In her dreams tonight, Iciclefang is in the mountains. Snow falls in steady ivory spirals from a violet-bellied sky; flakes catch in her whiskers, just as her breath catches in her throat. She’s looking up, up, at a pine taller than anything in RiverClan’s territory; the scent spices her nose, settles like fiery nectar on her tongue. There’s a she-cat waiting for her in the branches, amidst the needles, her eyes like amber fire. “You made that look easy,” she hears herself say; her voice is husky in the snowy twilight. A gray-striped white face peers through the shadows, golden gaze wide and earnest.

“Beautiful,” she whispers, and Iciclefang is now in the tree with her. Pine scent cocoons them in warmth. “The… the moon.” And there is a wondrous ripe moon hanging before them, between the mountain peaks protruding from the earth like claws stretching toward the star-strewn sky.

A twist tugs in her lower belly. She jolts awake, eyes watery and breath misting in the air. It’s warmer now—it’s newleaf, and the river pounds away at the shores of their camp’s island. The other queens slumber, curled around their kits, their own protruding bellies. It’s quiet in camp—the moon hangs like a circlet of silver in the sky, round and full, just like in her dream.

Another pain sears down her middle. She gasps at the intensity—it’s like something is tearing her from the inside with claws, like she has battle wounds none can see with their naked eye. And it’s coming again, again—faster each time. “Stars,” she whispers, pushing herself into a standing position amidst the moss and feathers of her nest… but there’s no point. Where is she going? She can’t go to Stormywing—and the medicine cats would come here, surely, to the nursery where kittings happen. She hesitates before agony thickens about her stomach again, and then she collapses back into her nest, a low groan snaking from between her clenched teeth.

The kits… are coming,” she hisses, hoping she awakens one of the other residents. “I need… I need—” Something shears her insides with fangs, and she bites back a moan. There’s nothing to do now but anchor herself in her nest and hold on, she knows that much, at least, but the pain… she hadn’t prepared herself mentally for how brutal this process could be.

Paws patter, announcing the arrival of the medicine cat apprentice. Iciclefang regards her with deep, round blue eyes. “Moonpaw.” She misses Ravensong’s quiet authority already, but there’s no waiting for his return—if he does. Moonpaw will have to suffice. “The kits are coming now, I think,” she says, and as if to prove her point, a contraction trembles through her abdomen; she sinks her claws into her nest and hisses.

If she’s offered a stick, she will take it into her jaws—if she’s offered an herb, she will scrape it onto her tongue and swallow—but she’s in limbo now, in some world where the only thing that exists is the fiery burn in her stomach, the wrenching red agony of childbirth.

This is a battle, though, that she would win. Her claws sink into the moss and begin to shred. The smell of blood is on the air—and there’s a kit mewling, noisy and free and full of life. She lays her eyes upon him for the first time; her tongue finds his sticky pelt and she licks, fluffing the fur with her mouth. It’s soft and gray, so like his ThunderClan mother’s pelt, but with a blaze of white like lightning across his face. She continues to lick him clean, conscious now of another sensation welling inside of her, one so ferocious it almost sweeps her away. My son. Her son, her son, he had come to her at last, and she nestles him into the crook of her body where he can feed. She thinks of her mountain dream, of gray stone peaks clawing the sky’s belly, and she murmurs, “Cragkit.

The second kit comes swifter, easier, than the first had, and Iciclefang is grateful in the crimson mist of her exhaustion. When this one is nosed toward her face, she has to smile, remembering Swiftfire’s comment about a little Iciclefang—this kit has her pelt, tortoiseshell, shadow-and-flame. She fluffs it with her tongue, admiring the pushed-in little nose, the squeaking pink mouth. My daughter. Her second child is nudged into place beside her littermate, just as her midsection wrenches again. Iciclefang thinks of the climb, following Stormywing into the dense, heavily-spiced branches of the pine tree, of the moonlight reflected in the fire of her lover’s gaze. She places her nose gently against the tiny she-kit’s body and says, “Pinekit.

