sensitive topics YOU ARE STILL MY LOVE AND MY LIFE // now open!

// please wait until we tell you this thread is open!

"I'll bet we can't do walks like this for much longer," Mudpelt trills to the daughter at his side, his maw quirked up in a toothy half-smile. Over the last half-moon, he's watched Iciclefang go through the same changes he'd watched her mother go through during both of her pregnancies. Her belly has rounded significantly - the little ones will likely be here by the full moon. He gazes at her with pride and love, and steps a little closer so he can give her a quick nuzzle behind her ear. "I still remember when you were a kit, just like it was yesterday. Bossing around your siblings, staying out of trouble when they'd be too reckless. You kept them reigned in more than your mother and I did sometimes!" He jokes with a chuckle. "I wonder if yours will be half as rambunctious. I can't wait to meet them. I'll kitsit all the time for you, you know." The offer is genuine - he'd love nothing more than to get the chance to watch both of his daughters' litters as often as he can.
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Reactions: Thorny
It had been an easy thing to tell Mudpelt about her pregnancy. There’s not a shroud of judgment in fiery eyes, not a drop of disappointment in his appraising voice. He’s the same easygoing, gentle-hearted father she’s always known and loved. She keeps pace with him, though it doesn’t take long for her paws to ache from their trek to the falls. “No, this may be our last walk for awhile,” she tells him, a hint of amusement lacing her tone. “I’m due this moon, according to Ravensong.

The tortoiseshell’s icy gaze softens as Mudpelt begins to reminisce about her kithood. She had been the dictator, the kit with the firmest grasp on the rules and the strictest voice. Steepsnout had never listened, but she could have Ferngill and Darkwhisker under her tiny paw easily enough. “It wasn’t easy to keep them from getting into trouble,” she mews, blinking up at her father. “But they gave me plenty of practice, didn’t they?

Water slaps against the shoreline, thick with foam. She lets out a soft purr of contentment—it’s great to smell the river, the stretch her legs and feel the newleaf sunshine warm on her pelt. “You’ll meet them soon. You know, Ravensong thinks there might be three of them… what do you think?” She swishes her tail behind her lazily. “Three is a little easier to manage than four, at least.

The copper-pelted tom offers to kitsit all the time. Iciclefang trills with laughter. “I’ll be more than happy to let you,” she purrs with amusement. “It’ll give me a chance to keep my swimming skills sharp!

  • ooc:
  • image0.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 21 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

He chuckles along with her jokes, thinking back to all the times she had to play mother to her own siblings just to keep them in line. He and Icesparkle hadn’t been the sternest parents, after all. He regrets nothing, though. Those times had been wonderful, and his kits all turned out to be incredible warriors, and incredible cats. He’s so proud of all of them.

“Three is a great number!” He trills happily, beaming at her. “You’ll have a free paw, that way,” The joke flutters from his teeth easily, and he flicks his stumpy tail to and fro to show his amusement. He purrs in response to hearing she’d love for him to kitsit. “Anytime,” He murmurs back, his smile wide.

As they make their way closer to the falls and stand by the wall of boulders, he hears her beginning to pant - must be time to head back so she can rest. He turns to her, preparing to say as much before a crack can be heard beside him. After all of the snowmelt, the ground all around their territory has become rather muddy, and he can spot the shifting of a boulder in the soft ground. His maw parts in surprise as wide amber eyes shoot up. Pebbles fall and scatter around them, and before they can move a large, flat rock the size of a a couple badgers tumbles down towards them. One end hits the ground with a loud thud - the other begins to teeter for them. “Run!” He yowls, skittering backwards, but his daughter is not as fast as she once was. He gasps as she stumbles and falls, clumsy with the roundness of her belly. Adrenaline courses through the father’s veins as he lunges forward to protect his little girl and her unborn kits.

