camp YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US! ♫ drawing a line in the apprentice's den

Jun 17, 2024
*+:。.。 "You can't sleep with us" Bugpaw announces, ignoring the prickle of guilt in her chest as she stares down at Skyclaw's followers. It didn't feel right to be so openly mean like this, but neither did it sit easy with her to sleep next to a bunch of cats who openly sided with her mentor's killers. She pulls at her nest, dragging it away to be as close to the western wall of the den. Once she made her point, she sat on her nest and stared daggers into the "other side", announcing with her chin held high, "this is our side of the den, that can be yours." There was no denying it - Bugpaw was being petty. Still, there wasn't exactly much she could do under Skyclaw's reign, especially when Flamewhisker made her promise to keep her head down lest anything happen to her or her siblings. Did this count as keeping her head down? Sorta...hopefully. But doing nothing wasn't an option, sorry mamma. She didn't do anything to save Morningcloud, so this was her way of taking back some power, even if it was the size of a clover leaf.

Speaking of clovers...she can't bring herself to look at Meadowpaw, whom she knows won't be too thrilled about losing the special spot beside Bugpaw's nest. It was weird to be plant-tonic mates with someone on an opposing side, and though everything in her heart screamed to beg Meadowpaw to change her alliance, she doubted it'd be safe for 'Dow to do so in front of everyone. She hoped 'Dow would forgive her for this. More than that, she hoped 'Dow would change her mind on her stance, at least when it's safe to do so. That had to be the reason why she wasn't, right? Because of the danger? She couldn't fault her mate for that, she supposes.

But onto the topic at hand...She stares defiantly at the cats she's choosing to separate herself from - their forgiveness she most certainly doesn't need.

    DFAB— She/Her
    6 moons — Ages
    Daughter to Flamewhisker and Flycatcher
    Sibling to Falconheart, Stormfeather, Lilykit, Butterflykit, Scorchedpaw, Squirrelpaw, Sunpaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Apprenticed to Falconheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold pink
    injuries: None currently

( 𖤓 ) basilpaw can't remember sleeping. he thinks he does, because he isn't entirely exhausted every morning, but for the past few nights since the event, he's simply curled up beside his siblings and his mind has gone blank after. he imagines many of his denmates feel similarly - he's heard quiet sobs late at night, and the empty nests where his kittypet-blooded fellow apprentices used to sleep. basilpaw thinks of ivorypaw, and her empty spot where she might've slept had she not been cast out the day of her apprenticeship beginning.

curled now in his mess of a nest, basilpaw glances up when bugpaw makes her decision, his ears flattening as she stands firm, dragging her nest to the far side of the den. she's got a spark, something much needed in these dark times. verdant eyes dart between the enemy and the mottled girl for a moment before the cream tom stands. "that's right," he backs her up, claws sinking into his nest and pulling it towards where bugpaw has put hers. he will go back for wolfpaw's and merlinpaw's nests, of course - he's not sleeping without his littermates.

eyes like river stones, stern and hard in their glare, find the faces of his traitor denmates, waiting for an adverse reaction, waiting for someone to try something. basilpaw's claws itch, and he has to remind himself of flamewhisker's words. stand down, she'd said, but even so, in her gaze there'd still been a promise of fight. he meets his denmates' eyes evenly, un-breaking.

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    a cream ticked tabby with high white, and green eyes. a tall boy sporting a chaotically ruffled coat of pale cream tabby. darker ticked stripes flow down his fur, and band around his legs and face. his chest, stomach, muzzle, and most of his tail are white, and he has ferny-green eyes that sparkle with mischief.
  • Love
Reactions: Bugpaw !
There's been a noticeable combative rift between the apprentices since Skyclaw's takeover. For the most part, Shroudedpaw has ignored it; he had yet to firmly take a stance, while he bides his time to find a solution to the Clan's troubles, to save them. His duty, until now, had been to keep his siblings from getting themselves killed.

But.. there's a change of heart in the boy now, as Bugpaw announces the separation between Skyclaw's followers and the kittypet-sympathizers. If not for her, he'd sleep where he normally slept and ignore the stupid line; but as silver eyes cross the den towards her 'mate', he feels the familiar venomous taste of jealousy upon his tongue, twisting his mouth into a nasty scowl.

