sensitive topics you are my place of worship . collapse

CW mentions and graphic descriptors of starvation, vomiting, comatose, near-death and nausea.

It was finally too much to handle. He couldn't be strong for them anymore, not for Blazestar, not for Orangeblossom, not for Littlepaw, not for his friends, not for the other traveling cats, nor his clanmates.

Dogbite was at his physical and mental breaking point. For too long, he had pushed themself to the brink, trying to be the reliable cat that Skyclan needed him to be. Earning his warrior name and being granted an apprentice fueled their passion to continue caring for the clan. Chaos had kept him busy and helped them refrain from sharing said troubles. However, the consequences of his stubbornness could easily be seen in his sunken face.

Throughout the night, he had writhed in agony, body rebelling against earlier efforts. It seemed his training with Skyclan was the metaphorical nail in the coffin. He was a mere skeleton of his former self for some time now, but they had brushed off the signs and pushed harder, convinced they could handle it all. They had filled the night with low whimpers and cries, their condition only seeming to escalate.

As the pale light of dawn broke, the tabby's feeble frame finally gave in. He struggled to get up, drenched in sweat and covered with an unfamiliar musky odor. Attempting to make his way out of the den, he was met with a sea of sleeping cats, their bodies packed closely together. The lack of space and constant noise had made the already arduous task of sleeping utterly impossible. Haphazardly, he struggled through the throng and just barely made it out without tripping over a Riverclanner or Clanmate.

Gasping for breath in the sharp, crisp air, Dogbite made it to a nearby dirt place, trembling legs threatening to give out at any moment. Once he made it, all bets were off. With a large heave, he retched, but only foam and clear bile came out. Their stomach was empty, and he had nothing left to give. Still, his frame convulsed as if trying to expel whatever was left. When the ordeal was over, they remained seated, head hanging forward.

He tried to calm the waves of nausea that washed over him, but their hazy mind left them disoriented. How long had it been since I last ate? Did I even sleep the other night? They knew the answers, but he couldn't bring himself to confront the harsh reality of their actions.

Gathering enough strength to move, he took a few unsteady steps toward the warrior's den, determined to rest what little they could. However, as he approached the mouth of the den, the world around him seemed to shift and waver, as if he had plunged underwater. Dogbite couldn't make sense of the mirage that enveloped them, and before they knew it, his face met solid ground.

Unbeknownst to the frail warrior, they had knocked on the black door of death. Their spirit barely held on, and each breath taken was labored and shallow as his dilapidated form fought to stay alive. The endless cycle of overexertion and malnutrition had taken its toll, and they had paid the price.

  • ooc ; This thread is open to both Riverclanners and Skyclanners. He does not have yellowcough (feel free to misdiagnose for realistic plot purposes!) Power play is fully allowed in this scenario. @LITTLEPAW! apprentice tag!

    -⋆ Takes place after the River/Sky hunting thread. Dogbite is at death's door and to make it more realistic I will be rolling a D20 for this thread and his next. If I roll low, there will be indefinite consequences for him and if I roll high, they might survive this. (this time he rolled low and is now in a coma) They will be out of commission for at least four IRL days, and won't be able to patrol/fight/work for at least one IRL week, so any 1v1 plots from this point forward will be backwritten

    tldr ; He's completely starved himself and overworked their body for two moons. Leading to them passing out in front of the warrior's den and slipping into a temporary coma. Failed a D20 roll. Currently, he can no longer talk, stand up, or hold down any food. They will be in a coma for irl days and unavailable for one irl week.
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 28 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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  • Nervous
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Fantastream had caught the illness when it had first begun to spread around the territory. Luckily for her though she had twolegs. Twolegs that had put her in that strange mesh den they sometimes used and who had taken her to their twoleg medicine cat to be seen. She had gotten better. The same cannot be said for many cats, cats who were not as fortunate to have a place to sleep and housefolk to take care of them.

She has no reason to be inside of the warriors den, she does not sleep here after all, but she does lay just outside of it. She does not dare take fresh-kill from the pile, not when she has food waiting for her back at home. So instead she watches the goings on of clan-life with half lidded eyes. RiverClan staying with them was strange and exciting, she wanted to soak it all in while she could.

A clanmate approaches and Fantastram is lifting her head, her jaws part in a overly friendly greeting but before she can get the words out Dogbite is collapsing. Her eyes fly open wide and she scrambles to get to her paws. He is hitting the floor before she can get there though. "Ah mouse-dung" she curses and her head whips around to look for Dawnglare.

If anyone was nearby she would instruct "Stay here with 'em I'll go find one of the medicine cats" and then she would turn and head in the direction of their den, the most likely place to find them.

