. To Duskpaw, its what Little Wolf would've wanted.

Much like Bobbie, he remembers it all. The broken and marred body of the cat that he had cared about so dearly... And he couldn't do anything, he hadn't been fast enough on his paws believing that he could've saved her again from the predatory bird. She would be the one going home now to her family that were awaiting her return. She would be the one giving the lungwort to Berryheart so Duskpaw could recover from yellowcough, she would've completed her task as a mother, sister, and daughter but... As he dwells on it longer, she had achieved that regardless... A mother, sister, daughter, and a loving partner. Little Wolf was stronger than him in more ways than one, she had raised two litters and had to undergo so much grief that she had held in for so long. Now, it seemed to be his turn. The sepia tom lost completely in his own thoughts only picking bits and pieces of what Bobbie's actually saying to him, its unkind but he doesn't mean to come off that way, but who could blame him... He's a broken man, a husk of what he once was.

She mentions something about flowers or that's what he thinks as copper eyes blink for a moment and she starts apologizing once more talking about she had never lost someone like that. "She was the love of my life..." He manages to choke out with a dry chuckle following as his breath turns into plumes of stark surrounding his muzzle but can't help but frown at his words. Was. It didn't sound right and he corrects himself slowly with a nod of his head "She is... Forever will be..." Voice quieter, almost a whisper. He recalls the time when the small molly had asked him if he ever knew what it was like losing someone who wasn't truly gone, something he had not shared in feeling extremely like she had but he did feel this. What it was like losing someone who was truly gone. The thought itself makes his chest ache once more.

"There was something I should've told her. I wish I had."

Out of everything that's what he ends up being able to understand and can't help but frown as he finally faces Bobbie, his eyes searching her expression for the answer before willing himself to speak "What do you mean? What had been so important that the doe mimic had not told his mate? The fur along his back rising as the strong scent of something damp and wild reaching his nostrils, he falls silent wanting to see what's behind him but to risk getting seen was not what he wished for. He hesitantly and carefully follows after Bobbie only to press his body to the ground relying on the snow to keep him hidden, ears laying flat against his head and he pushes his muzzle underneath a small mound of snow to conceal himself completely. He didn't want to risk whatever it was seeing him pressed against the bark of the tree if it whips around, he closes his eyes and keeps still.

He wasn't going to die today.
  • 5_by_caviesh_dg4bkw8.png
    ✦ 48 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength and his burly build
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus