private YOU CANNOT WITHSTAND ;; private

He's paused from his endless stroll, again trying to clean the blood from his fur. It always seems... wet. It never dries, at least with how humid the air is. Perhaps it is another torment laid upon him by some greater being. For why, he still struggles to discern. Maybe he wasn't perfect, but he acted for ThunderClan, he worked to create a stronger lifestyle for them all. Cats die, it happens. He believes it wrong of whatever has sent him here, instead of the beauty of heaven he once believed in, to gleam his actions and decide them horrid.

A soul approaches - the squealching of the earth beneath heavy paws is not hard to miss. The tom pauses in his vanity to look up, partially uncaring, but too partially defensive. Claws score into the ground in his own and only defense measure as he watches the creature approach, ears folding to his head briefly.