// off to fetch @DAWNGLARE or @Fireflypaw

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it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
He hadn’t gotten much sleep with the apprentice den being crowded and he didn’t like the prickly claustrophobic feeling he got whenever he entered. It was nice to look at the stars once in a while, drawing silly patterns in the dirt when he heard Fantastream, head snapping in her direction when his gaze landed on the crumbled frame of his mentor.

His breath caught in his throat, his unwavering gaze staring hotly into Dogbite’s fur, hoping that—He hadn’t seen a warrior collapse like that, not since he witnessed the battered forms of RiverClan spill into the camps that reality settled. This was real and his mentor was down and he didn’t think—Littlepaw was up before he realized, tiny frame skittering to the warrior’s den with a fearful whine. “Dogbite?” He muttered, staring at his mentor’s unresponsive frame, reaching a shaky paw to press against his mentor’s flank, attempting to shake the other awake, and when that didn’t work, Littlepaw spun in circles, gaze wide—panicked.

“You can’t—” You can’t die. He didn’t want his mentor to die. He should have … Littlepaw wasn’t sure what he could have done, but his mind supplied him with his well-known anger taking root that he didn’t even notice. He didn’t notice. “Sorry.” Sorry. Sorry. He wanted to cry, but he refused to humor it, wondering why it was taking so long for Fantastream to get them. “Hurry!” His tiny form bristled, cursing his small stature. I can’t do anything. I can’t help. If he paid attention, then maybe Dogbite would have gotten help before yellowcough or whatever it was.
thought speech
  • Sad
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Fireflypaw can feel the exhaustion weighing heavily in his bones as he shuffles through the last few batches of feverfew, ears perked up to listen for any off sounds. It doesn't take long for the rambunctious panic of voices to sound just outside, and Fireflypaw sighs heavily as he stands to his paws. Another, sick with Yellowcough? He can feel his hope dwindling by the day, but he keeps his pessimism to himself in favor of doing his job correctly.

Stepping outside, Fantastream's face is almost right in front of his when he arrives. "I'm here, I'm here. Who is it?" He asks, groggy. He doesn't feel in the mood to say a quick prayer, doesn't feel the need to rush over like he usually does. Something weighs heavily in his heart in this moment, but he doesn't let it show. He allows himself to be led over to the warrior's den, where he nearly bumps into the form of Dog. "Dog? Dogbite?" He asks cautiously, a paw lifting up to their nose to try and feel for breaths on his pawpad. A shaky exhale alerts him that Dogbite is indeed not dead, just passed out- he would wake up, wouldn't they?

"I need help lifting Dogbite up!" He urgently calls, worry suddenly evident in his milky gaze as he moves to wedge Dogbite onto his shoulder, and hopefully with help from another larger warrior- lift them up. "T-To.. To the medicine den. I think I have a nest I can spare." Mine, but it's not a big deal. It's fine for now.
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"Stars, I'll- I'll help, I'll help!" Twitchbolts burst of hoarse worry erupted from him, form a mahogany-and-white streak as he dashed to Dogbite's aid. Not another, not another- the thought of yet more awfulness befalling any one of his Clanmates made him sick, twitchy, shaky. He was all of that anyway, all of that always- but this was no help, this relentless string of collapsing, of delirium dewing up eyes he'd seen sparkle with humour, coughs bursting from their maw. This was- was this something else, though? No one murmured about yellowcough, no-one... and Dogbite, Dogbite did not deserve this, they'd- they'd worked hard, and...

He'd seen Duskpool do it, too. Run himself ragged. Even these errant thoughts landed on something conclusive, and his tail spasmed as if swatting at a fly. Worry might spill over and spew out of him in a moment, but for now he would stand staunch at Dogbite's side, heeding Fireflypaw's instruction to help him into the medicine den, now swollen with a glut of patients. By now- and it was a horrible thought that he near-immediately pushed away- by now, he doubted he'd ever see anyone leave that den.
penned by pin ✧
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They had just been talking that morning. When the sun had greeted their muzzles to another morning, when the quiet comforted them while Dogbite tried to remain rested, they talked. Applefrost had worried her denmate had grown ill but he did not show all of the same symptoms their Clanmates had. So delirious like Tullulahwing had been, or a fever so extreme she could feel it a mouse-length away. There was no dryness to his nose or irritable choke that kept him and everyone around them awake.

But now she watched him collapse before them. She did not flinch when the ground met his face in the fall. She did not grimace or frown, no hint of worry creased on her features. However, the stillness in the molly proved her concerns. Applefrost was not one who lacked making action, one of her traits closest to her older sister's. She knew when to move and kick off her paws, take charge and get on what needed to be done.

This time her paws felt weighted like they were stone, but it only took a few moments before she was pushing herself forward again. "Will you need water, prey? I can fetch whatever he needs."
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