pafp You can dish it out, but can you take it | gossip gone wrong


One thing about Snakeblink is that he will always push his luck. It’s stronger than him. Give him a claw and he will try to take the whole paw, just to see if he can. He’s aware of it, though, and he tries to mitigate what he cannot fully control; shies away from touch before he can become clingy, asks for nothing before he can ask for too much. It has saved him much grief in the past — he remembers all too well his time in the marsh colony before he learned this particular lesson. He knows better now.

Knowing better, unfortunately, has never stopped him from doing much of anything.

Like, he knows Lichentail doesn’t like gossip, especially not when it’s about her; he knows she would rather not have to deal with this part of his personality. But she told him so little during their previous, hushed talks in private, and the need to know more has been gnawing at the edge of his mind like real hunger. She seems more kindly disposed to him lately; maybe she won’t mind, if he’s careful. If he asks first.

”Lichentail,” he greets in a pleasant-going-on-simpering tone, approaching the deputy in the semi-private context of a secluded part of camp. ”I have been thinking... You are settling into your new role well, yes? But I am sure there is a lot to get used to with this position. The patrol assignments alone…” he shudders at the memory of his own attempt at it. Smokestar has since made it clear that he was not to do it ever again. He considers this a wise call to make.

”I may not be able to help with much of it, but if there is anything I can help with, I hope you will allow me to help.” He gives her a sly grin, hoping to come off as reassuring rather than… blackmailing. ”You are well placed to know that little happens in this camp without me hearing about it — I would be more than happy to share my information with you, make those dreaded assignments a little easier maybe. Especially in exchange of some news of your own,” he adds, too light to be truly serious but far too invested to sound as casual as he had hoped.

He gives her a half-lidded look, jerking his head to the side a little — a quiet you only have to say no and I'll be gone. He doesn't actually want them to go back on this small improvement of their relationship just because he can't stop himself from being nosy.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • @lichentail
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 47 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

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And.... there it was to rear it's ugly head.

Taking a deep breath could only do so much to calm the irritation of this playful interrogation- Nettlepaw had been made aware of the reality a lot sooner than she'd like and had announced it quite loudly to anyone who'd happened to be near. She didn't suspect Snakeblink to be the source of this information but her options for culprits were quite limited, given the nature of her penchant for secrecy. It did little to absolve him of potential guilt by proceeding to peck at her for information- she did her best to keep interactions with him short and sweet, idle reports in passing that declared the status of Hazecloud at any given moment. They'd made an agreement, they'd work together at the very least to ensure she had the best chance at a healthy, comfortable pregnancy... but now... he seemed to think she owed him details in fair exchange.

The suggestion she needed help with doing her job was frustrating.. she didn't think she'd done a bad job the last time it'd been presented as a duty (except, perhaps, Nightfish's outburst at the SkyClan border. She'd yet to chew him out for that properly and now it seemed far too delayed to be worthwhile). "It's been fine so far," she answers, made cautious by his conniving tone and dragged out words.

He prompts that he is nothing short of the clan's subtle social expert and she is inclined to agree with that much- he had a knack for nosing around. But... the suggestion for a 'fair and equal exchange' of information was coy in its true meaning. "You know," she pauses, glancing him up and down before coming to her own decision about how best to deal with his adder-like behavior, "There was something I wanted to pick your brain about. I've got to assign more patrols soon but there's a pair you'd know more about than anyone I presume and I'd hate to split up a bonded pair." She is tactful in withholding her meaning at first, hoping the bait for gossip might draw him in closer.

"I've seen Coyotecreek spending an awful lot of time with you lately and I wondered if maybe you two might be considering something more... involved... than just good hunting buddies. Being such a good friend that I am, and after all your help, I thought it only fair I try to scratch your back!" Her eyes narrow in an accusing way, the corners of her maw creasing into a smug smile...

She'd got him right where she wanted him. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me... and Hazecloud." Obviously, it was only fair that her mate be involved since the tabby tom had been so kind as to involved Catfishleap into their personal business not too long ago.