The hulking tom braces his legs and back as he stands over her, the rock landing on him with a power he could have never imagined. A pained grunt leaves him, ripping past bared fangs. His muscles scream in protest, his entire body shaking uncontrollably with the exertion, but adrenaline is a funny thing. He peels open his eyes to see Iciclefang under him. “Go,” He grits out, tears gathering in his eyes. “Go now, I’ve got you.” He wants to promise he will follow, but he isn’t sure that's a promise he can keep.
Mudpelt's observation is correct—as they pad along the shore, Iciclefang's flanks begin to heave, her breath short and puffing through clenched teeth. She hates it, hates the exhaustion that begins to tug at her paws; before she'd become pregnant, she'd been athletic, strong, one of RiverClan's fiercest warriors, but now a single meandering walk is enough to condemn her to her nest for the rest of the afternoon. She can see the concerned gleam in his amber eyes, and she's prepared to murmur that she's fine, that they can keep going for a few minutes, when that same golden gaze rips toward the skyline, wide with fear. "Run!" Her father's yowl splits the air.

Pebbles begin to shower around them. Iciclefang jerks her head back, just in time to avoid a sizeable stone from caving her face in. A stone the size of a burly fox begins to crack from the falls; its shadow darkens the earth in front of her. Fear seizes her. She remembers this, the terror building in her throat, mountain stones cascading toward her body, only—only Stormywing isn't here to save her now. The scar seamed along one shoulder burns like fire, a brand of memory. She tries to move, but her paws are clumsy, unaccustomed to carrying extra weight, and she's not able to clear the boulder's shadow in time.

She's going to die, and her kits with her. She crouches, fear like acid eroding the tissue in her throat and choking her attempt to scream.

But then, the impact she's bracing for never comes. She opens her eyes to see Mudpelt's brawny bronze body arching over her. The stone hits his back with a sickening sound, but he's braced himself, his limbs trembling with the effort. Iciclefang wails, “MUDPELT!" He tells her to go—go now, I've got you, and there's so much left unspoken as tears gather in his eyes, so much she cannot say back to him.

He's saved her life—her life, and the life of her kits.

Iciclefang heaves herself to her paws, away from the oppressive shadow the boulder casts. Almost as soon as she does, Mudpelt sinks to his belly, the stone shoving him flat. A wordless yowl tears from her jaws, one that rends the sky with pain and sorrow. He's alive, though—though pain begins to cloud his eyes, though something in them seems to dim, he's alive, and Iciclefang ushers herself closer, her vision misting.

Mudpelt, are you—Father? I'll get help—we'll move the boulder, and Ravensong will fix... will help..." Even as she speaks the words into existence, she knows there's no fixing all that's broken here. The tears splash onto her cheekbones and sliver down her face. “You saved me. You saved the kits. I... Mudpelt..."

She bends closer, the fur on her shoulders spiking into terrified clumps. She doesn't know if he'll still be alive by the timte she heaves herself back to camp and brings a rescue patrol. She turns, hoping there's someone nearby to help her relieve his body of the stone. “Help—HELP!" She shrieks, this time, the tears flowing freely down her cheeks.

  • ooc: this thread is now open :,)
  • image0.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 21 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.


The moment he heard his sister screech, Ferngill was running- but no amount of foresight, no level of intelligence, no instinct would have prepared him for what he raced to face. He'd been terrified something would be snapping at Iciclefang's face, threatening to tear her apart- but what lay before him was something equally sickening, and yet real. Mudpelt lay on the ground, the weight of a boulder bearing on his back. His father was dwarfed by it, and... and Ferngill had never seen his dad look so small.

Freezing in place, Ferngill stared. Studying... for a moment he met Iciclefang's tear-wobbling eyes, a choking, wordless sound tumbling out of his throat. There were a million things he wanted to ask, but he was moving again before he could even think to speak, frantically moving to his father, looking at... at him, at... what hat happened...

"No, what- what..." Ferngill swallowed, hard. It felt like a shard of ice was piercing his throat on the way down. Help, Iciclefang had said, but how? Mudpelt's eyes still gleamed with life, but... but life reaching dusk. No, this wasn't right. Iciclefang hadn't had her kits. Lilybloom hadn't, either. And- and whenever he'd thought of his own kits, wispy little thoughts... he'd imagined Mudpelt's kindly face telling them stories.

