pafp YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL MY EMPIRE OF ROCKS || Rock collecting


I'll catch your tears, quench your fears with joy
Sep 18, 2022


Redpath hated going to bed without a rock collection to look at. It was like a bedtime ritual, something to wind down to. Her collection had been grand.... Several smooth and pretty rocks lined her nest along with a few shells sprinkled in.

But the river had claimed it all, and now she had to rebuild her empire.


The sun was shining on the land while still remaining a little chilly. With the river having flooded and rushing as it was, surely a few treasures could be found!

And what was a treasure hunt without an ACCOMPLICE. She had chosen Wasprattle as her partner in crime. She didn't know him too well, and what better way to get to know someone than by COLLECTING ROCKS.

She bounded alongside the river with the energy of an excited kit.

"ROCKS ROCKS ROCKS, LETS COLLECT SOME ROCKS!!" She changed as she observed each little pebble and stone.

Wasprattle could partake in the wonders of nature as well as any other soul. Perhaps even more, awestruck by each change of the season, by each nook and nuance of the land he crept upon. Wonders abounded, no matter the time. RiverClan proved the perfect case study, isolated, tight-knit, a community he couldn't help but what to be a part of. Slowly, he was getting there. He could only hope his requested presence was a sign of such.

He's come to learn that RiverClan was home to a number of stones. Glittering, glistening, a range of colors he had never before quite seen. Even the typical grey would shimmer silver, or even blue. No, he could not blame Redpath for her excitement. He was too, really, though he struggled to be quite so vocal about it. "Yes, right." Eyes wide, he affirms their little adventure. She deserved the security of his engagement.

A golden gaze dips down to the slushy ground, scattered with stones. They had to be careful with their pickings. Jaws could only carry so much. Longingly, he would glance to a particularly large stone, glistening a warm red-brown, but alas, much too large for him to carry. Forever a relic of this land, he supposes. "Any preferences?" He would hate to choose something the molly did not like. He owed her a showing of kindness. This one was much too round. Another adorned a unique, albiet strange shade of grey-brown. Absentmindedly, he chews at blackened lips. "What will our standards be?"

  • Wasp overthinks rocks more at 7


Yes... Yes.... Many fine candidates. Pretty pebbles and shiny stones, all there for them to take! She passed her paw over a few to look them over. Coming across a particularly smooth bluish rock with white freckles on it.

"Anything that makes you happy!" She chirped happily, picking up her newest treasure and bringing it to him. "Like this one! Isn't it pretty?"

She was so happy to have a rock collecting buddy. She almost didn't believe he was Cicadastar's brother at first, though she supposed it was silly to assume any siblings of his would be clones, she supposed.

Maybe she would find a rock that looked like him! Or!! Rocks that looked like her clanmates!!! Yes. This was her mission now. Her grand quest. Everybody was going to have a rock of themselves at the end of the day!


There was singing along the stream-side, loud voices- he'd be foolish to miss them! Tracking had never been his strong suit, but he needn't rely on his nose when encroachers were making this much noise. Already in the throes of his own hunt, one to manipulate time outside of camp in order to spend as much time hunting for trinkets as possible, Fernpaw's bulging eyes flickered over to the source of the sound- two warriors, side by side. Their objective was not one he needed to pry about... Redpath had already announced it to half the Clan.

Too-big paws sorted through his own floods of pebbles, coated by frost and half-melted slush- wary, he hurried his pace. If he didn't keep up this hunting, they'd beat him- they'd find the grand prize that undoubtedly had waged up in the flood of camp. He could sense it- something slumbering beneath the mess, a treasure awaiting him, and if they found it first, he would never forgive himself.

Maybe the best way was from the inside... protecting his finds by finding them first. Toddling over to the pair, the tiny tom let a grin curve his unsightly little maw. "Oh, maybe I can help?" A flick of a balding tail to punctuate his offer, and the deed was done.
penned by pin

A call for rock collecting is seldom ignored by the boy, so of course, when Redpath's chants reach his ears, Gillpaw rises to find the warrior. He is intrigued by the presence of Wasprattle beside her, less so intrigued by Fernpaw's. A fellow collector, the apprentice is - the likelihood of him showing up is just as much as Gillpaw's own.

"C-Can I help too?" he asks, sunny eyes shining bright with anticipation.

He has yet to properly rebuild his own collection, sure, but Gillpaw thinks he also wants to spend this time building up a pile to share amongst RiverClan - so others' collections could grow as well. He's bound to collect more for himself later, anyway.

Wasprattle doesn't really seem to understand rock collecting all that well, from what he hears the leader's sibling ask Redpath. So, Gillpaw paws at a nearby pebble, sparkly in the right light - one that makes the black and white tom happy, fitting for Redpath's advice to Wasprattle. "W-What do you think of this o-one, W-Wasprattle?" he asks, "D-Does this one make you happy?"
Anything that makes you happy. At this, he frowns. He'd think it much too broad to glean any real distinction from the bunch. Again, his gaze would rake over the expanse below him, and again, he finds that he likes them all fine enough. He struggles to find away to say this, and– he hardly can, with the way she beams, a rock now presented to him, clear. "It is," he agrees, eyes slightly wide.

Gillpaw joins them, too, and yet another stone is presented to Wasprattle. The question is different, this time. Did it make him happy? Just barely, his head tilts to the side as he considers. And at last, with a blink he answers, "I suppose so, yes." He is not smiling, but his gaze is... placid. Posture straight and size towering, his excitement is not written with a smile, but perhaps, the hyper twitching of his tail spells a different story.

Never once does the intensity of his gaze lift, but his eyes raise to the sky, and slowly, to Redpath again. The standards are rather low, he notes, though he is not exactly upset about it. Gum and fang, he bites at the inside of his mouth, contemplating. Finally, to Fernpaw, he turns his head. "With more paws, we may take all of them, then," he decides with a nod. Without further word, he leans down in an attempt to grasp as many as he could fit in his mouth. Which, he finds out is not many when a small round stone clatters to the ground, newly wet with spit. His back is hunched as he leans over it, frowning about as much as he could in his current predicament.