  • Love
Reactions: Sheogorath

The tear between yearning for the time to go on a patrol and also knowing she could hardly do a few laps around camp without growing breathless caused an ache deep within the molly. Of course she missed her days as a warrior, the freedom to roam the fields and fish to her hearts content. To patrol with her friends and giggle about how silly the other cats across the border were and return home to spread their border-swap scandals. It was only temporary, she reassured herself. It was unavoidable if she were to grow this family and the nursery was the safest place for her to be so they could be healthy.

To feel the slightest bit involved she would watch Lichentail dish out patrols and duties to their Clan. Let the kittens see how warriors participated and conducted their groups before leaving, and what they did at camp if it was too early to go. An apprentice had been bringing her fresh moss, giving her an excise to leave the sedge den and watch whoever decided to come out with her when Snakeblink approached their mate. She did not try to pry but, she did very little to stop herself.

A single ear angled back to listen to their conversation- something about patrol assignments but Snakeblink leads on to imply it is much more than that. Her gaze stuck to the corner of her eyes as an amused smile crossed her maw and she cheerfully perked up as her name was called, quietly appearing from behind Snakeblink like a shadow.

"Not that I had to be told! Oh, what was it you said about me and Lichentail before? 'It’s obvious that there is something there'? Now I understand what you were saying when I look at you and..." Hazecloud giggled, lifting a paw over her muzzle in mocking shock. Her eyes locked onto blue as they were alight with mischief. "I just hope putting them on a patrol doesn't make Pikesplash jealous. Or better yet, why not all three of them?"
  • Love
Reactions: lichenstar
The silver tom had some time to himself and after dismissing himself from a group of warriors he decided that now would be a good time to try and spend time with Snakeblink. It was difficult sometimes to spend time with the other tom because for obvious reasons the brown tom was a lead warrior and had more responsibilities, and two was that Nettlepaw was a pawful. He hopes his apprentice isn't off somewhere causing any trouble, but even if he was he hopes whatever warriors are around will make sure whatever the apprentice gets up too isn't so horrendous. As he scans camp for Snakeblink he notes that his friend is busy talking with Lichentail and Hazecloud follows shortly afterward. He has no idea what the three are chatting about, but he hopes they will allow him to join in whatever it is they're talking about.

When he does pad over he catches wind of the tail end of Hazecloud's words. "H-huh? Why would I be jealous?" Pure confusion the trio would see as he came to a halt next to them. Perhaps it was fortunate that Pikesplash had not arrived earlier to hear the gossip and that somehow there was someone he was jealous of for whatever reason. Three? Whose the third? The tom tilts his head towards Hazecloud as if to ask her what exactly she means by that. "W-wait! Who or what am I s-supposed to be jealous of?" Please don't tell me someone has the wrong idea and thinks I hate them or something. I don't think I need another Petalnose moment.
  • ooc :
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 47 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
  • Love
Reactions: hazecloud

Ferngill had always liked to think himself rather good at reading emotions, but he'd come to understand it was quite the spur-of-the-moment thing. Disappointment, anger, adoration, they were easy to see when they appeared- but in terms of lasting bonds, of building relationships, he was only just getting the hang of figuring those out. Lichentail and Snakeblink, they were often involved in this sort of conversation, he'd come to understand...

It was unsurprising, then, when he neared to overhear them speaking of who was padding after who. Interest flickered in his verdant eye- Snakeblink and Coyotecreek? He looked to Pikesplash, a giddy look on his face. "You'd be jealous that Snakeblink likes Coyotecreek, apparently..." the ginger tom murmured, a smile very, very plain on his face. Never had Ferngill been much good at concealing how he felt... and this was exciting, wasn't it? He was learning news, right at the source!

(The notion that it might be made-up wasn't even a firefly-flicker of a thought.)
penned by pin
( ) "heard m'name!" the drawling accent comes from across camp where the tomcat has just placed down his catch of the day. odd eyes sparkle in the watery leaf-bare sunlight as he ambles over, offering a kind smile as he notes pikesplash and ferngill a few tail lengths from haze, lichen, and snake. the ginger tom sidles up beside pikesplash, half a heartbeat before ferngill murmurs his speculation. his eyes widen, flicking from the younger warrior to snakeblink to pikesplash as he takes a sharp breath.

