private you can call me a sinner for wondering why | Vulturemask


Jan 6, 2023

Perhaps it was the hunger plaguing his mind or maybe there was actually a glimmer of empathy that Houndthistle carried, fighting urgently to break through the bristly, angry exterior the brute always had, but he found himself trailing the newly appointed medicine cat as he wandered out of camp. His steps were heavy yet fell almost silent against the muddy and snow-laden land, only the softest crunch heard, though Houndthistle didn't go out of his way to be sneaky or hidden. No point when you're as big as he was and his dark grey pelt stood out like a light in the dark, no. He merely followed after, a few words pieced upon his elongated fangs that poked from his mouth, puffing along with his warm breaths as it vaporized upon the cool air.

Once the other got to a stopping point or stopped-his focus was only on Vulture's movement, less on actually where they were heading-did he finally catch up, head lowered out of habit to try and lessen his intimidating size, pace having remained the same since he had began following though once within earshot did he speak up. "Chilly to be out alone, dontcha think? Mind if I tag along?" His voice rolled off his tongue, graveled and thick with the accent similar to Dandelion only closer to a rumble like a dog's growl, as he came to stand next to the black tom, amber eyes focused on Vulturemask's own of matching tone.
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He liked to be out at night. He always had. Even as an apprentice he had much rather be out hunting at night rather than during the day. It was more quiet, more peaceful. Now when he was not restricted to have a warrior with him Vulturemask could go out whenever he wanted, and tonight that had been his intention. Just to take a stroll in the night and while at it he could as well search for herbs. It was not like he could get any sleep anyway.

Vulturemask had known he had been stalked not long after he had left camp but he had chosen to ignore his clanmate at least at first. Maybe he just wanted to know for how long they would follow him or to find out what their true motives were...Whatever the case eventually grew bored and irritated by having himself followed. So the medicine cat stopt no longer moving, standing completely still to wait and see what would happen next...

The stalker turned out to be nobody else then Houndthistle who actually tried to invite himself to accompany him. Vulturemask face remained blank even after the older and more muscular brute come to stand beside him, and from the corner of his own eye their eyes got locked with one another, and he would observe them closely. " I like the cold. " The night might be chilly but he actually liked it that way. The cold was nice when it was biting at his fur. Soon he would grow bored and turn his gaze away to look straight ahead of himself, an ear twitching. " You have already followed me the whole way out here so why bother to ask for my permission now for." It was a statement not a question and Houndthistle could do as he pleased. Vulturemask was not in the mood to play the parent who send their kit back home. Who knew if Houndthistle even would listen to begin with...

He would start to walk again, letting Houndthistle decide on his own if he was going to stay behind or not. If he wanted to return back to follow him he could as well. Vulturemask had nothing to hide. " Why did you follow me out here anyway?, i doubt it has anything to do with my charming personality." he muttered after a moment of staying silent. He had never been a friendly cat, the one who had always spat and quick to bite whenever someone had pissed him off. Loud and impossible to get along with. Now...he had calmned down a bit but his tongue were still as sharp.


He didn't break eye contact, those orange oculars locked onto the younger, sour-tempered tom. Though never one for a battle of wits, Houndthistle took the time their eyes met to see if he could grasp for any signs the other wanted to also turn tail, wishing to meet the same fates that Honeytwist and Dandelionwish now had, so he could deal with it accordingly. Even now, his brain thought up explanations, piecing out the steps he'd have to go through to ensure the clan became the united front that it so desperately needed. Sootstar would understand, though he'd likely take some punishment as a sort of... front or something.

His ear flicked as Vulturemask looked away, blinking as the other spoke more. Ah, good. He'd noticed. Houndthistle couldn't stop the incredulous smirk that pulled at his lips, chuckling darkly, "Yer right. I'd have followed ya nonetheless. Guess it's just the polite thing to do is to ask, dontcha think?" Now, he kept pace as Vulturemask walked, lumbering quietly next to the other, amber eyes every so often flicking to glance at the other. Until, finally, that silence was broke.