Ferngill threw his weight against the boulder- but it didn't move an inch. Gritting his teeth, he tried again, desperate, futile... and he knew it, and panic was clouding his senses. "Dad," he choked out, lip termbling as he drew away, huddling himself to his sister's side. "Dad, no, no..." There wasn't anything to say, wasn't anything to do. The adrenaline began to ebb away, and Ferngill's shoulder ached where he'd bashed it. His tears rained down, darkening spots of his father's chocolate fur.
penned by pin
Last edited:

It wasn't fate that brought Moonpaw to the scene before her nor was it luck. Luck or fate would have been if they'd be able to get Mudpelt out, get him home and healed and free to see his grandchildren run around the nursery and grow to be warriors but instead as Moonpaw moved forward at the sound of Iciclefang's shriek for help the thought that he wouldn't even be able to see them be born flashed through the apprentice's mind. She could be hopeful, she could pray to StarClan that somehow there was a way out of this, that there was a possibility to move that boulder off the shoulders of the beloved clanmate before her and he'd be alive but even without being fully trained, without knowing everything that Ravensong knew, the snow-colored moggie knew that there was no saving him.

As paws moved quickly forward orange eyes watched as siblings sobbed together as they watched the life begin to leave their father and quietly she crouched down to look at the boulder, to look to see if there was even a small glimmer of hope of anything she could do. "I'm so sorry." Was all the apprentice could managed to quietly choke out as she looked upon the scene, her only thought now of getting this boulder off, getting him freed so that when the time came he could be buried and maybe, just maybe, if they got it off quick enough he could speak to his children one last time, one time before he joined the stars. And with that she would put he shoulder against boulder, claws digging into the namesake of the dying warrior and she would wait for others to come near too before pushing the best she could, pushing to get the boulder off of him.

  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ACHES & PAINS
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ BROKEN BONES
    ꕥꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 73712454_CoST7yg1gTxVXmM.jpg
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    9 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆
Ferngill's departure is abrupt... It is uncharacteristically frantic and lacks explanation and she thinks to call after him, ask him where he's going but what's summoned him finally registers in her ears. Iciclefang never screams like that. For all the time the pale-furred deputy had worked with her, watched her grow, she'd been a stubborn thing that held her emotions with a vice grip inside sharp, cage-like ribs. Weakness wasn't shared... she wouldn't allow it. Even in the silence of her secrets, she stood round and heavy with conviction. A stoicism that matched her name, a frigidness that spoke to a nature taught to her.

It is green-leaf.

In quick pursuit, reed-striped points chase after a beacon of orange between the undergrowth, watching Ferngill's hind legs disappear between the brush with a speed she wouldn't have attributed to such a happy-go-lucky tom. He is afraid... the bristling fur along his spine tells it more willingly than his litter-mate ever would. He is only there a few moments before Lichentail joins them, crashing between flimsy new-leaf foliage with claws outstretched in preparation. Iciclefang looks completely unharmed and with a confused tension of a clenched jaw, her eyes travel from heavy, panting sides towards her face, for those frigid blues. The warmth of the air is not as much a comfort as it had been a moment ago.

The ice melts now.

The flame-bright fur of Mudpelt's son moves to shoulder at the boulder that pins him. She doesn't hesitate to move, to help, to shove at it beside him and in horrified tandem realize it is useless. This thing... even if they could get him out from under it.... He'd... There's no way he'd ever walk again. A sick feeling takes hold, makes her queasy. She'd been so... content... to rub it in Howlingstar's face in careful, uncaring questions that Stormfeather had returned as a shell of her potential.

The irony tastes like ash in her mouth.

Ferngill retreats to sit beside Iciclefang while Lichentail stares at the two of them. There's... no fixing this. But he's still breathing and while Mudpelt won't be alone, it will be torture. He can't hold them like the small kittens he remembers them as. A sharpness in her chest- empathy?- to think of how she couldn't comfort her own children from the confines of near-death recovery.

"You did... what you had to," she says, turning towards the chocolate, wheezing tom with a stubborn clenching and unclenching of her jaw to keep back the bile in her throat. Don't leave him alone. Bending down to touch her nose to his cheek, her frown quivers as she withdraws the last warm touch she'll get from her den-mate. "You did... perfectly. They're perfect," and she hopes he understands it's a final compliment of his life's work-

A compliment he'd been the perfect father to the very end.


