"Meet me by the Owl Tree when the sun is at its peak today" are the words Burnpaw whispered to his sister in the early morning before slipping from the apprentices den to join his mentor on a patrol.

Sun-high came and here he was, foot tapping impatiently against the earth beneath him as he waits for the familiar pointed face to appear through the underbrush. When finally she is there he lets out a loud breath of air. "Took you long enough!" he exclaims loudly, yellow eyes burning into her cream-colored pelt. "I want to fight! Will you spar with me?" he immediately drops into a play bow, large fluffy tail flicking back and forth behind him and a large grin on his face. This was probably the most energetic Moonpaw had seen him since their siblings death, when he had turned into a sullen mess. It was a sign he was finally healing, finally moving on from the tragedies that plagued him. He would not allow them to drag his training down. No way. He couldn’t because he needed to be strong enough to protect his family if anything else ever were to happen.

He owes them that much, at least.

// please wait for @Moonpaw. to reply! (I hope I tagged the right one dhdhdhdb)


Couldn't say how she felt about Burnpaw being newly ignited, she wondered if that's how she ought to be too-finally letting go and moving forward and while she felt she was it was a lot slower than her brother by far it seemed. Moonpaw felt her path uneven, her steps slowed, she wished she could close her eyes and be free of the worries that plagued her but they had only become heavier as time went on and grew overwhelming when their younger siblings were born. She could not look at the nursery without feeling a sense of dread and horror, she had not gone to the gathering but she wondered what SkyClan made of the Skykit her mother had named and once again she finds herself disbelieving Little Wolf would do such a thing.
Early by the Owl Tree, he was lucky Raccoonstripe didn't have her on dawn patrol of he'd be sitting here alone still, but today she was wandering forever with a light smile instead; released of her duties for the time being.
I want to fight! Will you spar with me?
Moonpaw pauses as she comes to a stop, briefly uncertain. It had been a long time since they'd played like kits, rolling around in the snow and chasing one another around camp; she had still been that quiet and awkward child then, unwilling to go too far from her mother or siblings-especially Morningpaw.
Now? Now she felt a strange exhiliration at the idea of a spar. With her brother there was no risk and she had been practicing lately under their uncle's stern and unwavering paw. "Alright." The tortie point said with a careful smile, "But don't cry when I beat you."
With a sudden dip she crouched and immediately sprang back up try and tackle him.
Cloudypaw gave a start as she heard commotion nearby. She had been on an early hunting patrol, and had split off on her own in the hopes that she might be able to find prey hiding amongst the roots of the Owl Tree. With all this noise however, there wasn't a chance of that. Raising out of her crouch, she glanced behind her, considering finding somewhere else to hunt. Curiosity got the best of her though, and she found herself abandoning the hunt in favor of following her ears.

Eventually she found the two siblings, already engaged in their little sparring session. She blinked in surprise. For a moment she just watched transfixed. It felt like they were both so much better fighters than she was, even though she was older.

She shook the feeling off. Instead of focusing on that though, she decided to say something. It was probably a bit odd to just stand silently staring, after all.

"You can do it Burnpaw!" Cloudypaw cheered as loud as she dared. A pang of guilt hit her the moment the words left her mouth. Even though she was just trying to give encouragement, she felt bad cheering against another one of her denmates.​