His ears perked, clicking his tongue as he brought himself to stand straight, allowing his height to tower completely over the other. "Yer smart. Nah, I came out here to have a chat," He responded, voice casual as he approached the topic, "I ain't ever been one to chase aroun' the bush so to speak, so I'mma just be honest here and I wantcha to know it ain't nothing personal, alright?" His gait became even with Vulturemask's, steps shortened so he didn't lose the other when he dropped this information, "You been here awhile, same as I, and I'm just askin', right now, do you plan on betrayin' us? Cause, honest, if so, this may be yer last chance to get out without meetin' a horrid fate like yer friend, if not worse. Sootstar don't seem very-ah... willin' to be as lenient as she has been lately, so ya know if ya follow the footsteps of yer predecessors, ya may be made into a show." A snap of his eyes, hoping to read the other's features, see his reaction.
✦ ★ ✦

So that was what he was trying to be, polite. What a joke. A lame poor excuse for trying to explain why they really had come out here for. Vulturemask decided not to answer them ignoring that statement entirely. Once his question was deliverd the already tensed atmosphere between them changed. The air become thick and dangerous. He noticed how the other started to tower over him and despite Vulturemask being quite tall himself, being one of the tallest cats in this clan, Houndthistle might actually beat him on the height. Vulturemask was not one who took it lightly when he was feeling threatened. He didn't stop walking as he case a side glance to the other tom, his eyes growing darker. He waited for them to spit it out and oh, oh, oh it came.

Vulturemask was not a fool he already had realized the situation he was put under now. How everyone's eyes always was watching him searching for signs or clues for him to end up becoming just like the medics before him. It was just that nobody had dared saying it out aloud to his face until now. Vulturemask come to a sudden halt in the snow, his pupils growing smaller as he stared right into his clanmates eyes. " That's rather bold words you have there saying them to the only cat who might be able to save your life one day." Because pissing him off might send cats like Houndthistle early to the grave. He took high offence to anyone who dared to insult him like this, to question his loyalty. What about this big fool?. Accusing him for bedrayal when Houndthistle was standing in the exact same position like Galeforce and Yewberry had...and so many more. Sootstar had got bedrayed just as much by her soldiers like her own medical team.

It was Vulturemask to make his move now as he approached and walked straight up to the brutes face, his gaze dark and glowing with dreadful emotions. " I wonder if you are speaking from your heart right now or if it's all empty words. This days words means nothing after all when vows can be broke so easily..." he would pause as he gave a grim looking smirk. " You know...i'm not one how wouldn't mind to get ride of the rats in this clan. I'm learning so much from to save a life to end it. Anyone who even dares to think the wrong way..should watch out for their health." His smirk grow darker, more cruel. He narrowed his orbs.

" Do we understand each other?." Don't you dare threaten me ever again. It was a warning. Just like how Houndthistle had just warned him the medicine cat saw it being his full right to be doing the exact same thing considering both was walking on thin ice in the other eyes. He was not going to tolerate disrespect for anyone to insult him like this without knowing fully well what he was capable of doing. That in the end of the day the one they would be forced to trust when their health got on stake was him and once inside his den they were on his territory. Their lives in his paws.

So never ever get on his bad side.


He’d struck a nerve it seems, something Houndthistle didn’t enjoy seeing. Despite his words and behavior, he didn’t want to kill Vulturemask. If this one got too cocky and power-drunk, where’d that leave the rest of the clan? It’d leave them under the mercy of just Sootstar. His amber eyes didn’t change, stopping as the other did and staring emotionlessly at the other as they stormed up to his face, neck craned up to growl in his unblinking face. Houndthistle’s only reaction was an exhale through his nose before he leaned farther down to peer straight into the other’s eyes. “ Do it.” It was simple, not a challenge, but it was as clear as day. Kill me and see what happens.You dont seem to realize just how much you have out there that can be used to hurt you. I’m givin’ you an out, not a threat, boy. Mind that tongue before it’s cut off and open yer eyes,” He responded simply, as casually as though he talked about how the prey ran or the weather above. Unlike most cats, Houndthistle lacked the moral superiority that stopped him from doing horrible things, his mind flicking easily to those kits that the medicine cat apprentice was very close to. “ There’s other ways they can getcha without havin’ to hurt you. Tread carefully, cause if anyone in that camp ends up sick, you won’t like what happens next,” That was a threat, his amber eyes locked onto Vulturemask’s with the seriousness and weight of the reality of his situation.
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