private you called, i answered // meadowkit

There's a vague sense of responsibility he feels now to his sister's kits. Three daughters, now each unable to grow up with their mother. Even their grandmother is lost to them, and their great grandmother... Skyclaw would rather let a toothless mouse chew on his tail than let Howlingstar have any baring over the new generation of kittens. He cannot mentor them - not all of them, at least, and he's sure that his aforementioned kin would keel over if he even mentioned it - but he can at least serve as guidance and support whilst they wait for their true mentors to be designated.

Meadowkit is the loudest of Moonwhisper's litter. Always playing, always getting into trouble... She almost reminds Skyclaw of himself. The tom approaches the red tabby kitten with no real goal other than to support her. If he manages to help her realize injustice or discrepancies in their lifestyle... well, it is what it is.

"Meadowkit," he greets her, "have you eaten yet this morning? The hunting patrol just came back, and I saw Redflower put a nice squirrel on the pile...!" Grief can kill an appetite, and in no world does Skyclaw want to see any of his niblings die of malnourishment and grief.​

The days following her mother's death have been the hardest of her young life. Before, Meadowkit had been a wildfire, roaring and sweeping through the camp as an unstoppable force. Now, she is reduced to the smallest flame. She lays curled in a tight ball just outside of the nursery, her snowy tail pulled over her nose and her dulled green eyes peering out at the camp through an unseeing gaze.

Her uncle approaches and Meadowkit does not even lift her head to look at him, but her pupils do flicker upwards to look at him. She does not blame him for what happened, despite what he may think, but there is something that twists inside her heart when she lays eyes on him so she looks away, vision once again blurring as she stares straight ahead and pulls her tail tighter around herself. "'m not hungry" she murmurs softly, her words muffled by the fur in her face.

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  • 84967382_V32sMk7nP8HRBgb.png
    A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + no formal training
"I think..." he sits down next to the she-kit, who seems to try and make herself smaller once she's noticed. It hurts him, her palpable grief and upset - it really does. Skyclaw felt too much of that in his own youth (he speaks as if he has several seasons beneath his claws, not the pawful he truly has.) "... that you're lying," he finishes, tapping his tail to the far side of Meadowkit to surprise her. He doubts he'll get a stir of giggles from the child, but the two of them can at least work towards lightening the mood.

"Your mother would have my ears and tail if you don't eat your fill today, Meadowkit," he says. Looking down towards her, he folds his ears as close to his cranium as he can. "Do you think I'd look good without my ears? Do you think Palefire will still like me then?" The warrior jests, pouting only slightly.​