Hazecloud would like to argue he keeps her prisoner in camp, but she is mostly joking (mostly), the queens were always allowed to take their walks and enjoy the river still as long someone was with them. Preferably someone trustworthy and that someone in this instance was Mudpelt. The chocolate tom had been a constant presence in RiverClan from its humble beginnings, hardly the ambitious sort - he had existed in a quiet middle ground of being dutiful but not as overtly overbearing as most the workaholics of the clan. Sometimes Smokestar found himself envious of such a life, to bask content with a growing family and leave the worries and hardships to cats with more tenacity than he but such peace was never possible for a cat like himself. He'd devoted his soul to Cicadastar's RiverClan and then eventually hit heart, and anything less than perfection wasn't tolerated. At least, it used to not be.
He doesnt bat an eye when Iciclefang leaves with her father on a walk, it never even crosses his mind to be concerned as the most powerful force in the world was a father whose kit was in danger. Oh, how it hurts to realize it is also ones greatest weakness.

Smokestar hears the cry, it takes a moment to register it at first before he is moving swiftly and following the sudden addition of yowls from Ferngill's own throat; he arrives to see brown fur pressed into the earth beneath stone so heavy it is a wonder there is still life yet clinging to the tom's crumpled figured. His breath catches and he stares, mind a blur of what to do - they could dig out around it but Stars it would take so long and they had little time. He glances to the side, the two sibling leads at his shoulder huddled together and expressions broken and distraught and they have already accepted what was to come; he feels like Mudpelt has as well. The dark tom inhales deeply, stepping forward alongside Lichentail who utters the most warming praise one can for a parent: 'you did well'. StarClan, had he, two lead warriors, all of his kits dutiful and proud RiverClanners - even Steepsnout who had fallen to yellowcough moons before. He'd left a legacy few cats would ever hope to obtain.
"StarClan takes from me my finest warriors, you are a testament of what all cats should aspire to be - your kits are RiverClan's best, your grandkits carry a proud bloodline of loyalty and strength. Thank you-" For his service to the clan? For saving Iciclefang? For what exactly? Smokestar doesn't say, but the words are heavy and he resists the urge to turn away, to not see light fade from warm golden eyes because he has seen so much already; but he steels himself and maintains eye contact. What is one more burden?
"Go with peace." I'm sorry.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
With new-leaf came change, petal-laced and touched by the soft chirps of returning birds overhead.
With her mate officially tucked away in the nursery, Lakemoon had taken it upon herself to spend as much time with her as the silvery warriors schedule would allow. Although, she had not yet seen her brindled queen today, made instead to perch at the rivers bank awaiting something silvered and scaly to slip into waiting claws.
A scarred muzzle lifts, eyes narrowing as the plead for aid rises over the thrum of the nearby waterfall.
That was Iciclefangs voice, although Lakemoon can hardly recall the warrior to be so frantic. Instantly, the willowy Riverclanner is on her paws, racing towards the direction in which Lilybloom’s sister had cried from.
When Lakemoon finally arrives, her leader, deputy, healer in training are all crowded around something, Ferngill throws himself against a fallen boulder, while Iciclefang is stricken with an expression of pure horror.
Lakemoon pushes herself forward, her heart sinking as azure optics catch the sight of a chocolate pelt, crushed under the boulder Ferngill had been so desperate to move.
"Mudpelt." The name is almost silent, exhaled in one shocked breath. The tom had been one of the first to extend his kindness towards her when Lakemoon had just parted from her family, and life as she had known it. He had always been supportive of her and Lilybloom, ecstatic when both of his daughters revealed that they were starting families of their own.
Yet, Lakemoon cannot bring herself to go near, to whisper good-byes of her own quite yet. Instead, she moves towards Ferngill and Iciclefang first, pressing a shoulder blade slightly against Iciclefangs as a means of support, Lakemoon had no comfort to give.
When she looks once more towards Mudpelt, there is a clear expression of grief.
Go with peace her leader says, and the blue tabby only gives a soft nod, oceanic hues clouding with dread at the thought of Lilybloom back in camp. Sitting, waiting in blissful ignorance.


