private YOU ARE MORE THAN JUST A DREAM | raggedbite

Mar 30, 2023
Tonight, the moon hangs heavy in the sky. Tonight, the stars are shining, and they're shining for him. Orchidbloom feels the familiar flutter of butterflies in her stomach, something that had been plaguing her since she became a warrior. The sun had set a few hours prior, and knowing Raggedbite, he probably had just laid down to rest. They push through the warrior den, already up themselves, and they spot him. Sure enough, hes laying in his nest, and sure enough, he is the prettiest cat within the confines of the warrior den.

She takes a hot minute to psych herself up for this, approaching him on gentle paws.

"R-Raggedbite?" they nudge him, like they did before, like they did when they were apprentices. Tonight, a fire lights beneath their paws, and anxiety swirls in their stomach, and excitement breams, threatens to spill out. She gives him a nervous smile as she watches him stir. Her heart feels too loud, beats too fast, she can swear he can probably hear it... But she keeps calm, or at least tries to because its obvious something is on her mind as she shifts in position, eyes darting around anywhere but on him.

"M-Meet me in the tr-trees by the b-burnt sycamore, okay? I-" her voice shudders violently as a nervous giggle rises in her throat. "I have som-something I need to show you. I won't be too high up... Just o-on the lower branches." it'd be better to see the stars that way. It'd be better for him to see how perfect he looks to her, it'd be... lovely, to see the stars reflect in his eyes (though she swears they already do when he looks at her).

They already know they're going to stumble over the speech they had prepared.

Orchidbloom is quick to turn on her heels, bounding out, outside of camp, towards the sycamore. Theres a burning in their lungs that they aren't sure if its from running or the fear of rejection. In the moment, as they get comfortable on a low hanging branch, they do not even consider rejection to be an option. Tonight, they sit here, and they wait for Raggedbite to show up.

I love you, sits on the tip of her tongue. I love you.

  • 78638539_9sjaI0ymFZeQLie.png
    ❝ i smile because i want to, i smile because you want to. ❞
    orchidkit, orchidpaw, orchidbloom
    ❥ afab ,, she/they ,, 13 months
    ❥ warrior of shadowclan ,, formerly mentored by forestshade
    ❥ lanky yet fluffy cinnamon smoke she-cat with wide blue eyes
    ❥ "speech, d1afed" ,, thoughts
    ❥ bisexual ,, single
    ❥ smells like lilies and iris'

there is nothing that raggedbite enjoys more than being stirred from his nest by orchidbloom. it seems a little weird, sure, but raggedbite had always looked forward to it when they were younger. the days when orhcidpaw just couldn't sleep, so they find themself nudging awake their friend, and they'd go on nightly trips. they always bugged a warrior to go with them, just to keep an eye on them, but raggedpaw didn't let anything happen to her then. he trained as hard as he could, taking every scar from his own mentor just so he could prove to be better than him. good enough to protect her. he had proved that much.

raggedbite's eyes are bleary as they open, half blind gaze blinking a few good times before his ears perk up. oh! she wants to go somewhere. where did they say... uh... the burnt sycamore. he could do that. he nods his head, needing but a few minutes to gather himself before he would follow after them. he sits up fully, yawning before stretching his body and shaking his fur our and following after orchidbloom to the burnt sycamore.

the stars are awfully bright tonight. he likes watching them. he always has. it makes him feel less alone, though he knows he's not really alone when orchidbloom is around. he slows his paws when he sees her upon low hanging branches. hm. he bunches his muscles and finds himself scrambling to sit on the branches with her.

"hey, orchidbloom. having trouble sleeping?"
Theres a rustle beneath them and the cinnamon smoke jerks, spiky fur somehow fluffing up further in momentary fear before they realize its just Raggedbite. Out here, beneath the stars, he shines inexplicably bright. Her heart skips a few beat, eyes are wide and they swear they're gonna freeze up and fall off the branch.

But they don't. Raggedbite clambers besides them, Orchid brushes their pelt against him in silent greeting. Its an action that sets their whole body in to shock. They sit, rigid, on the branch once more.

"...Yes." she responds back, voice unexplainably quiet, as if she spoke any louder she'd ruin the moment. Violet eyes turn towards the stars once more and silence follows. She does not elaborate, she just... Sits there. Since the beginning, since they were kits, Raggedbite had been a constant. He had protected them more than once, and he had kept them safe through their grueling apprenticeships. Orchid remembers crying, once, when Adderbite had intended on hurting her for a demonstration of a claws out spar. Raggedpaw had jumped in, and he had been ferocious, he had been hurt but his first words were asking if she was okay.

This one promises that Adderbite won't hurt you. He kept that promise, too.