Ravensong had been correct—perhaps the ebony-furred medicine cat is wiser than he knows. A third kit is born, startlingly sunkissed in the early morning gloom. His fur fluffs up under her tongue, blazing fire and silky cream. This son reminds her immediately of Ferngill, and, remembering the part her beloved brother has played in their story, her heart fills with fierce warmth. The ferocity of her love crashes into her, wave after wave, as she nudges the final child into the softness of her flank. This son shall bear the love she has for RiverClan, the Clan she had given her mate up for—he shall be, “Crabkit.

With that, at last, she relaxes, her throat rumbling with broken, stuttering purrs.

  • ooc: kits: @CRAGKIT @Pinekit. @CRABKIT ; @Moonpaw ; feel free to be the one who goes to get Moonpaw!
  • image0.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 21 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

Wandering through the starlit gloom like a shadow, Bumblepaw navigated the darkness slowly, her mind blearily set on the dirt pile after being abruptly awakened by nature's call. However, her journey was interrupted by a pained groan that caught her attention, causing tufted ears to twitch with concern. Huh? Yellow eyes flashed as she peered over raven tousled fur, a sense of alarm washing over her as she heard whispers emanating from the nursery beds.

Realizing that something was amiss, Bumblepaw shook off her sleepiness and changed course, stumbling sluggishly toward the mouth of the den. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, she surveyed the scene, gaze falling upon Iciclefang, who appeared to be in distress. It didn't take long for her to realize what was happening— Iciclefang was kitting.

With a surge of adrenaline, Bumblepaw's pelt bristled with alarm, and she let out a strangled whisper-shout. "I-I'll get a Medicine Cat!" With determined steps, she hurried away from several piles of sleeping clanmates, long tail streaming behind her as she made a mad dash for the familiar sedges.

Skidding to a halt upon reaching the nesting material, Bumblepaw raised her voice to rouse her former denmate. "Hey, hey Moonpaw - Iciclefang is kitting! Come on!" Her tone was filled with excitement, barely concealing her delight at the prospect of new life joining the clan. Despite the urgency of the situation, she couldn't help but feel a sense of joy at the thought of welcoming the new arrivals. But first, they needed to ensure that Iciclefang received the help she needed to bring her kits into the world safely.

Ran off to get @Moonpaw !

No one roused him, so thank the stars Ferngill was a light sleeper. He'd have lain at the bottom of the river if he'd missed it- and then, as he surged toward the mouth of the nursery, had realised he probably shouldn't be in there. That didn't stop him from anxiously pacing outside, back and forth- maybe if, through the red haze, Iciclefang had looked toward the entrance she might have seen a flash of ginger, flickering, craning his neck to make sure nothing was going wrong.

Thankfully, thankfully, it didn't. With the void his father had left, a crippling clawful twisting in his heart, Ferngill didn't know if he could have handled something happening to Iciclefang or any of her kits. Three of them, Ravensong had guessed. And Ferngill was right to have unwavering faith in his friend, because when he looked upon the three bundles of colour nestled at his sister's belly, squirming and squeaking, his breath caught with awe- at the prediction, but mostly just at them.

They were real. It was a stupid thing to think, but Ferngill's eyes already welled up with tears as he walked toward them, crouching by Iciclefang's head to look upon them. She wouldn't be alone in this, he'd promised her. "They're amazing," he said, pressing his nose briefly to his sister's ear. "You did so well." A solitary eye of green shone with the unshakeable love he had for her, and now for her kits. But that love hadn't fragmented, a piece given to each of them- no, it had swelled fourfold. An equal light glimmering within each of them, and Ferngill felt he might burst.

One of them looked like Stormywing, undeniably. That shade of grey was a perfect match- and he bore a strong name, a strength found in his estranged mother. "Oh, look at him..." he said, feeling a pang of guilt in his heart. Unfair guilt... in time, he would quash it, and he would love this kit for who he was, not what he reminded him of.