  • Crying
Reactions: MUDPELT
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — A shriek splits the air, and it's one that Swiftfire has never heard before - nor has she ever even imagined hearing. As long as she had been in Riverclan, it had seemed impossible for Iciclefang of all cats to end up screaming like that. One frantic shriek so full of despair and desperation, and a grief that sank into the former colonist's own bones even from a distance. She was so stunned that she was far from the first to go rushing off in the direction of the queen's cry, Ferngill bolting off frantically only to be followed by the worried forms of both their deputy and leader. That was enough to spur the evenly divided chimera into action, short and wary steps carrying her slowly towards soft, pained voices in the distance. But why couldn't she even smell blood properly? Why was everyone so devastated when she couldn't sense the rot of death on the air?

But then she sees him.


A warrior that she had heard many a story about since her joining, one remembered fondly and treated with respect by all of those around him. She'd seen his darkened fur pass her by in camp several times before, and now he was just... crushed. Only he wasn't even crushed properly, his body practically cleaved in two. Swiftfire wasn't even sure how he was still alive, the pain of such a brutal incident unimaginable to the only slightly older warrior. Her own stomach - mercifully not horribly crushed beneath the weight of a boulder - was twisted into terrible knots, nausea gripping her body like the vicious jaws of an enormous predator. She was forced to tear her gaze away and focus it towards the ground just to steady herself, claws digging in as she tried to make sense of the scene in front of her. "There's gotta be... something. We have to be able to do something. Moonpaw, isn't there anything...?" The medicine cat apprentice's simple words only crushed down further on her, brushing away any hope she may have been holding onto with the force of one of Windclan's gales.

Yet still she moved forward alongside Ferngill and Lichentail, shoving in vain against the massive obstacle that pinned Mudpelt's dying body to the ground. The weight was far too much, the addition of her own frantic pushing doing nothing to move it even an inch. "Please, Starclan. This isn't fair." It wasn't. Not when Ferngill was standing here, trying so desperately to help him. Not when Mudpelt's own daughter stood in sorrow nearby, her belly swelling with what would be his grandchildren. Didn't he have a right to meet them? Couldn't Starclan work a miracle just this once, if not for Mudpelt's sake, but for Iciclefang's?

There was no miracle to be found though, her shoulders slowly slumping as she pressed her forehead against the rough surface of the massive stone. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Swiftfire wasn't sure who she was apologizing to - Mudpelt himself? Ferngill? Iciclefang? Any one of them, really. She just wished desperately that she could've done more. Could've actually helped somehow. Instead she was finally forced to take a step back, a brief sob leaving her throat before she looked into Mudpelt's fading gaze. "Goodbye, Mudpelt. I wish... I wish I could've gotten to know you better." Her words were painfully earnest, eyes glimmering with unshed tears as she stepped further back so that Mudpelt's family could surround him.

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    40 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
  • Crying
Reactions: MUDPELT
Tears gather in his eyes from the pain - stars, it hurts, but he watches his daughter crawl to safety and he's glad. For a moment, he thinks maybe he can make it out of this. If he moves fast enough, just maybe. But his muscles shriek, twitching and shivering like dying prey. It's no use. He's just not strong enough. A ferocious grunt leaves him as he fights, fights, and fights, but the boulder forces him to the ground anyway.

A cry leaves him as he feels his body break. Ribs snap, pressure builds until he can hardly breathe. From his chest down, he is pinned into the mud by the stone. Forelegs splayed out before him, his head rests on the ground as blood begins to trickle from his nose. His daughter screams for help, and he blinks up at her, gaze pained, and for a moment, frightened. He doesn't want to die. "Iciclefang-" He rasps, wincing with the effort. "It's okay. It's okay. I....I don't regret it." He does regret he won't be around to see his grandchildren play. He regrets he won't be there when his daughters will need him most, when their kits are needy and loud and only he can have the power to entertain them. He regrets he'll never see Ferngill become a mentor. He regrets many things, but dying in place of his child isn't one of them.

