pafp you are here and so am i || camp tour


i think that your mind is gone
Jul 17, 2024
It is unusual, to be surrounded by so many at once, so many different personalities together and working cohesively to ensure the wellbeing of this clan. They obey that orange and white molly, seemingly without question. Yes... Orangestar... Orangestar, who she had spoken briefly with when Kite had been taken to camp yesterday. An odd name, for sure. Not the oddest. There were many names-- different lengths, meanings, two names as one, one name... more than Kite reckoned they'd remember. The only names ever relevant to them would be their siblings, names of predators that they've repeated many times since they had come into camp. Shrike, Jackal, Spider, Vixen, Viper, Coyote, Wolf... Wolf, Wolf's here with them... Kite doesn't want to seem like they're only interested in Wolf, no. No, they are interested in the wellbeing of the clan. Kite must prove themself, as they had promised to that scarred tom.

Florabreeze. A name repeated in her mind, too. Florabreeze, she did not remain in camp at night. Left sometime before dusk... Daylight warrior, Kite have seen them returning to their Twoleg nests before, leaving the forest together. It's a close knit community. Kite hadn't slept all night, too on edge and wary and so they had listened to the chatter of the clan settling for bed, discussing their days or clan politics. Nonsense to Kite, they don't quite grasp it all-- but it's only her first night. Well. Nothing to be bothered about now. Kite picks up on things quickly and no doubt will catch up soon.

Florabreeze, that's right. The large molly, with those shocking green eyes. They came back before any of those other daylighters, beelined straight to the den that smelled sickly sweet. The nursery or medicine den? Kite's not sure yet. They're outside the warriors' den and feels the prickle of eyes upon her dark coat, which intensify as she rises to her paws when Florabreeze leaves that den. "Florabreeze?" Kite calls, voice light and breathy. It could have been a rustle in the ferns around the sandy hollow if she hadn't added, "Florabreeze, good morning. Are you busy now? Could you answer some of my questions? Maybe give me a tour? I'm uh... a little lost!" Kite carefully pads towards Florabreeze as she murmurs question after question and now pauses in front of the large she-cat, eyes directed upwards. Her gaze flits along her dark fur, pausing to trace the odd pattern of her face before settling to make eye contact with those eyes.

Kite breathes in the stranger's scent. Twolegplace... but the scent of a soft life there, a scent that reminds her of Shrike as a kit, pine nettles... mint? Kite begins to lean forward to confirm the minty scent on this dark cat's coat, but scrunches away when she realizes how some may receive this advance negatively. Well, no matter. Doesn't matter much to Kite what this cat smells like, they only wish to know more about this camp as they're unsure of when they will be able to leave the confines of it.

———————---****KEEP IT ALL INSIDE******———————---
  • just wait @Florabreeze
  • black tabby with a slim physique and compact muscles, tags
    38, ages every 21st
    they/them or she/her
    wary to trust
    peaceful powerplay allowed

It had become routine for her at this point, to arrive at camp and say her good mornings at the nursery before attending to whatever warrior duties were calling her that day. The rising sun highlighting the sky as dawn bled into morning, it was rather pretty, at least to her anyways. She liked to take time in the morning to take it in, then letting herself glimpse around camp. Warriors had woken long before she did and were strewn about while others were only finding their presence as it became morning. She pauses as she glances at the warriors den, where Kite sat. That was their name right? They had exchanged names at the border, like the bird, right.

An ear twitched as she thought that their maw had parted to say something but nothing loud enough to grace her senses had came out. Maybe she liked to talk to herself? The maine coon had noticed that some cats here do that, she tried to look out for a quirk in each clan mate to remember so it would be easier for her to get to know them, at least in her mind. Maybe talking to oneself was Kite's. She had decided to start walking away when her name was called audibly, by the new warrior nonetheless. Florabreeze could only beam at them as they stopped her, tail swaying in a curious anticipation as to what they possibly wanted her for.

Lowering her head to make eye contact with the black tabby she nods enthusiastically, she could understand wanting a tour. The maine coon had participated in many self guided tours where she tried to name all the dens around camp when she first joined so she was more than happy to help out another. “Good morning Kite! I hope your first night went okay, a bit different to Twolegplace huh?” She comments with a chuckle then pauses, she hadn't actually agreed to their question had she? “Of course, I'm not busy at all! Feel free to ask as many questions as you want on the tour m'kay?”