The next was a near carbon-copy of her mother- and Ferngill's own mother, by extension. "And- and she looks just like you..." he murmured, something she'd probably already noticed. A tear dislodged from his eye.

The third- three of them, it was so amazing- was bright pelted, like the sunset. Sleeplessness pressed a headache into his skull, but he looked at the third kit with all the adoration he could muster, a kit who carried daubs on his back splashed from the ginger that ran through Iciclefang's pelt, through Icesparkle's pelt, and was mirrored all across Ferngill's own. "And- wow, orange runs in the family!"

A laugh shook Ferngill's shoulders, shining green eye looking upon them in silence for a few moments. These kits were the gauze over the bleeding wound that ripping Stormywing away had caused, he was sure of it... he hoped Iciclefang felt that mending force. He could tell from the rumbling purrs in her throat that she loved them, she was happy, and that was all he wanted for her. "Hi there," he chirped quietly, voice high with awe, creaking with emotion. "I'm your uncle Ferngill. I've been so excited to meet you guys." Mudpelt would have loved you, came a tearful thought, glimmering with emotion, with sorrow, with hope.
penned by pin
Last edited:
  • Like
Reactions: CRAGPAW

It had been difficult to sleep at night with all the commotion in the nursery. Hazecloud had instructed Twinklekit and her litter-mates to resume laying down and go to sleep, and so she tried. There were slivers in the night where she managed to succumb to sleep, but those moments were short lasting and abruptly ended whenever Iciclefang sounded in pain.

Sunlight filters into the den as Ferngill’s bright orange figure slips into the nursery. Groggily she blinks sleep from her eyes and lets out a dainty yawn. The silver kit was just relieved morning was at last here so she didn’t have to try forcing herself to sleep again, but come sun-high she’d probably be as cranky as a fox in result of the improper sleep she had.

Curiously, Twinklekit creeps over to the hind leg of Iciclefang. Peering over it she looks at the three newborn kit’s in awe. They weren’t anything like she had been expecting them to look like, mostly pink and naked, but in their own way they were still cute.

”When can we play?” Twinklekit asks obliviously with a smile.
  • » Twinklekit
    » RiverClan Kit
    » She/her . AFAB
    » A pretty blue lynx sepia with blue eyes
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A meager kitten, defeating her is no boastful feat.
    » Excels in hiding, running from danger.
    » Fights defensively to survive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
  • Love
Reactions: waluigipinball

Earlier in her training, Hazecloud had given birth. It was a first for the apprentice, the first ever time she had helped with such a thing and the days leading up to it Ravensong had taught her so much that she thought she wouldn't be able to fit it into her mind. She was sure that everything she'd learned would leave her forever, so much information quickly crammed in there, but as newleaf came and more and more cats found out they were pregnant they had gone over the information together once more and it was then that it had stuck. She'd learned back then what herbs to use and to bring a stick - the stick, something she never thought would be used for her duties had stuck with her - and though thanks to the cooperation of Iciclefang Ravensong had been able to help teach Moonpaw the various steps through pregnancy and what to watch out for she still felt nervous. She had known the time was coming any day now, any cat could see it really with how round the queen was, with how often she stayed within the nursery compared to before, but still when Bumblepaw ran to come get her she was surprised.

Quickly she gathers the supplies she needs, running on autopilot as best that she could before moving to the nursery. Silently she nod, quicker than words as she moved forward and offered the queen chervil and the stick, thankful that she was quick to take them and didn't protest. As each kit is born healthy and alive in the dark of the nursery Moonpaw couldn't help but feel relief rush through her, proud that Iciclefang had brought the life into the clan and that all seemed to be well, all would be well. As soon as each kit was licked clean and moved to the belly of their mother Moonpaw would look them over the best she could before nodding to herself. "They're all three beautiful Iciclefang, beautiful and healthy. Rest as best you can, I'll be nearby." As close as she could be within earshot while being out of the way of the family that was sure to come in.

