pafp you are berry cool [prompt]

The morning air is frigid, and Falconheart is glad that his pelt is thick enough to withstand the cold. He’s glad that he was assigned to come along on on a hunting patrol with Wolfwind—it’s special, isn’t it, getting to patrol alongside one of the clan’s lead warriors? The best of the best, the strongest and most capable of warriors. He doesn’t know Wolfwind as well as he knows some of the other lead warriors, like his mom and Burnstorm, but he knows she’s trained a few apprentices. That must make her a great warrior, maybe even a favorite of Howlingstar’s. He wants to be like her someday.

The path they travel upon splits into two, and to one side he spots a bush, spiny and dark green. There’s no prey, from what he can scent, but there is a sickly sweet smell rising off the bush. He leans forward, peering at the cluster of berries that hangs from one of the bush’s branches. They smell amazing. They don’t look like any berries that he recognizes, though—not that he recognizes many kinds of berries—and his nose wrinkles slightly, paws kneading at the snowy ground below him.

"Look," he says, drawing the remainder of the patrol’s attention to the bright-colored berries. They're red, so they look like they'd taste good, but Falconheart knows that some berries aren't good to eat. Some berries are poisonous enough to kill a cat, he's heard. He can’t bring these back to camp if they could kill someone! But with the cold setting in, the clan needs all the food it can get, and these berries could be a meal for some cat who needs them, or perhaps they could be of use to Berryheart. "Do you—do you know if they're safe? Should we take them back to camp?" He looks to the older ThunderClanner with wide, trusting blue eyes. Hopefully she’ll know what to do with the berries, since she’s a lead warrior.

[ find me way out there ]
  • Wow
Reactions: WOLFWIND
Leafbare no longer looms, it is fully present, eager to wrack them with winds even her thick coat was getting sick of. She was no stick in the mud— in fact, she dreaded to be when Howlingstar already had plenty of warriors filling those slots— but she believed the time for messing about during patrols probably wasn't now, if there was any proper time for that. Thusly, she thinks she's justified to turn a curious eye when is looking attentively at somethin' other than prey.

Look. Wolfwind is turning her attention at the call, ears pricked. No, there was not some miraculously plump squirrel that could feed them for moons, but rather, a bush of bright right berries, admittedly smelling pretty damn appetizing.

When she was younger, she probably would've swallowed a bunch, no question. Though, she'd also lived through the catastrophe that was Sunfreckle's squirrel - brained mate swallowin' somethin' or other and nearly keeling over, so she ought to think better of it. If they were edible, what idiots would they be to miss out on more food in leaf - bare? They probably wouldn't sate any grown cat, but maybe a kit would be happy, or they could otherwise fill an empty belly with something... Food was food, right?

But if they weren't, well...

Wolfwind is mulling over the exact same thing, when Falconheart suddenly looks at her as if this is a question she should know the answer to. " Wha? " her reply is as smart as she could ever hope it to be. The answer is like, probably not, right? But Flaconheart is lookin' at her like she has an answer better than probably.

And was she supposed to know the answer to this? Did Howlingstar really have such a big council so that they could all do the same damn thing? It sure would be helpful if she knew anythin' about this, but... uh... " Uh... mayb— nnno? No. That's my... final answer. " Yep.

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She wasn't trying to be a bother to her son, but when the option to tag along for a hunting patrol had occurred, she had perhaps agreed to tag along a little too eagerly. When they got further into the forest, she wished everyone well hunting, and split off in her own direction. With leafbare's firm grasp on the forest, it was dire that they return with as much food as they could. The clan was not starving yet, but she knew from experience that the day would come soon. Each hunting patrol that returned now carried less and less prey, and it was only a matter of time before Starclan's blessings ran thin.

This would be her third leafbare, but only the second going hungry. She had been blessed last leafbare by her clanmates trying their best to ensure she and her kits stayed as fed as they could, but hunger had still been a new feeling to her. Before she had joined Thunderclan, her mother had told her to go to the twolegplace to find scraps when the prey was scarce. Her mother had injured herself soon after leafbare started when Flamewhisker was still young, putting all of the hunting and food gathering on her. Only having been four to five moons old at the time and being a brand new hunter, she had to rely on twoleg food to survive from the lack of prey. There had been plenty of scraps to keep their bellies full before joining Thunderclan, so she hadn't truly experienced hunger until last leafbare. This time, she had no kits to care for, so she would be sharing her clanmate's future hunger pains.

Her hunt wasn't as successful as she would have liked, but a nice squirrel had fallen victim to her claws. It had almost slipped away from her, but she managed to catch it before it got too far. Not much time had passed since she had split off, but she did not catch any other fresh prey trails nearby. Instead of burying her squirrel, she decided to head back to where she had left her clanmates, and see if they had any luck.

As she retraces her steps, she spots Falconheart and Wolfwind ahead of her. She can't hear what they are saying yet, but she sees them gathered around something. Did Falconheart catch something? She is sure he had, so she picks up her pace to join them. As she gets closer, the red berries come into view.