"Raggedbite." for once their voice comes out strong, breaks the silence as they turn their head to look at him clearly. They go over the speech over and over in their head. "Uhm... Ah-" but they forget it, their cheeks heating up. They have to look away as fear swims within their stomach. "Uhm- You- I- AGH!" now they're frustrated, a hiss leaving their mouth as they shake their head. They need... to just... do it... "Raggedbite, you are the prettiest cat I know, and you can outrival the stars above, and I want you to be my mate!" it spills from their mouth so fast that the words come out all jumbled, barely coherent.

Their face burns and a shaky, upset sigh falls from their lips as they take a step closer on the branch, trying to scan for any signs of rejection. "I- You're... p-prettier than any star in the s-sky... The only o-one that lights up m-my life... And I- I... love... you... I have... Since we were a-apprentices." they're so upset they couldn't get their speech out, tears brimming in their eyes as they look at him, look at his eyes. They wait. They wait for rejection, preparing themselves, steeling their emotions.

  • 78638539_9sjaI0ymFZeQLie.png
    ❝ i smile because i want to, i smile because you want to. ❞
    orchidkit, orchidpaw, orchidbloom
    ❥ afab ,, she/they ,, 13 months
    ❥ warrior of shadowclan ,, formerly mentored by forestshade
    ❥ lanky yet fluffy cinnamon smoke she-cat with wide blue eyes
    ❥ "speech, d1afed" ,, thoughts
    ❥ bisexual ,, single
    ❥ smells like lilies and iris'
  • Wow
Reactions: RAGGEDBITE.

the sound of his name makes his ears twitch curiously. it's still a new name. he, himself, is still getting used to saying raggedbite instead of raggedpaw. a new change. a good change but new nonetheless. he almost speaks up but she seems to be struggling to get her words together and thus he offers a gentle nudge of her cheek with his nose to try and soothe her nerves. he listens as they blurt out their next words and he cannot stop the look on his face. his eyes widen and he swears he can hear his heart thumping against his ribcage. he can hear the blood rushing through his veins, and he's shocked. did... she really just say that?

they continue, and raggedbite is stock still. he swears he can't breathe for a second, before he hears them say it. they love him. orchidbloom loves raggedbite.

"you... are... in love with him?"

he repeats in a question, as if he wants to be sure. to be really truly and utterly sure. before he just pushes his ears back with a sigh.

"you're the first cat that he looks for in the morning. the last cat he wishes to see at night. he knows he cannot always be at your side but that does not mean he doesn't want to be. you call him the stars, pretty and all of that, but... there is no more perfect meaning of beauty than you, orchidbloom."

his ears flick as he looks up with a hum.

"not just outside either. it would be rather easy for raggedbite to just stare at you all day and be content but it's your heart, too. you are the kindest, most patient, most lovely cat raggedbite has ever known. it would be... a dream come true to be your mate, orchidbloom. he loves you, too. always have. always will. no matter what. so long as he has you, he knows he will be okay."

"Y-Yes! Hopelessly!" they're desperate, responding to his question, trying not to break down at shock blooms across his face. Oh, oh no, oh no! She said something wrong, she did... He's going to reject them, they know it.

And then he sighs and her heart falls. Her stomach gets a sinking feeling, her shoulders tense up, she flounders for the right thing to say- "I'm s-sorry... I-" I don't know what got ahold of me, the words don't fall from her tongue as he begins to speak. His words shock her in to oblivion, mouth opening and then closing, and a strangled sound leaves her throat.

There is no more perfect meaning of beauty than you, Orchidbloom.

It's all it takes for them to start crying. Happy tears, now, sucking in a gasp for air. "You- You love... me? Too? You do? You really d-do?" they speak between sobs, sniffling as hard as they can to hopefully suck back up the tears. It doesn't work, but they begin chuckling, something that turns to full-on giggles. It would be... a dream come true to be your mate, Orchidbloom. "I'm- So relieved! Raggedbite, I love you, I do-" they shut up, stepping forwards on the branch and pressing their face in to his shoulders, a warmth blooming in her chest.

Even Starclan above, so willing, would not be able to rip them from his side right now.

The boy she had loved since she was little.... The boy who had protected her, fought hard to do so, the boy that had gone to bat for them over and over truly loved them. They feel as if they're in the Stars above, elation on cloud nine, oh, Stars, no other feeling could match what they feel now. They flounder more for words, trying to say something, keep the conversation going, but instead... They settle besides their new mate, a shy paw placed on his, head on his shoulder, twining their tails together.

Tonight, their first night as mates... How exciting! She only regrets not saying anything sooner...

  • 80192257_BM5b2gMLix2zWQF.png
    orchidkit, orchidpaw, orchidbloom
    demi-girl ,, she/they ,, 13 months
    warrior of shadowclan ,, formerly mentored by forestshade
    lanky yet fluffy cinnamon smoke she-cat with wide blue eyes
    "speech, d1afed" ,, thoughts
    bisexual ,, mates with raggedbite
    smells like lilies and iris'
    chibi by I-IALCY0N ,, penned by chuff