As soon as Moonpaw moved to the entrance she cast a nod to Ferngill, a sign that his sister was fine and that he could move in and she sat outside the nursery, ready to shoo away those that would cause there to be too many within the den though she would still share the news - Iciclefang and her kits were healthy - though she wouldn't share more than that, news of how many and what their names were left to their mother to share.

  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ACHES & PAINS
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ BROKEN BONES
    ꕥꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    9 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed

sleep finds her with difficulty since her return. each night with her head down fathers funk in her nose, clusters her chest until she is sitting with her chin tilted high over hazecloud’s flank, dove bone ribs fluttering harsh against her sleeping littermates. she is awake when iciclefang begins to kit ; makes a sound of pain and shellkit perks her ears, lifting first amongst the waking heads of all her siblings. they are shushed easily, the youngest of them coaxed back to sleep with some difficulty. shellkit finds herself smug, the low simmering pride of being older flaring in the way she stays sitting up, resting against her foster mother to watch as iciclefang turns, and turns, and shifts, and keens. it looks uncomfortable, moreso she’d imagine with her unwavering stare, half - mast eyes of ruddy copper, ever unblinking.

in time, she relaxes into hazecloud, rests her muzzle in an upward tilt and swallows against the gurgle in her throat. sleep ebbs her body into something light, swaying, paper thin lids slipping closed only for — something to happen. ferngill slips into the sedge den and shellkit rouses once more, fading back into an agitated consciousness as twinklekit stirs beside her. frustration flexes her paws, finding her way to her elbows without the she-kits feather soft presence aside her. her flank chills with sudden draft and she lifts to follow the blue ribboned molly, a complaint hanging at the edge of her tongue before comprehension dawns over her. kits. iciclefang’s kits were here. the tortoiseshell tucks three little bodies closer, bodies small and wet and ugly as the babies had been a long, long time ago. she names them, in a voice weak but adoring, a voice far softer than she’d ever heard from the lead’s alabaster striped maw.

twinklekit’s wandering is mostly forgotten as shellkit peers over her, limbs wound to dart back if the queen snaps at them for their peeping, ” cra-buhkit and cra-guhkit.. “ she pronounces, slowly, a short, slow nod on each drawn syllable. pinekit is nearly forgotten in her kitlike wonder, in the smile that dances across giggling lips, ” that’s sooo silly. “

  • i.

  • 78128943_yaDvHMkfWJwxrdy.png

    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes..
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of shell - touched cream, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore. feather breath and elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined warm, sugared amber ---------- ° ❀ ⋆
    currently exhibiting symptoms of whitecough. this includes a running nose, wheezing, sluggishness, and labored breathing. please keep contagion in mind.

  • Haha
Reactions: Marquette

-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- There’s a tragedy to be found here, to exist in comfortable nothingness for moons, what little consciousness gained tucked in the safety of her mothers abdomen instantaneously wiped away the moment this mere scrap of ember and coal is forced to move.
Move where? She doesn’t quite know, merely made to follow in suite of whatever had been sharing this void with her only minutes ago.
Now, all she knows is this glacial environment, and the feeling of heaviness.
The darkness remains intact, the silence. At first, the child squirms as she is presented to her mother, twig-thin limbs still undeveloped in the sense that she has no real control over them, over the way they stretch for the plush warmth that radiates from somewhere nearby, all the child knows is she desperately wants to reach for it.
Then? Well. She doesn’t have to. The brindled newborn is dubbed “Pinekit,” though the kitten cannot hear the name bestowed to her, it does not matter when she is placed back down and tucked into the feathery comfort that smells of milk. Now, nothing else matters.

  • PINEKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, 2 moons.
    plush-furred tortoiseshell she-kit with white dipped forepaws, tail tip, and muzzle and round, honey hued optics.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragkit && Crabkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 In a patchwork of ginger, cream, and white, the kit is introduced to a world dark and silent. The world around is cold, setting tiny limbs trembling, but soon after he is embraced in the warmth of his mother’s grooming licks. A pink mouth parts to release the tiniest of mews, paws flailing gently as he is given his name. Crabkit, he is gifted by his mother—a name to honor the land he will live and grow upon. A monument to his mother’s love for her clan, a name that will grow just as he does.

The kit is coaxed to his mother’s side and he goes easily, eagerly. The scent of milk is new, but it is enticing nonetheless. Miniscule paws, rippling with fire and ice, knead against his mother’s stomach as he takes his first drink of milk. At his side, he can feel his siblings wiggling; unbeknownst to Crabkit, they will soon be among the most important parts of his world.
༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝   Riverkit had nearly slept through it all. His dreams aren't as vibrant as Iciclefang's, or as heavy as Shellkit's. It's a quiet peace. Like floating on a cloud for a whole night. But when this one starts drifting away from him, sleepy eyes opening, it's to a whole lot of other cats around them. And a few cats that are entirely new. "Crabkit?" he echoes sleepily. "Why's he crabby?" He stands up from his place in Hazecloud's nest, creeping closer to Iciclefang and to the kits that are not the first kits he had seen in his stay here. They're so small. Itty bitty, was he ever that small? Shellkit was. Maybe only Shellkit.

He assumes it is the one that is colored so bright it almost hurts, like someone'd peeled off all of Icy's orange put it right onto a new cat. "None of them look crabby," he huffs, then yawns with flattened ears and squished eyes. "We had to wait soooo long to play with you," he mumbles, toddling towards Eveningkit. "They gotta figure out how to– follow rules and stuff. First." Having decided that all is well and none of her kits were actually super grumpy, Riverkit returns to his nest a silent sentry, having already decided he would keep an eye on them from here. If he falls asleep on watch, well. . . no he didn't.

  • ooc:
  • "speech"
    ——  a messy blue tabby with low white. though small and slimmed down by the chill, riverkit's thick coat will bounce back with time and love. the fragility beneath his fur will dissipate with time. though currently stocky as most kittens are, he will gain some semblance of delicate stature with age. with a steady diet, riverkit may begin to fit into the clan he's so proudly named for.

It was like having to fight his way through a throng of enemy just to get into the nursery at all with how many kittens he had to step over and clanmates he had to bend around but eventually after some struggle Smokestar stood there panting and staring with that lone orange eye wide. He'd been on patrol, just returning when he caught wind of what was happening and he'd let Ferngill race off first before moving to join, unaware of the crowd that was about to be right there in the way. The den felt suddenly quite claustrophobic so he wouldn't linger, but he offered a smile as he gazed down at the wriggling forms alongside Iciclefang's belly. It felt like not even a moon ago he was watching her as one of those tiny scraps of fur, the first litter born in RiverClan - one of them even looked alarmingly like she did making the comparison all the more warming. The other two were much different - one with a ginger coat like her brother and another all white with black spotting. A small part of him tries to match the appearances to any sire he might be able to think of in the clan, curious as to who fathered these future warriors with such a strong bloodline but he did not dwell on it long, too caught up in the excitement.
"Congratulations, Iciclefang...they're beautiful." And such good names too, he still feels embarrassed thinking of his own kits being named so simply and with such struggle. He could at least claim Cricketpaw's now though.
"I will give you space, if you have need of anything feel free to put any passing apprentice to work." For her and the other queens, he was sure Hazecloud would teach her how to grab a young cats ear as they crept by and threaten them for food or moss. He turns, head lifted up, "Try not to crowd, kits. The little ones need time." His tail sweeps gently along Shellkit and then flicks up to Riverkit's nose.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

