YOU ARE WHAT YOU LOVE [✿] admiring the view

✿—— the trek up highstones had been the precursor to what was sure to be a difficult journey—and that wasn't even mentioning the fraught experience of so many cats trying to cross the thunderpath. as the group had picked their way up and over jagged rock and crumbling paths, a pause for the shadowclan medicine cat apprentice to visit the moonstone (out of respect, bobbie had resisted the urge to look inside herself), and then back to scrambling over the rocks. even with paws beginning to grow grey and calloused from climbing, it had been rough, and she can feel soreness settling into her muscles and her paws as they crest a final protruding rock. if this is what highstones is like, she's not sure she'll survive the real mountains.

once they reach the top, quite a few cats—in her own little clump (mainly skyclanners) as well as the others—appear to stop for a moment. bobbie grits her teeth and focuses, trying to push through the ache, and finds herself succeeding as she steps forward to the beginnings of a crowd. the view before her makes her forget the pain that's begun to dwell in her paws, jabbed as they've been by rocks.

drenched in dewy mist, a landscape rolls out before them like a newly made nest. woods and groves unknown to her, dark splashes of forest, fields of grass, all of it crisscrossed by small streams. they aren't nearly as high up as the mountains that are their unseen destination, and yet the view is close to breathtaking as it draws close to the distant horizon and fades from view. if this is what she can see from highstones alone, she cannot imagine what it will be like to look out from the mountains—they'll surely see the whole world from there.

"wow," she breathes softly, wide green eyes taking in the sight. it's really not much at all, and less likely to impress cats who have lived more storied lives than her own sheltered upbringing, but it takes her breath away regardless. coming back to herself, she offers a small but sheepish smile, glancing around, "it's just pretty, i guess. sorry, i d-don't mean to hold us all up."

though she can't say she's exactly eager to return to the sharp-stoned paths, either.


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu


⭒✧ Breath swept past his whiskers, muddling with a breeze that puffed tails and knocked ears aside. Chalk wasn't unused to long treks- the distance from the Learningplace and Skyclan was not a short one- but something about the unfamiliarity of the landscape and an indefinite end made it harder. 'The mountains' was a vague goal and who knew how many troughs and peaks they'd have to traverse before they got there. Still, a brevity of breath, did little to keep his tail and ears down as he sought a good spot to look at the view. Bobbie's doe-spot pelt made for an easy landmark and Chalk found himself alongside her in a few short strides.

"It certainly is." Eyes aglaze with muted wonder and satisfaction arranged the sight before them. Green swathes beneath the sun's gauzy light stamped the shapes of distant silhouettes, treelines pocked with clearings and rambling waterways. The natural slant of it all was so different to the Twolegplace, where the daylight warrior spent much of his time. It looked like the captured moments found in the colour-spined books of the Learningplace, pictures he'd memorised over the shoulder of his twoleg classmates.

Beside him, Bobbie apologised to those coming up behind them. Chalk's pale tail lashed abruptly, somewhat frustrated she'd feel the need to defend herself. This was new, and an experience to be savoured despite the circumstances. If they blew past everything on the way, they'd learn less to bring back to their clans. "It's good to get some perspective of where we are." The justification was made mildly, head at an angle.
⭒ ———————————— ✧⭒
The trek to the moonstone is one that Scorchstreak has taken before, albeit with better company—and she can hardly believe that she is calling that leech-fanged lunatic better company—but her meager experience with the route does not stop her from feeling uneasy. She has never gone past the moonstone before, and out here she can no longer guarantee her ability to defend her clanmates. Any one of these cats could decide, at any moment, to turn on her. On WindClan. Her thoughts turn to Badgermoon and Curlewnose for the briefest of moments, lip curling unconsciously into a half-snarl. She can trust no one on this journey but her clanmates, and can she even trust them? What’s preventing them from turning traitor, from sinking claws or teeth into the soft of her throat while she sleeps (or dozes, rather, because she does not plan on sleeping whilst surrounded by so many enemies)?

In spite of her reservations, Scorchstreak is not so proud to say that she is not impressed as she looks out across the land. She wonders what the view will be like from the mountains, whether it will be even grander than this. She wonders whether they will get so close to the stars that she’ll be able to see her old friend. Even incorporeal and with a pelt studded in stars, the calico thinks she’d enjoy speaking to him just one last time. Perhaps she’d get to tell him about the kits he never got to meet.

