pafp YOU CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS — accusations

She's gone. The reality has fully hit Snakehiss now; he is no longer questioning it, no longer in denial of Rosepool's passing, no longer crying his eyes out like a newborn kit. The tears are drained from his body... mostly, anyway. Snakehiss had been leaving camp more frequently these days ( understandably so ) to isolate from the gazes of his clanmates and grieve alone. He couldn't let his father, Sootstar, Cottonpaw, or anyone see him as a snot-nosed, teary-eyed, disheveled mess of a cat.

Cloudy kingdoms of warm pink and pale violet tower above the moors as dusk settles upon WindClan's territory. It is a beautiful end to the day, one that Rosepool will never witness. Truthfully, he had never thought about the marbled she-cat so much in his life; her presence had been minimal toward the latter half of his apprenticeship as he focused on his training, but still constant. Now she was gone completely.

The black tom's eyes, dimmed with a lingering sorrow, flicked up momentarily to observe the color-splashed horizon as he ambled into camp. Seating himself on the outskirts of camp with the intention of grooming himself, he lifts his arm and swipes his tongue over obsidian fur — Rosepool had always made a fuss about keeping him clean and presentable as a kit. The young warrior's motivation tanks as his brain is swarmed with memories again, and he ceases.

Only the pale-hued form of Whitepaw reels him back into reality. A bitter pang engulfs his stomach as he fixes his sights on his estranged kin, glare lacking its usual ferocity but still present nonetheless. "What do you want?" The question utters from his lips — strained, heavy with grief, like a bough readying to break.

  • @whitepaw
    this takes place shortly after his mother's death btw!! so, a little late but you can thank irl stuff for that 😭

  • 67742787_tPGcdYVUNzWpIz9.png
    —— he/him; warrior ( moor runner ) of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
Yellowcough was a cruel plague like one Whitepaw has ever seen. Those isolated at the badger set were fading without lungwort, and some have already passed on. First, it was Weaselclaw, and now the most recent death was Rosepool. This death felt both personal but also not, all at once. The former queen was technically kin, and while she didn't share blood with Whitepaw, the ivory apprentice shared a bloodline with Snakehiss, the late femme's son. Whitepaw and her family were a complicated topic, one she rarely tried to focus on despite how she longed to. They weren't close, they never were. It was a disappointing notion the young girl had acknowledged in her early kithood. To this day, her own mother denied her, and that burn remained settled. But unlike Whitepaw, Snakehiss and Rosepool seemed to have a closer mother-and-son bond. She could remember the glimpses of envy she felt when she acknowledged her distant kin from afar. But now, Rosepool was gone, and similar to Addervenom, shortly after learning about her death, Snakehiss went off alone often. She wasn't sure what her goal was here. She was close with Addervenom, and could comfort him to the best of her abilities. How could she possibly offer comfort to Snakehiss, of all cats? Her own kin that she couldn't recall ever having a single direct conversation with?

She was more tentative this time as she approached. While her friend had shown fury in his grief, Snakehiss appeared more solemn in comparison. The ebony-hued tom had simply been grooming himself when he noticed her and asked about her presence, his usual sharpened stare seeming duller compared to usual. With a soft inhale, she considered her next words. "I... I wanted to see how you were doing." She admitted quietly, her ears drooping somewhat. "I'm sorry — About Rosepool." She added shortly, her tone half-hearted and unsure within a whisper. Her ruby hues finally broke away from the tom, and she stared at the grass beneath her paws. "If," She suddenly spoke up again after a brief awkward pause. "If you want to talk about it, I'm here to listen — if you'd like." She offered hesitantly, briefly glancing up at the obsidian-coated warrior.
It only takes seconds for his viridian gaze to glisten with a sharpness that could practically slice through flesh like a claw. It only takes seconds for Snakehiss to fully register what Whitepaw is saying to him — she is here to talk. She, alive and well and breathing, is offering her condolences. "Talk about it..." He scoffs, as if Whitepaw had insulted him straight to his face.

His blood boils so hot that he can feel his ears burn. A bitter rage engulfs the young warrior, perhaps more than it ever had. It is not uncommon for Snakehiss to be cross with a clanmate, but this was an entirely different level of resentment. "Why... would I want to talk to you about anything?!" Snakehiss spits at the albino tunneler, the hairs along his neck beginning to bristle and raise. "My mother is dead! She- She died sick and alone all by herself in that badger set, without getting to say goodbye to her kin or her clanmates. And you, a walking curse, still live!"

