pafp you can follow me // bug hunting


maggotpaw & 11 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan apprentice

Boredom has sunk it's fangs into Maggotpaw at last, she thinks dully, staring blankly at the cats milling about the camp. Without magpie here, she can count the number of tolerable cats on just one paw - her ways to have fun dwindling down until there's nothing left. A heavy sigh slips past her lips, vibrant gaze narrowing in irritation - what is she supposed to do now, when she's already done with training and patrols? Tail swishes slowly, paws kneading the ground until she feels something bite. She blinks slowly, pulling paw to her face - a small beetle latched on tightly to her pawpad. Honestly, she's not even that mad - it's shiny and iridescent, and as pupils widen and ears wriggle, she feels a burst of excitement. How long has it been since she's gone looking for bugs?

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: please wait for @Scorchedpaw
    tw/cw: —
  • — a massive tabby she-cat with striking turquoise eyes, there has always been something not-right about her. cold and apathetic, and more than a bit unhinged, the monster that is maggotpaw is a volitile presence within shadowclan. she seems strangely taken by magpiepaw, putting herself in role of both tormentor and protector.

    — physically medium && mentally hard
    — non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    — please attack using [b][color=mediumpurple]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

Scorchedpaw is off on his own, as per usual. He hates to admit it, but sometimes it gets to him just how isolated he truly feels. He knows why no cats really speak to him, but that’s not an excuse! Maybe he should cool it down on butting into things? …But how else would he make his presence known? Maybe he just has to be more pushy, and things will work out!

The grey and yellow chimera sees something gleaming in the distance, and his pupils instantly dilate. He runs up to Maggotpaw and the beetle and puts his face really close to her paw and gives a chorus of “oooh”s as he admires the specimen. “Shiny thing! Shiny bug…so pretty!”

Scorchedpaw then turns his attention to the cat whose space he invaded. “Are you a fan of shiny things too? Bugs are truly beautiful, huh?” A lot of things in this world are beautiful, but bugs are in their own league.​
It could be nothing — it is likely nothing — but Fleabounce turns her head the apprentices' way regardless. Youth brought with it a truly uncanny ability to turn nothing into something, and something could be a fight just as easily as it could be a budding friendship. Fleabounce approaches, near enough to see that the commotion was the result of nothing more than a beetle that caught the light on its folded wings in a rather fetching way, and exhales in quiet amusement. Of course, of course.

"Be gentle with that one," Fleabounce warns in her ever-present monotone as she looks between Maggotpaw and Scorchedpaw, "Such a pretty little bug. I would hate to see it squashed."​
â– â– â– â– â– 

She remembers when she had been younger she had found a frog in camp. It had made such a beautiful noise, a song emitting from its throat, and she had been quite adamant that it not be eaten. The adults had entertained her then, and for that she is grateful when she looks back. (Though she is certain she had later seen it on the prey pile) Needless to say, she was a cat who found beauty in many things. A bug would not be an exception.

She comes to stand next to Fleabounce, her green eyes resting on the shiny bug at the paws of the blue furred apprentice. "Y-yes its quite pretty" she agrees, her voice quiet "When we are - when we are done admiring we uh we shuh-should release it outside of camp maybe" the suggestion is one that makes the most sense, that way no one would squash such a creature underneath their paws, nor would the kits be able to torment it in their games.

  • ooc : — ​

  • âžµ she / her
    âžµ shadowclan medicine cat
    âžµ mates with Granitepelt

    - - a small, black furred she-cat with green eyes
    ↪ toyhouse [ ✦ ]

    - - Starlingheart is the reclusive and anxious medicine cat of shadowclan. She tries her best to always be kind and to wear her heart on her sleeve but life has not always dealt her the best hand. Still, she does her best to remain optimistic and faithful to starclan even in the face of her clans cynicism. Because of her stutter, which is starting to improve as she gets older and gains more confidence in herself, she tries to speak as little as possible. Her quiet demeanor has granted her a valuable skill, however, the ability to listen. She prefers to hang back in the shadows and observe over being in the spotlight and because of this she has learned to pick up on things quickly. It is what she can attribute her quick skills as a medicine cat to, the ability to retain information, the ability to learn swiftly. Despite the way life has gone for her, she believes that there is good in everyone she meets. Because of this she trusts easily and therefor is easy to manipulate.
    ↪ INFJ-T 'the advocate'

    âžµ skilled medicine cat ; not very good at anything else
    âžµ BRIARSTAR X AMBER; sister to pitchstar, nightswarm, chittertongue, skunktail, and lilacfur; mother to nettlekit, ghostkit and flintkit


maggotpaw & 11 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan apprentice

Scorchedpaw's presence startles her a bit, but she doesn't let it show - save for a flick of cold eyes and a twitch of her fluffy pelt. "Mhm - they're pretty, and tasty," she agrees absently, though she probably won't eat this one. She's not that hungry just yet. She'll probably hang onto it, maybe keep it in her pile of things once it goes still - or maybe, there will be a better use for it with time. Who knows.

"Do you like bugs much?" really, she's a bit taken aback by the amount of enthusiasm radiating from him - pretty or not, it is still just a bug. Plumed tail waves idly again as she turns to stare at the warriors who join the conversation, lips curling downwards into a slight frown. Fleabound has the audacity to tell er to be careful with it - as though the bugs life is worth something more than food. It irks her, in that way adults bossing her about always does, bu starlinghearts presences tempers it.

She has no real opinion on the stuttering she-cat, but magpiepaw like sher, so - "Whatever," she sighs, too tired to argue. It's just not worth it, so for once she bites back the scathing remarks on the tip of her tongue. "Wonder if we can find a better one," she offers instead - really just trying to avoid being dragged into further conversation with the warriors, using scorchedpaw as her scapegoat.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • — a massive tabby she-cat with striking turquoise eyes, there has always been something not-right about her. cold and apathetic, and more than a bit unhinged, the monster that is maggotpaw is a volitile presence within shadowclan. she seems strangely taken by magpiepaw, putting herself in role of both tormentor and protector.

    — physically medium && mentally hard
    — non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    — please attack using [b][color=mediumpurple]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

Scorchedpaw is happy that both Fleabounce (obviously) and Starlingheart (less obviously) are as appreciative of bugs as he is, and entertain his question even if he wasn’t asking them. Maggotpaw seems less than enthusiastic about their presence, but at least she showed interest in him, which he didn’t get often!

“I don’t eat bugs myself, but hey, if you enjoy them then great!” A weird source of food to be sure, if they’re edible, why not? He was the last one who could judge, anyways. “And I do like bugs, a lot! They’re just so silly. And the ones that are pretty always make me jealous! I would love to be that shiny…” Alas, it was not meant to be.

He frowns a bit as both the adults think it to be best and release the bug Maggotpaw caught, though maybe it would be. However, he immediately perks back up when she asks out loud if they should search for more. “I bet we could! Why don’t we go hunt for more, see what we find?” Scorchedpaw suggests. Sounds like fun, and maybe he could make a new friend by the end of it!​