Do you—do you know if they're safe? Should we take them back to camp?

Her son's words echo through her mind, and she recalls the near death experience Rabbitnose had. The fur along her spine prickled in alarm, and she dropped the squirrel in an instant. Wolfwind answers before her, but she hardly hear's her clanmate's words. All she can hear is the roaring I her ears of her heart racing. Did he touch one? Did he eat one? My kit, Starclan I forbid you to harm another! "Falconheart! Stay - Stay away from those!" She truly had no idea what they were, only what they could be...and the risks outweighed the rewards. It was a good thing she had tagged along...what if those berries were deadly? She forced her fur to settle back down before casting a glance at Wolfwind. Surely the other lead warrior wouldn't have let him touch those...but at least since she was here she could be certain he didn't touch them.
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    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 27 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse


flamewhisker was spending, like, a lot of time around falconheart. she figured it would have been the other way around ; it was normal, she thought, for a parent to be so watchful while their child went through their apprenticeship, but falconheart — he was grown. she took wolfwind’s side from camp with a look the smokey she-cat’s way, flamewhisker tailing their patrol with an eagerness she knew wasn’t because of the attending mollies. she is sniffing around the roots of a snow / concealed tree when, finally, the fiery tabby yelps some concerned cry from somewhere behind. freckleflame whirls to see flamewhisker bristling over the two warriors, puffed at the ends and reeking of a sudden, petrifying fear.

nerves pierce her heart and the rounds the side closest to wolfwind, rounds her friend just in time to see flamewhisker throw her an expectant glance — as if she were supposed to be watching the cream tabby. she cranes over wolfwind’s shoulder to see the small patch of berries, bright and shiny red beneath too - green, hard leaves. they were unperturbed, frosted with a thin layer of snow, ” i don’t think he touched ‘em, flamewhisker. “ it’s a small and obvious consolation, stilted and awkward because — well, it felt stilted and awkward. snow falls around them and she glances back and forth between the two, sweeps her tail low against the ground, ” he doesn’t have that many bees in his brain. “ she cast a friendly, teasing grin falconheart’s way, although tense at the edges because — uh, that was his mom, and she was being kind of weird. it was like they were apprentices again, caught by their mentor doing something foolish.

she recalls rabbitnose’s incident vaguely, but her father was.. a separate story altogether. it was rare anyone else than a kit would fall victim to the hard, round berries lure ; falconheart was sensible enough. she’d no reason to doubt the cream tabby’s abilities, though he did seem a little hesitant at times ; freckleflame figured that would be comfort enough. in a small, vague attempt to lighten the mood, she nods at wolfwind with a conspiratorial whisper, ” besides — this’n here wouldn’t let him get too close. between you ‘n me, i think that’s the only reason sparkwing’s still kickin’. “ if it didn’t help smooth the lowering bristles along flamewhisker’s spine, at least it would get that look off of her.

  • i.
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    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a thick, broad - shouldered figure.
    unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while bearing a wide, bright - eyed grin. she seems to sing confidence from every laugh, every word.. that can't all be for show, can it?

    ——— ˙⋆ — prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.

The lead warrior seems surprised that he’s asked her about the berries, and Falconheart’s paws shift anxiously beneath him as Wolfwind speaks. What is the first thing she says, intelligently, but the older warrior is quick to follow it up with an explanation. Her words are stuttering and unsure, but finally she settles on no. The cream tabby’s ears settle flat against his head at the response—how foolish had he been, thinking he could just take the berries back to camp? How stupid. His expression twists into a grimace, tight and uncomfortable, but he attempts to sound relieved. "Oh, um… that’s good to know," he says, gaze flicking back and forth between Wolfwind and the berries. They don’t look dangerous, but that’s why he had asked, after all. "What kind of berries are they? Maybe we should-"

Before he can say anything else—intending to ask whether they should move the berries somewhere farther away, perhaps bury them to ensure no one else can eat them—he’s interrupted by a shout of his name. Flamewhisker tells him to stay away from the berries, and it’s perhaps the most frantic he’s ever seen his mother. Her fiery pelt bristles, and he can see the way that she looks at Wolfwind, as though she doesn’t trust the lead warrior to do her duty and keep him safe. But he is safe, thanks to the blue-furred warrior, and Falconheart frowns at the thought that he could have been hurt by something so simple as berries. Stormfeather is already hurt—he can’t get hurt, now, too. His parents couldn’t take that.

Thankfully, Freckleflame pushes into the conversation, attempting to assure Flamewhisker that he hadn’t touched the concerning berries. Nodding, he adds, "I—I didn’t touch them, I promise!" Still, he can’t help but to glance down at his pale paws, half-expecting to see red smeared along their edges. But no, there is no berry spread across his paws, no damning evidence of poison ingested. He turns to glance at Wolfwind and Freckleflame, hoping that somehow one of them will have an idea of how to settle his mother’s fear. "Yeah, I’d never—and Wolfwind kept me safe," he aims to reassure her.
[ find me way out there ]