She’s ripped from her thoughts when she nearly crashed into the collar-wearing SkyClanner who she doesn’t care to recall the name of. (She bears the name of a house cat, simple and easy to remember, but she is a SkyClanner and so the calico doesn’t bother.) The SkyClanner is right, the view is lovely, but they do not have time to come to a complete stop just to look around. They are not here for things so simple as sightseeing. They are here to save lives, and with every moment they waste, Weaselclaw and Rattleheart’s chances of survival are dwindling. "Admire the view once we have the herbs we need. Our clanmates don’t have time for our distraction," she mutters, stalking past the two SkyClan cats with an irritated lash of her tail. They can stand around as much as they’d like, she supposes, but she is taking this journey seriously, at the very least.
Every step of the journey brought new sights for Mosspaw. She had never so much as been outside of Riverclan territory, aside for gathering's of course, and now she was going to be further from it than she ever had been.

She was trying very hard not to let that bother her.

Mosspaw's ear flicked as two of the Skyclan cats stopped in their tracks, seemingly just to admire the sights. It would be a lie if she said that the view was not beautiful. In truth, it was like nothing she had ever seen. The dark forest before her, drenched in mist, was completely unlike her home in Riverclan. However, the sight was soured by the thought of Aspenhaze, fighting for his life for sickness back at camp, who could not see it with her. Another cat, a Windclanner, said exactly what she was thinking. This journey was a matter of life and death, there was no time to stop to take in the view.

"She's right." The words tasted like bile in her mouth, and her tone didn't hide it. Mosspaw couldn't believe she was actually agreeing with a Windclanner. "It will be just as pretty walking as it will standing still." She stated matter of factly, walking straight past Bobbie as if to prove her point. Honestly, she wasn't all that surprised that the kittypet was the one holding them up. She doubted that anyone who would wear a collar so proudly could really understand the importance of this journey.​
Large paws had walked through the grass, the asphalt of the road, and now the more rocky terrain that surrounded Highstones. He couldn't help but take in the sights either while they were all traveling but he had to be mindful and careful to where he stepped not wanting to bump into his clanmates or any of the other cats in their group knowing that it wouldn't be well received. His brown gaze focusing on Bobbie and Chalk who had seemed to have stop to take in the sight, admire it from where they stood, and Thunderclan warrior was tempted to join them until Scorchstreak spoke mentioning how plenty of their clanmates didn't have the time to be waiting for them. It was true and he couldn't help but silently agree, as much as he'd love to sightsee with both the Skyclanners there was more important things to do.

Mosspaw adds how the view will be just as lovely while they walk, Hailstorm flicks his ears knowing that he would like even just a heartbeat to memorize the area that was right in front of them and it wouldn't be the same, at least not completely, if they continued walking. He offers Bobbie a sympathetic look before smiling in her direction "I'm sure that there'll be even prettier sights up ahead," A kinder offer than the harsh but true words of the tunneler and Riverclan apprentice.

  • 5_by_caviesh_dg4bkw8.png
    ✦ 47 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic; single
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength and his burly build
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather comes to stand beside her two older clan-mates, once Scorchstreak is out of earshot she snorts her discontempt. Mosspaw's backside also earns a sour look, what was an apprentice doing implying warriors should pick up the pace? At least the ThunderClan tom, the one who had removed the branch in their path earlier, seemed tolerable.

"Take all the brisk breaks you'd like." She meows to Bobbie, her eyes still trained on Scorchstreak and Mosspaw as they stalk away. "Not all of us are built for this 'go-go-go' nonsense anyways..." Almost defiantly she sits down on her rear and begins to lick at her paws to soothe their throbbing. Figfeather did not mean to disrespect the lives of the cats who waited on them back home, but even short stops allowed her to regain stamina. In the long run the group would be better for it, or she thinks so anywyas.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
┌─────────────────── ☽【❖】☾ ───────────────────┐
As a WindClanner, it's not as though he had any particular lack of stamina; even though he didn't race the moors like some of his taller clanmates, navigating the tunnels was no simple task, and spending his days digging had helped to toughen up his paw pads considerably. Still, though, walking all day on this changing terrain was no simple matter, especially not when climbing up some of these hills. There are swells on the moorlands, sure, but nothing quite like this, and already he finds himself lagging near the tail end of the middle group, not quite fast and experienced enough to keep up with the bulk of the party but still not slow enough to fall behind alongside those making up the rear group. So far, he's mainly been keeping to himself, or hovering near the other WindClanners, though right now there's no air in him left for idle chatter, his focus entirely and completely on climbing up and over. It's unpleasant, having to heave himself forward and hope he doesn't fall back down, and he can't help but worry about what the actual mountains will be like if he's so bothered by ascending the Highstones. Focused as he is on placing his paws on sturdy ground, Luckypaw's not quite as fortunate as Scorchstreak, and instead heaves himself up over the last little bit, colliding right into @bobbie as he does.