"wh-" the air whooshes out of his lungs and head swings from side to side. "that can't be true, fernie," he reassures the flame tom. if it's true, coyotecreek would know... he thinks. besides, what does pikesplash have to do with any feelings anyone might be feeling. anyone being coyotecreek. the feelings being about snakeblink or/and (wait... and??!) pikesplash. "uhm, i should probably go, actually, i think petalnose is calling me for a patrol." he flicks one ear as if listening for a voice that doesn't exist.

// time to make it awkward!! he's out unless someone interrupts him.
  • Love
Reactions: hazecloud


"Ewww." Nettlepaw's whine arises from nearby, where he dropped his fish at his paws with a sigh. So much for having this secluded spot to himself... Honestly, Nettlepaw finds the entire idea of romance gross. Some say it's because he isn't old enough to understand, but quite frankly, Nettlepaw doesn't want to understand. As much as he hates to consider himself a kit anymore, adult stuff disgusted him. All the licking, and grooming, and having kits! I'll never do any of that, Nettlepaw determines. He'd be too busy being the best RiverClan warrior in the forest for crushes and jealousy, and family. The response that Pikesplash gives Hazecloud has the young boy rolling his eyes, and the words of Ferngill put a frown on Nettlepaw's maw.

"Who would ever wanna go out with you?" He can't help but blurt out toward his mentor. Pikesplash? Jealous? Well he'd just have to stay jealous then. Nettlepaw can't imagine anyone wanting to be mates with that tom. Nettlepaw's sour expression deepens, and blind eyes dance between Ferngill and Pikesplash, before flickering over toward Coyotecreek. Don't come over here, the apprentice silently pleads. It's a huge mistake. But it's far too late for that. The moment Coyotecreek realizes what is going on, he tries to excuse himself. That was pretty funny, at least. Nettlepaw doesn't know the warrior well enough to have much of an opinion, negative or otherwise. As for Snakeblink, the boy turns his head to gaze at the Lead Warrior, blind eyes seeming to pierce right through the older RiverClan cat.

"So which is it? I mean, you like Coyotecreek? And Pikesplash likes you?" Nettlepaw tries to put all the pieces together, still entirely grossed out by the very idea that anyone would like his mentor. Besides, he's weird. And kind of pathetic. Sightless vision flickers toward Pikesplash briefly, before returning to Snakeblink. "If Pikesplash and Coyotecreek were both hanging onto the side of the gorge, and you only had time to save one of them, which would you choose?" The apprentice inquires daringly, ears angled toward the Lead Warrior expectantly. It seemed Nettlepaw's brief discomfort had been turned into something else entirely. The opportunity to get back at Pikesplash in a way that didn't involve claws.
The immediate reaction he has towards Ferngill's words is pure confusion. The giddy smile on the ginger tom's maw does no favors either. In truth he has no idea why Ferngill would be saying these words considering he was supportive of Coyotecreek and Snakeblink. As a matter of fact he may or may not have secretly wanted them together. He thought the pair would be good for each other, so now he's thrown into the gorge when there's an assumption that he would be jealous. While his mind is scrambling to put together the supposed facts of snakeblink liking coyote, him being jealous because of that, and the fact that now he had to quickly gather his thoughts on the pair. (He hasn't thought of himself as eligible so he never really considered whether or not his like for Snakeblink was something more).

Unfortunately Coyotecreek finds his way to group which makes this situation all the more complicated along with Nettlepaw whining. Funny enough both of them share the same reaction of confusion where it differs is the fact that the ginger and white tom is more reactive. He can sense the moment mismatched eyes land on him, but he's as still as a statue. It's only when Coyotecreek tries to excuse himself urgency runs through his veins and he finds himself practically yanking Coyotecreek back. "W-w-wait! Coyocreek I pro-" Then he hears cruel words from his apprentice, and he falters.