She blinks as they move to learn forward but makes no comment of it, that kind smile never leaving her maw. The daylight warrior just presumed that it was some kind of way that they may use to better remember others, similar to how she tries to remember a quirk in everyone. To show that she took no offence to it she gently nudged her tail against their flank, an overly friendly gesture but not uncommon for her. “So I take it that you know the warriors den then? Anything caught your eye in particular here so far? We can start from there and walk around” She gestures for Kite to lead the way to the location that caught her eye the most and moves to follow beside them.

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
"Mhm. Very different, quieter. It's..." Odd. Kite is not used to the sounds of the forests or the warmth of so many bodies around themself-- it felt suffocating. They're the kind to isolate themselves and sleep on their lonesome, preferring to be left to their own devices and find a place to sleep when they felt like it, not when it is expected of them. Yet like an ant, Kite follows. "...thank you..."

Kite is not embarrassed to be so bold in their actions, none of their siblings have ever been uncomfortable by Kite's lack of social distancing when speaking or overzealous smelling and so they'd be none the wiser if this were an unusual thing. An unusual thing would be another one's touch, a stranger's touch on Kite. Kite allows physical contact with only her siblings, but on her her terms. Other physical contact involves violence. This is all Kite knows. And so Kite stiffens when she feels Florabreeze's feathery tail against a flank and their eyes dilate, an odd mixture of confusion and awe seize Kite but still, they remain there without a word for several heartbeats, holding Florabreeze's kind gaze. Florabreeze knows naught about Kite but treats them with the utmost kindness. The small statured feline betrays none of these conflicting feelings on an inscrutable face, but their stiffened body may betray it all.

"I know where Orangestar and that black tom sleeps." Kite nods to their den, finally ripping her mossy gaze away from the maine coon's. "As you said, the Warriors' den. I've no nest though... No matter, I've slept on worse. I'll make one myself later." Kite mews airily, speaking as they pass by and pad towards the opposite side of camp, head lowered as they move. They pause a few pawsteps away from a hazel bush. "I'd seen two go into here last night... Mates?" Unbeknownst to Kite, this burrow beneath the hazel bush is where the medicine cats reside. "Why're they in a private den?"

———————---****KEEP IT ALL INSIDE******———————---
  • black tabby with a slim physique and compact muscles, tags
    38, ages every 21st
    they/them or she/her
    wary to trust
    peaceful powerplay allowed
The beautiful she-cat slinks forth and offers a soft smile towards Florabreeze, a soft purr rumbling from her. ”Ah... How are the... kits doing, Flora...?” Palemoon asks softly with a purr as she rubs a mismatched white and fawn paw against her right eye, glancing towards the nursery. Florabreeze was always seen with Honeysplash and even helped tend to her kittens, even if she wasn't the sire and they were rightfully Chrysaliswing's. A long plumed tail sways behind in a clockwise motion, a ghostly gaze shifting to Kite, and her failing gaze squints slightly. Were they a newcomer to the ranks of Skyclan?

Palemoon leans forward as she observes the black tabby, a gentle hum rumbling from her throat. ”Mmm... You look like... the night itself...” She coos softly, her voice reflecting a gentle lullaby as she gives a soft smile. The small she-cat leans away after taking in the appearance of Kite and casts a glance back at Florabreeze. ”.... Giving a tour... mm?” An inquiry followed by an owlish tilt of her crown, as her rounded ears flick at their statement. Pale coughs softly and a giggle leaves her lips, ”... They're not... mates...” The statement was ironic to hear someone openly ask it, her gaze always watching the longing gaze of their smoked Lead warrior after their leader.

The pale beauty stretches as she rasps a tongue across her paw and swipes it behind her ear. ”Mm... our leader... and medicine cats have private dens...” Palemoon would answer softly, motioning a paw towards the hazel bush. ”... Medicine den... Dawnglare and Fireflyglow are our... medicine cats...” The fawn striped feline murmurs as she settles her paw back down, her ghostly blues observing the black tabby to see how they would react.