His son is there next. He runs forward, slams his shoulder into the rock. Moonpaw and Swiftfire join him - but even if they did move it, the damage would have already been done. Blood seeps from his mouth, now, too. He wheezes, "'s okay." Just as he'd told his sister. He feels the tom's tears rain down upon his cheek, and his own tears follow, dripping to the ground and seeping into the earth. He doesn't want to die. He doesn't want to die. He mourns for himself, and he mourns for everything he'll miss out on, everything he'd thought he'd be there for. He grins weakly up at his children, and suddenly they're kits again in his eyes, faces round and eyes wide with curiosity. "I love you...both so (wheeze) so much. Tell Darkwhisker, t-too...I-"

He shudders out a breath, blood dribbling in a gentle puddle on the ground.

There are more cats there now. He hears Lichentail, the deputy murmuring words to him that make his tears come faster. His eyes shut as he shakes in silent, weak sobs. Thank you. Her words mean more to him than he could ever tell. His kits, they are his life. They're his entire world. Smokestar tells him his kits are RiverClan's best, and his amber gaze opens again, looks up to try to find his black-pelted leader but his vision grows hazy. He is able to force the words from his mouth this time. "Thank you," He croaks, voice growing scratchier. He hopes his kits remember him with pride. It's all he would want. He hopes his grandchildren will know his name, even if only from stories.

He lifts his head again, trying to find his kits once more, but instead finding Lakemoon. Fading amber meets somber blue as he gazes at his eldest daughter's mate earnestly. "Tell her I love her....and she'll be a great mom...I know it." He cries more, jaws parting as more ragged breaths come. He can feel himself fading. Swiftfire's apologies are met with a blink, a smile. "It's okay," He says again, a broken record. He'd do it again and again if it meant he could save Iciclefang.

He looks to her now, along with Ferngill. The edges of his vision grow darker as he gazes once more upon his children, the loves of his life. "Tell Icesparkle...I'm sorry....that I won't be coming home tonight." He cries hardest of all for her. His love, the only she-cat who'd ever claimed his heart. She'd always hold it. He'll wait for her in StarClan for a million moons. "Tell her to take her time," He rasps as his eyes finally fall shut, slowly, like in a dream.

He watches his life, then. Blurred faces of his mother and father, dead before he could have any proper memories of them. His older brother leading him to loners' dens, where they'd stolen fresh-kill as kits just to get by. Learning to fish from a kindly older she-cat, and finally being able to feed himself and his sibling. Stumbling upon Rain's colony in the pine forest and meeting Ice, who'd captured his heart the moment their eyes met. Welcoming Lily into the world, the light of his life. Fighting in the Great Battle and choosing to join Cicadastar in RiverClan with his family. The birth of his second litter; stars, they'd been so small. Training Ferngill for all those moons - he hadn't minded it'd taken longer, it only meant more time with his son.

His final thoughts are of his son splashing into the water, paddling towards him with such strength and vigor. 'Look, Dad! I'm doing it!'

'You're doing it!' He'd yelled back to him. 'You're almost to me, Fernpaw! Just a little further!'

But when that ginger paw reaches the rock, it's no longer ginger. It's black and white, and when he looks up, he smiles at the star-speckled figure he sees. "Steepsnout."

With that final word, Mudpelt shudders his last breath and falls still.
Her cry does not go unheeded. The reeds tremble, a flame-colored figure rushing on swift paws to where Mudpelt lays crushed. Ferngill’s voice trembles with protest, but he seems to know what she does—that their denial is futile, that their father is preparing to meet StarClan. She watches her littermate shove his shoulder into the stone that pins Mudpelt to the earth, her ears flattening against her skull. “It won’t move,” she whispers.

The other cats who’d been on patrol nearby stream into the clearing. Smokestar’s solemn eulogy, Lichentail’s whispered reassurance, Moonpaw and Swiftfire’s apologies—she leans into Lakemoon’s touch, her body stiff and cold. “I’m sorry,” they say, but she should be the one who’s sorry. It was her carelessness, her foolishness, that had caused this to happen. “I should never have asked to…” Pain chokes her voice, snaps it in half. She lets the sentence die.

Now, she must let her father do the same. She bends toward what remains of him, toward the shaking jaw and shivering whiskers as pain clouds amber eyes. He’s speaking, but it’s so much effort; it’s like she’s pulling the words from his throat. “It’s okay,” he tells her, and she clenches her teeth against the sob that threatens to erupt from between them. “I love you,” she chokes, unable to say anything else. It should be the last thing he hears from her—it should be the words she sends him home to Steepsnout with.

