you can count on me to misbehave - playing tricks

Aug 6, 2022
would you do anything for me?
Ravenkit sat lazily at the entrance of her den, eyes roaming her clanmates forms as they hurried back and forth the nursery. They were all stupid compared to her. That was just a fact of life. The sky was blue, the sun was bright, and she was very very smart. Simple as that. Then again, there were some few exceptions, almost all of which were her own family. It was always wonderful to have Marrowkit helping her with her plans, and he had proven his worth in so doing. Her mother and auntie were leader and medicine cat respectively, and you had to be pretty smart to be in charge like that, she thought. Then again, her brother Pitchsun was also deputy. So perhaps not. No family was perfect, she supposed.

All of that to say, it was only right she played tricks on them really. If they fell for it then they deserved to fall for it. Were they smart enough to see though her tricks then maybe she would have felt bad, but then they wouldn't have fallen for it in the first place. Even if they did catch her, it wasn't like she ever got anyone hurt. So she couldn't get in any real trouble for it either way.

Finally, her gaze fell upon a cat who had just returned from a hunt and she leap to her paws in a hurry. In a moment she raced up to them. "My mom said she wanted you on the patrol tomorrow morning." Ravenkit lied without missing a beat, staring up at the older cat with wide, yellow eyes. It was something she had heard the adults talking about, and she wanted to see if she could trick one of them into believing she heard something they hadn't. All the better if they believed it long enough to cause some confusion the next morning. It'd give her something interesting to watch.
  • It wasn't that Betony didn't enjoy hunting, but moreso that she hated being bad at it. Too in her head, too focused, too worried: it was that she was always too much of something and never that she was simply unskilled. Still she tried in the sort of defeated, paw-dragging way one tries when they expect failure, and she tried not to look too surprised when she actually managed to catch a scrawny mouse or an odd-legged frog.

    Today Betony has a rabbit kit in her mouth, not caught by herself, but carried for a clanmate far more successful. The kitten that seemingly appears from nowhere startles it from her teeth, where it lands with an unceremonious thump.

    "Oh! Sorry, sorry, I almost dropped that right on you--" Betony blabbers as she pulls the rabbit closer with a paw, and then the words from the kit catch up with Betony and she startles once more, "But-- are you sure? She said, ah, your mother, she said me? Betony?"​
  • Code:
shadowclan apprentice | blue mackerel tabby | tags
Briarstar had just returned from a hunt which meant her children had been left relatively unattended but hopefully under watch of a generous queen who had taken them under her wing in the time she was gone. But of course, one of her kits had managed to find trouble regardless and the queen returned just in time to see the tail end of it. She knew her kits could be a bit difficult despite her best efforts to rein in the little terrors. It was just a part of kithood and something she hoped they would grow out of. Ravenkit was one of the more difficult kits in her litter, that was for sure, and she had targeted poor Betony to be the subject of her trickery.

"Don't worry, Betony. I think Ravenkit just made a small mistake," she assured, leaving her to enjoy the catch she had found. She offered the feline a blink of praise for finding such a catch, unaware that it was not her own. Finally, she turned to her daughter. "Ravenkit, don't go worrying your Clanmates, okay? Betony's had a busy day with patrols already, I'm sure."
would you do anything for me?
The older mollies apologies went completely unheeded, as Ravenkit silently waited to see if her lie would be believed. Her ear flicked at the response she got instead. It felt like she was so close to getting what she was looking for, but she wasn't quite there yet. "Mhmm. Betony should be on the morning patrol tommorow, that's what she said." She lied once more, as though this hadn't been her first time hearing the name. Her eyes still locked on the face above her, watching every little reaction.

A voice cut through the air, and she winced. Her gaze fell to the ground. Ravenkit knew her little game was over. She silently sat in her frustration as her mother reassured Betony that she had made a "mistake." Her tail lashed behind her. All she had needed was a few more moments, she was sure of it. Then she would have had a cat so much older than he practically eating out of her paws. The only reason it hadn't worked out was pure chance.

"Sorry." She muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. Her eyes didn't meet her mother's. She wasn't sorry. Once she was sure her mom wasn't watching, she might even make another attempt.