This had been the most he had ever spoken to his cousin. This also was the most he ever wanted to speak to her.

Taking a step forward, green eyes boring directly into Whitepaw's, the obsidian tom continued to rant, "Rosepool should have received the lungwort, not you! She should be standing here, not you!" His frustration and grief were understandable, perhaps, but were channeled only into publicly berating his kin. Deep down, he knows that this only accomplishes nothing, but Snakehiss does not possess the clear state of mind to realize it at the moment. Moons of pent-up feelings of disdain and disgust toward Whitepaw have now blown its top for the entire clan to witness.

  • 67742787_tPGcdYVUNzWpIz9.png
    —— he/him; warrior ( moor runner ) of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
Turning to anger was easy for Heatherpaw. It welcomed him like a warm nest as he sunk himself into blazing smoke, fiery words escaping his maw before he could even think of what he was saying at all. Bitter-sapped tone dressed every sentence as they stuck into branches of brittle twigs, easily snapped down when met with the friction of another. Many of his current and former denmates had met the pointy end of his impulsive attitude; Snakehiss, Bluepaw, Addervenom, even Peonypaw when at his worst. It was a fire that quickly fizzled out, though, almost as quickly as it had started. Sometimes he confused himself with how sudden he would descend, but he never shied away from the consequences of what he said.

Snakehiss was the only one he felt truly understood that feeling. They both rushed into the heat of anger without thought, knowing there was nothing to benefit from it. It was no surprise he fell to it in the face of grief as well and, while he turned to isolation in a more intense form, he could see himself behave the same. If Sedgebreeze had been able to be cured, if one of his Clanmates tarnished that chance of her survival... his wrath might have no end.

Red dusted paws join Snakehiss in a defensive pose as he stared down his fellow tunneler. His lip curled to bare a single fang. "I think you should leave." He warned, his tail curling toward Snakehiss's side. He had promised the dark pelted tom they would stand together, and he meant it. Whatever Whitepaw was trying to do, trying to say, was only making this worse and he wouldn't let his friend look like the enemy when he was grieving. ​
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︿─︿.𖥔 ݁ ˖︿─︿Singedkit's pale eyes stare from the periphery of the three cats, scarcely blinking. Their small body is crouched as they swallow up each unspoken exchange of emotion: Whitepaw lowering her gaze and slowly glancing at him, Snakehiss stepping boldly into her space while black fur rises. And Heatherpaw standing beside him, a tail brushing against his silhouette. Singedkit lingers there, curious, and such curiosity slithers venomously around their paws until they straighten, stepping forward.

Whether Whitepaw can defend herself does not matter to Singedkit. Sunlitkit is sometimes the same, though they are more inclined to defend her than the apprentice. No, that is not why they steadily approach, and it is not why Singedkit stares up at Heatherpaw. "Are you a coward?" They ask simply. "Only, I've heard that like finds like. Birds of a feather." They point to Heatherpaw's tail. "So you must have something in common with Snakehiss."
  • Sibling to Bearkit, Rivekit,, Sunlitkit, & Featherkit. Second-born child named after their pelt-color to invoke ember-like imagery.
    Uses they/them pronouns only; will not respond to the use of any others. Too young for romantic relationships; sexuality TBD.
  • Small compared to the average WindClan kit. The runt of the litter who has greatly taken after Wolfsong's height, but with Sunstride's slimmer structure. Will progress in size as an apprentice, but will not tower over the clan as their father does.
    Eyes are a striking, frost-hewn blue paler than both their parents' eyes, and without a tinge of green. Often narrowed, even as a kit, primarily a physical trait picked up from Wolfsong.
  • While they do not have the appearance of a light-hearted demeanor, they are relatively friendly with clanmates and are known to have a youthful charm, with a smile that can't help but to be mirrored. It comes quite naturally to them, though they do mimic their parents to better endear themself to other people.
    Singedkit seems to take after the snake's skin fed to Wolfsong. Their friendliness is the swaying grass that the snake's slither matches in rhythm, disguised by innocuous scenery. As a kit, this manifests as little more than (mostly) harmless schemes.
  • Peaceful actions may be powerplayed, such as shoulder brushes, light bumps, and playfully intended gestures. Violent or harmful actions can be attempted with a ping for this account.
    Please note that while peaceful actions can be powerplayed, and while most will be received or even reciprocated, there is a chance Singedkit will become discomfited and react aggressively.
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