And then the last thing he says—her sister’s name. Joy replaces the pain in his eyes. Iciclefang can feel her here, she thinks, a sturdy black-and-white warrior with fire in her gaze brushing pelts with her. “Be good to him,” she murmurs, fighting desperately against a voice that threatens to crack and splinter. “Goodbye, Mudpelt.

As the life leaves his eyes, she presses her nose to his cheek one final time.

  • ooc:
  • image0.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 21 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

  • Crying
Reactions: Blitz Krieg

Go with peace. Goodbye, Mudpelt. I'm sorry. You did what you had to. The words swirled around him, but Ferngill could not name the voices in this blinding sorrow, the mounting blur of tears in his single eye. He relented to the blindness, letting Mudpelt's fading voice and the weight of Iciclefang at his side be his only anchor to reality. To cruel, cruel reality.

Hiccupping sobs stammered from Ferngill's throat, neverending, like the river itself. In the haze, he remembered fleeting moments. Remembered shimmering encouragement at the seventh-hundred fish-catching failure. Remembered sailing through the water toward his father's grinning face, finally feeling as if he'd found his thing. Remembered crumpling into his father's fur, his face ablaze with the sting of fox claws, Mudpelt's voice cutting through the tinnitus and agony to murmur, it's okay, Dad's here.

And until the very end, Dad was here. Always there for his children, throwing himself beneath the earth to save Iciclefang. He didn't regret it, he said, and Ferngill would've expected nothing less. Sobs spurted from him unstoppably, but the fiery tom forced his eye open to meet his father's gaze. It wouldn't be fair, wouldn't be good, to refuse to look at him now. I love you both so much. The words rang in his head like the cawing of a vulture.

With plodding resolve, Ferngill stepped forward, touching his nose to his father's face as he murmured, "I love you so much, Dad." Voice razed and croaked, he soon collapsed into sorrow again, feeling only the fading warmth of Mudpelt beside him for a few long moments. When he drew away, he no longer saw the gleaming eyes that he'd surged toward in the river all those moons ago, but instead a pair of yellow stars that looked somewhere beyond seeing. Heart skipping a beat, his face softened at Mudpelt's final word.

"Steepsnout," he echoed, awestruck. She was here to take him- she was here. If he concentrated, maybe he'd hear her strong, sturdy footsteps nearing the boulder, pulling his father's spirit away from the pain of death and into the bountiful stars.
penned by pin
  • Crying
Reactions: Blitz Krieg
She had been there since the stone struck, the impact so dreadful there was no avoiding what came next. Lichentail’s reassurances, Smokestar’s commendation, Swiftfire- the gathered came into clarity as Steepsnout strode closer. The black and white of her fur was half cosmos and comet, stretched across the silhouette of the warrior in her prime. Only as death settled, creeping up to still the limbs and lungs, did Mudpelt see her.


A broad smile, cracked with fondness and sorrow mirrored the the chestnut tom’s as his heart stammered to a stop. "Hey dad, I’ve come to getch’ya" It didn’t feel real, to see him struck down. All her life Steepsnout had felt her dad unstoppable, steady and warm like the sun on a cat’s back. He had been there as they left the nursery, bright beside Icesparkle, when they'd been apprenticed, taught countless lessons, been a stalwart warrior moon on moon... even been there the day she met Starclan, bundled on a moss bed. Protecting their every step, even now.

Flanked so closely by her sister, moons of patrolling and fishing with her siblings glazed the mind. When sickness had sapped her life, Ferngill and Iciclefang had still been on the journey for the cure. Seeing them now, her brother named and the pair of them lead warriors, the subtle strike of jealousy at not being able to join them was squashed resolutely flat. Pride for their growing family bolstered her stance.

“Wish you guys could see me,” the words peaked from a tremulous chuckle, moon-round eyes drifting from their father to the pair. "But I’ll take care of him, you know I will. Keep yourselves safe." Her vow would go unheard, she knew, but Steepsnout hoped some inkling of it shielded them from harm.

A stellar mist blanketed his departure. "C’mon," Chin butting his, she stood aside to let Mudpelt move on. "I’ll show you the way."