I know that. It's been moons and I've never gone out with anyone. Not like Lichen and Haze or Petal and Aspen. Those around minus Nettlepaw would see that something has shifted. A sort of somber acceptance from Pikesplash at the statement. However, just because Nettlepaw hated him it gave the apprentice no right to drag others into it. He's known Nettlepaw for awhile now to figure out that the tom has only bad intentions. What Nettlepaw wants is to ruin his friendships, but what he doesn't realize that he's hurting more than just his mentor.

Personally he would be hurt if Snakeblink didn't like him. Not romantically speaking. He would be more upset if Snakeblink never even thought they were friends if anything. He meets Nettlepaw's gaze only for the tom to say something even worse. "That's enough." Pikesplash isn't known to be anything but soft. He's forgotten about that to the others around him when his voice is cold and there is only disdain towards Nettlepaw. "You're being a fool. When you find yourself all alone it'll be your own fault." Public humiliation isn't the way to handle this and later he would question his decision making but a line was crossed when his friends were dragged into this.

Then, he turns to the group and his expression has not changed. It's almost as if he's someone else. He looks over to Snakeblink first, "I'm sorry that my spiteful and foolish apprentice asked you that. However, if that ever were to happen I would ask that you save Coyotecreek. I will forgive you. What I won't forgive you for is blaming yourself for it." The silver tom gives Snakeblink a slight nod before turning his attention towards Coyotecreek. While Coyotecreek is not someone he as close with as Snakeblink, he still feels guilt over what transpired.

"Coyotecreek I'm sorry I didn't answer sooner. To make things clear I'm not jealous of you liking Snakeblink or Snakeblink liking you." That would answer Ferngill along with others question to whether or not he would be jealous. He isn't sure what they are imagining. Maybe a sneer or crying himself to sleep at the fact that Snakeblink likes Coyotecreek. With a sigh his demeanor would soften and before anyone can say anything else he adds a bombshell "I like both Snakeblink and Coyotecreek."
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 47 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

Everything has gone very wrong, very fast -- so fast Snakeblink isn’t really sure what is happening until he’s at the center of a strange, loud crowd, and his face is already burning with embarrassment beneath his short fur.

Lichentail’s comment about Coyotecreek had struck him dumb. First he had been too confused to understand the trap he’d walked straight into, eager to help and to gossip in equal measures: had he missed something between his friend and someone else? What did Lichentail know that he doesn’t? Then the you had registered, and he had frozen in place, caught between denying her claim and panicking about the very idea of it. The idea of someone liking him is already wild enough to drag a nervous chuckle out of him, but unearned affection -- platonic or otherwise -- makes his skin crawl with anxious shame. And Hazecloud’s follow-up… What has he been wearing on his face that they took as such? Pikesplash? Oh, Stars, if he’d known having friends would be so anxiety-inducing he would have worked harder to come off as even less palatable than he already is.

He glances at Pikesplash as the tom himself interjects, feeling as deeply confused as the other sounds. Ferngill’s explanation helps with that, for a given definition of the word: hearing it put so plainly, and so wrongly… Snakeblink lets out a squeak, something between panic and a wordless plea for the others to stop. talking.

Then of course Coyotecreek himself has to appear. Snakeblink’s face falls, an uncharacteristic reaction to his friend’s presence. For a long moment he lets the sound of voices wash over him as he considers how to best put an end to his entire existence, hopefully swiftly and painlessly. The tom’s awkward attempt to escape, Nettlepaw’s mean-spirited interjection, Pikesplash snapping at his apprentice…

That last one snaps him out of his humiliation-induced fugue state out of sheer shock. He shakes himself -- physically, as if he’s just been dunked into ice-cold water. No one is hanging off the side of the gorge!” He snaps shrilly, glancing at mentor and apprentice with the kind of wide, wild stare that screams what the hell is wrong with you. ”And I am not interested in-- Nettlepaw, I will have you cleaning the Elders’ nest until you become a warrior, anyone would be lucky to have Pikesplash-- you what.”