Though she seems to share a similar-enough stature with him, the surprise is enough to send panic into his eyes as he pitches forward, claws scrabbling for purchase so he doesn't slip all the way back down and lose all his progress. Once he's sure he's not on the verge of tipping back over, the apprentice rounds on the SkyClanner, trying to hide his clear embarrassment with irritation. "Why'd you stop?" he demands - or, at least, it was meant to be a demand in his head. The question comes out sounding less sharp than he'd intended, the stress of nearly falling and the weight of the journey itself and even the nervousness of speaking so harshly to a warrior (collared SkyClanner she may be) tempering his tone into something a little more tremulous, and flustered. It doesn't take long to realize what the hold-up is; well, perhaps hold-up isn't the best term for something more akin to sight-seeing. He has to admit, it's a view unlike anything he's ever seen, and though his fur doesn't quite lie flat, it does give him pause, and a little more understanding at the break in the procession. It's also nice to catch his breath for a moment, but only a moment; he wouldn't stop long, not with Scorchstreak already blowing through.

"Um - it's nice now, but I don't think it'll be so cool when we actually have to go through all that," he says, feeling more and more awkward with every growing second. It's his way of trying to spur on the curious SkyClanners, though he's not sure that it sounds as much of a warning or even as cool as Scorchstreak had - probably, he just sounds lame. Every time he opens his mouth, it seems, he's digging himself deeper and deeper into a hole he doesn't want to be in, so finally Luckypaw snaps his jaw shut, glancing between the resting cats. Even though stopping for longer would be nice, he doesn't want to do it amongst a gaggle of SkyClanners, and so, glancing once more out across the land they would soon be traveling over, he starts forward again, and if this time he's a little more perceptive of his surroundings, then that's because he's realized just how much energy he's going to need to keep up the pace for however long it takes to reach the mountains and back, and certainly not because he's still embarrassed that he'd run into that SkyClanner in the first place. It wasn't his fault she'd stopped right in the middle of where he was walking, though the defense rings hollow even as he remembers just how glued to the ground his eyes had been not to notice her at all.

  • OOC: --​
  • xPpMrh2.png
  • 69355684_l8Wl3AJb3zHJeza.png
    - Luckykit Luckypaw
    - He/him (AFAB)
    - 5 moons (Ages on the 1st)
    - Kit Apprentice of WindClan
    - Small blue tortoiseshell with white spotting & green eyes
    - Art by myself & meghan respectively! <33
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​
Needledrift had never thought much of being high up. The marshes were settled into the earth, a cup of land where water pooled and sank in at places. The trees were able to be climbed if one truly put their mind to it, but most ShadowClanners were made for wading at best. Needledrift was no exception, and so by the time the group had begun to slow to a halt, she felt relief rather than annoyance. The little golden SkyClanner had the right of it in her opinion. Her paws ached and when she sat to examine her pink and black toes, she found them cracked and swollen, hot from overuse. Delicately, she rasped her tongue over each digits, taking care to pull any pebbles from underneath the webbing that laced her toes together.

"A few moments to catch our breath isn't a bad thing. She comments lightly to @bobbie between links and nibbles.

✿—— chalk is beside her in a matter of a few pawsteps, his gaze reflecting back the wonder no doubt settled into her own. the tabby takes the opportunity to survey the rambling landscape arrayed before them, appreciate the beauty of green hills and vales freckled with forest and veiled in mist. glancing back to chalk, she offers the pale tom a smile, and is just about to offer another comment on the landscape when a calico windclanner nearly bumps into her heartbeats before yet another moor-scented cat, this one an apprentice, runs right into her where she's paused her steps.

not surprising for windclanners, they both snap at her, and the lilac tabby's ears twitch in mingled irritation and self-consciousness. the journey, for all its benefits and noble causes, has given her somewhat of a trial-by-fire introduction to the other clans. it's a reminder that skyclan is an insulated environment, save for a couple of lead warriors, and though she's already begun to grow used to the open stares and curled lips her collar provokes, it still stings. eyes on the ground, the tabby murmurs, "sorry."

though the pale-furred thunderclanner offers reassuring words alongside an ash-pelted shadowclanner who sits to groom her paws, and figfeather offers defiant reassurance between her own paw-washing, the damage has been done. a dark tabby riverclan apprentice's words are just as stinging, pushing straight past her, leaving an air of distaste in her wake. bobbie glances at the view, but it's embittered to her now, and so she merely sighs and mutters as she begins to pad forward again, "it's fine, they're right. no big deal."


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu