- Jan 17, 2024
- 83
- 22
- 8
There's not much to it when the day arrives. Late is her first, irritated thought. It had been expected to be earlier yet here she is, belly swollen beyond withstanding - Stars, if I don't bounce back these kits better hope to the heavens- the thought ends there as a sharp pang rakes through her.
Duckshimmer has, and might never be, much of a believer in the stars, their inhabitants, or their little abilities to control fate. Perhaps it's a defense mechanism. A refusal to accept that mistakes could be preplanned punishments. Coincidences are just coincidences - they have to be. But if they weren't...what would this be?
The birth goes without much fanfare. Duckshimmer, dramatic as she's known to be, was quick to sequester herself in Marbleleaf's den - Sweetheart, I'm just making this easier for you, all your herbs are right on hand, isn't that more helpful than lugging it all to the nursery? She wonders if Marbleleaf sees right through her - that Duckshimmer wishes more for as much privacy as she can get than Marbleleaf's comfort. Whether she does or doesn't, it's no matter - Duckshimmer steals a nest and relives the wonders of childbirth for the second time in her life.
There is nothing beautiful about it. There hadn't been the first time, either, but something about this time just felt...colder.
There's more blood than there was last time, so perhaps that has something to do with it. She can't remember if the pain is worse than before, but her tongue tastes of splinters where she'd broken the stick Marbleleaf had shoved in there somewhere between "sweetheart" and a mouthful of raging curse words. Everything has grown cold and numb long before she realizes she's finished. Two mewling lives are placed by her stomach, she vaguely feels their paws. For a brief moment, she wonders where the third one is...but she's too tired to look...to care. Instead, she lets the new lives nurse and tries not to think about how each suckle drains more and more of that already receding warmth.
What had Chilledstar said, all those moons ago?
About...the coldest season...about love...what had they said about warmth? She can't remember. She can't remember them.
With a heavy sigh that sounds dangerously close to a sob, Duckshimmer whispers, "Sweetheart...Marbleleaf...could you...?" A question lingers on her lips, fragile and hypothermic, a whisper away from being carried away by the next shaky breath. Her paw twitches, the loudest her request will ever be. Ultimately, she doesn't ask. She never did when Chilledstar was alive, she won't start now.
Instead, with a sigh that sounds as it usually does - tired and bored - she concludes, "You did good" before letting eyes close.
Tomorrow, she'll feel like a mother. Tomorrow...
For tonight, she dreams of a starless sky and pretends to find comfort in the familiarity of darkness.
There's not much to it when the day arrives. Late is her first, irritated thought. It had been expected to be earlier yet here she is, belly swollen beyond withstanding - Stars, if I don't bounce back these kits better hope to the heavens- the thought ends there as a sharp pang rakes through her.
Duckshimmer has, and might never be, much of a believer in the stars, their inhabitants, or their little abilities to control fate. Perhaps it's a defense mechanism. A refusal to accept that mistakes could be preplanned punishments. Coincidences are just coincidences - they have to be. But if they weren't...what would this be?
The birth goes without much fanfare. Duckshimmer, dramatic as she's known to be, was quick to sequester herself in Marbleleaf's den - Sweetheart, I'm just making this easier for you, all your herbs are right on hand, isn't that more helpful than lugging it all to the nursery? She wonders if Marbleleaf sees right through her - that Duckshimmer wishes more for as much privacy as she can get than Marbleleaf's comfort. Whether she does or doesn't, it's no matter - Duckshimmer steals a nest and relives the wonders of childbirth for the second time in her life.
There is nothing beautiful about it. There hadn't been the first time, either, but something about this time just felt...colder.
There's more blood than there was last time, so perhaps that has something to do with it. She can't remember if the pain is worse than before, but her tongue tastes of splinters where she'd broken the stick Marbleleaf had shoved in there somewhere between "sweetheart" and a mouthful of raging curse words. Everything has grown cold and numb long before she realizes she's finished. Two mewling lives are placed by her stomach, she vaguely feels their paws. For a brief moment, she wonders where the third one is...but she's too tired to look...to care. Instead, she lets the new lives nurse and tries not to think about how each suckle drains more and more of that already receding warmth.
What had Chilledstar said, all those moons ago?
About...the coldest season...about love...what had they said about warmth? She can't remember. She can't remember them.
With a heavy sigh that sounds dangerously close to a sob, Duckshimmer whispers, "Sweetheart...Marbleleaf...could you...?" A question lingers on her lips, fragile and hypothermic, a whisper away from being carried away by the next shaky breath. Her paw twitches, the loudest her request will ever be. Ultimately, she doesn't ask. She never did when Chilledstar was alive, she won't start now.
Instead, with a sigh that sounds as it usually does - tired and bored - she concludes, "You did good" before letting eyes close.
Tomorrow, she'll feel like a mother. Tomorrow...
For tonight, she dreams of a starless sky and pretends to find comfort in the familiarity of darkness.
AAAAAAAAAAAH IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE!!!! Hopefully, the next milestones won't be so difficult for me to write out </3 Welcome to the world babies! Sorry Duck and I are both crap at this fufu
@vulture @ouijeejuice
This is written as a oneshot but feel free to respond, Duck suffered some heavy blood loss but aside from i'd imagine having a longer recovery she's fine <3 -
⚜ Duckshimmer
⚜ DFAB— She/Her — Bisexual
⚜ 41 moons
⚜ Mother to Singeglare, Swallowflutter and Sneezeduck
⚜ Shadowclan — Queen
⚜Physically medium | mentally hard
⚜ Attack in bold #ffa98f
injuries: Currently pregnant