That last part is directed at Pikesplash following the other’s bold claim, and stops his flustered rambling dead in its tracks. He feels as if he jumped into the water only to be met with a tail-thick layer of ice instead.

Please tell me you meant that you like us as in we are dear to you in a manner befitting friendship,” he enunciates with the slow and careful precision of a cat holding on to his sanity by a very thin thread. ”Actually, no, do not say anything-- I will scream. I’m sorry. Thank you? ”

Twisting around to face the terrifying pair that started this whole circus, he opens his mouth, tries to gather his thoughts into an excuse-- actually I am still deeply in love with our dearly departed leader, or I have sworn off emotional attachments for good and will be walking off into the woods never to be seen again or perhaps the most egregious lies of them all I am not interested in toms, just to see what the two would make of it. But words fail him. He considers making good on one of these and leaving to drown himself in the river. He considers biting Lichentail, or spilling the secret she entrusted to him in petty revenge.

But he can’t, he won’t, so instead he decides Coyotecreek had the right idea of it and, turning around again, attempts to slither away as quickly as his frayed dignity will allow, which is pretty fast.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 47 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

There is not a more perfect moment for Hazecloud to have appeared and with a cheesy, shit-eating grin, she turns to her mate with amusement dancing in sparkling, crystalline eyes. This was only fair! It was justice... Snakeblink was a good sport... he could handle a petty jab. Well... if it had stayed just a petty jab between tension-ridden friends.

Pikesplash is summoned as if Valepaw's snipes of 'witch' make it true of the smoky furred molly at her side, whose tail she twines with her own for stability. She has made a mistake.. her voice had not been quiet enough... A hot-swell of panic rises in her throat like bile, and she turns to Snakeblink with wide eyes, an apology screamed in the wavering pupils that lock with him uncertainly. It was a joke... Not a tactic to publicly humiliate him. Even if he did deserve the same amount of torture he'd put her through... even if it was 'fair', balanced...

Ferngill is normally a relief with his sun-light like presence but today his bubble-brained antics get her into deeper trouble- chirping out an amused summary of the throuple suggestion that her and a mischievous queen had prompted. "I was-" she struggles to cut in, to find an opportunity to explain it to spare the patchy brown and white tom a moment to breathe, to give him an escape she hadn't been given.

But so many faces appear, so many voices, and too many of them are the ones she least desired to be here now. "Coyote-" but he is already turning to flee like a hare staring down a fox- his tail tucked between his legs with a pleasant enough lie on his tongue.

Stars this isn't what I meant..

And Silverpelt above does Nettlepaw prove himself to be a great aggressor of his clan, to constantly poke and prod and shove his seniors like they are emotional toys rather than cats with complicated histories that spanned long before his birth. "Nettlepaw," she hisses, but not before Pikesplash has already lost his temper, not before Snakeblink has found his voice again and they are both fuming. It is justified, she thinks, with a smug satisfaction blistering under her pelt in a way unbecoming of an adult that should know better. Of a soon-to-be parent that should not find it funny to see a child lectured and put in their place for what is experience-less ignorance.

"Go to your den, now," she mews with a voice so taut it threatens to snap her vocal cords all together. The normally softened pitch falls to a natural gravel, a grating tone that reflects how lost she feels in the stream of un-navigable conversation. "This isn't a funny game for you to butt into."

Viridescent eyes have caught her in their mix-emotioned stare and she is wracked with guilt for the grave she has dug. It was just... a... funny game. Tail lashing to dismiss the complicated feeling that clung to her like nausea, she knows herself a hypocrite but cannot say that now. It was different. They were peers... friends... right?

"Snakeblink, please, I wasn't-"

Adder-like in his speed, he is already padding away with a torn gaze that feels like claws having been ripped across her coat. He had chosen not to bite back (she isn't sure why). "If you guys had ears half as sharp when we were out hunting, I wouldn't send out nearly as many patrols... fine-tuned for gossip and nothing else," she complains, misdirecting her embarassment and guilt to her clan-mates caught in the crossfire.

  • Haha
Reactions: Snakeblink