He is the first of his siblings to enter this brand new world, a tiny soldier leading the charge as he wriggles in the mossy nest. Tiny, pathetic grunts of contempt leave him as he struggles, tiny lips parting to finally release one big, grand, MEW! He can smell something warm and delightful, but in all his wiggling he can't get to it. That is, until someone noses him closer to a warm, plump belly. The newly dubbed Cragkit latches hungrily, his angry mewls continuing even as he swallows the milk. Something warm and wet is cast upon his little body - a lick. Briefly, he releases his hold to argue, another sharp cry hitting the air before he remembers that he's hungry. So he latches again, and continues to eat, his tiny, folded ears twitching with every gulp. He has no idea in this moment just how loved he is, by the cats who stand over him and groom him, and by one across a river, unknown to him.
Darkness moves through the gloom gathered in camp. Golden eyes peer back at her, round and startled—she recognizes Bumblepaw, now electrified and darting toward the medicine cat’s den. Relief stirs in her chest, though through the pain, it’s difficult to do much more than nod in Moonpaw’s direction. The pale-pelted apprentice has been taught well, having guided Hazecloud through the birth of her litter; she offers Iciclefang an herb that she licks up without protest, then wearily guides her fangs into the bark of the stick Moonpaw offers. Ferngill’s shadow darkens the dawn-lit mouth of the nursery; it brings her a modicum of comfort to know she is not as alone as she feels. The kits in the nursery stir, awakened by the grunts and hisses.

The hard part passes without ceremony, and Iciclefang looks blearily up at her brother as he comes to see the kits she’s named. Ferngill presses his nose to her ear, and she relaxes under his touch, warmed. “Crabkit reminds me so much of you,” she murmurs back to him, her gaze falling proudly over the squeaking balls of fluff nestled at her side. “And Pinekit—Mudpelt would have gushed over her, wouldn’t he have? Another Icesparkle look-a-like.” She tenderly brushes her nose over the kits’ pushed-in, pink little faces. She meets Ferngill’s steady green gaze when he remarks over Cragkit—no doubt her brother sees ThunderClan in those tiny shoulders, in the stone-gray of his fur, but Iciclefang is resolute in her choice to ensure he grows up loyal to only one Clan.

To Moonpaw, Iciclefang offers a tired smile. “Thank you for your help. They are beautiful, aren’t they?” Her eyes wander from the medicine cat apprentice’s orange eyes to the babies once more. “Ravensong would be proud.” And she is, too, to see the young she-cat so confidently come into her own.

Then Smokestar, dark as shadow, is filtering into the nursery with the sunrise. She allows a raspy, rusty purr to emit from between her teeth. Her former mentor, the leader of her Clan, sets his single ember-colored eye on each kit in turn before pronouncing them beautiful. “Thank you,” she tells him. “They’ll be strong RiverClan warriors, I can promise you that.” Strong, and loyal—she’d see to it.

And at last, the kits—Hazecloud’s kits—gather around. She’s bone-weary by this point, her eyelids threatening to slip over brilliant pale blue, but she does her best to answer the kits’ inquiries. Twinklekit asks if she can play with the kits, and Iciclefang shakes her head. “They’re still too small,” she says, nodding as Riverkit tells his sister the same thing. “But one day, they’ll be biting your tails and chasing you around, so enjoy it while it lasts.” Her tone is dry, even as faded as her voice is.

Shellkit earns a quirked brow as she pronounces her sons’ names silly. Iciclefang prepares to reprimand her, but then a smile—wan and worn, but warm all the same—trembles across her muzzle. “You’ll need to help me remember who’s who,” she says, tucking her tail around her squirming kits.

With that, the new mother rests her chin on her white paws, giving into the wave of exhaustion that floods over her. For at least a moment, she forgets the sting in her heart, the flash of golden eyes through bristling pine, and cuddles with the children born from mountain dreams.

  • ooc:
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 22 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.