Without further ado, the boy grabs his nest and drags it to the far side of the den where Bugpaw and Basilpaw had already moved theres. In an open spot next to Bugpaw's nest, he places his, carefully pushing it close enough to merge the two into one big nest, before settling down next to her, allowing himself to lean against her fur. Shroudedpaw stares daggers across the den, at the particular face he had silently declared a rival. It's more than just followers-vs-rebels to him; for once, he feels smug, as if he'd finally won something.

SHROUDEDPAW ( he/him )​

( ooc ) text
  • Love
Reactions: Bugpaw !

The near-altercation with another apprentice at Skyclaw's behest remained prominent on the point cat's mind, leaving them struggling to sleep in the same den as the others. It had become an empty place, cold, except for the times they were lucky enough to sleep by Merlin and Basil's side. Something had to change, but they were not the leader to enact them. They thought that they wouldn't like Bugpaw's approach, dividing the den felt wrong, as if shutting away any chance of them uniting under one leader. But they were all too quick to reach Basilpaw's side, kicking a haphazardly put-together nest alongside them, allowing the off-whites and creams upon their spine to rustle like the spines of a hedgehog. Their anger had reignited, and with no mentor or true enemy about to temper it, there were only a few beings it could be directed toward.

"If... if you agree that with the murderer, then you are a traitor to ThunderClan." Orange eyes glowed like fire, impulse driving them to speak. It was reckless to believe themselves free of consequence after everything, but justice overlooked foresight in their mind. "Cross this line and StarClan will put you down... if we don't first."


She had spent moons since she lost her tail to refocus herself on what needed done. She felt to prove herself worthy to her clan and to her parents, that she needed to train harder. Her days were busy, to the point every night she'd collapse to the ground in her nest and nearly immediately fall into slumber. But she would wake earlier than many others, and work without questioning.

These last few days, she would keep herself busy, but the mutany that skyclaw caused, caused thoughts to swirl in her brain as she instead lay awake. Blue eyes with slitted pupils glared to the traitorous apprentices. Though Vixenpaw wanted to be a leader, she could never even think to murder the leader for that position.

You work hard to earn that achievement. And Skyclaw cheated. That was not the way of the warrior. Sure, howlingstar could have backed down- but she cared for her clan. Skyclaw, however, did not. He would hold their skulls with a glisten in his eyes of victory, then bury them and respect the dead. He was a true villain.

Her head lifted slightly as Bug paw began to talk, interrupting the silence of the den to spit words Vixenpaw couldnt deny. She couldn't bare the thought of sleeping next to them anymore. Without a word at first, she would stand to grab her nest and lug it to Bugpaws side. " @Softpaw , " she murmured softly to her sister, her eyes light when blue fell on soft pink. "c'mon." Before she would continue lugging her nest.

If softpaw needed help, she would move to do as such, sending daggers to the others on the other side. "I won't be afraid to spill the blood of traitors." She hissed, glaring daggers to any daring traitor, backing up wolf paws words. "Because you wouldn't be afraid to spill the blood of innocents, either. You showed this by siding with a murderer. True thunderclanners don't achieve greatness that way. I pity your choices."
⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ The line had been meteorically drawn in the apprentice den. Dwindlingpaw chuckled, looking down at her own nest that lied in the 'middle' of the two sides. Couldn't Bugpaw say the line was around her nest? Clearly, she didn't share the ideals of traitors. More and more apprentices expressed their own feelings about the whole thing. So they were serious.

She hadn't considered moving her nest before, only taking the spot because was available. Shroudedpaw took the opportunity to shove his nest so close to Bugpaw that it looked like one big one. Hmm, it looks like someone has a little crush.

Dwindlingpaw got up and nudged her pile of moss a little closer to 'the good side' but overall it barely moved from its original spot. She highly doubts that anybody would want to sleep too close to her anyway. Lately, she felt like an agitated snake, ready to strike at anything. She showed her support more casually than her peers, but it was something. She returned to the warmth of her nest. "Hurry up and move so we can keep an eye on the murders," she grumbled.

  • ooc:
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    Dwindlingpaw— She/Her ・ Thunderclan Apprentice・ PENNED BY @Ghostunes!
    ☀︎ A fluffy (LH) flame point cat with low white and has blue eyes

    ☀︎ Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon

Softpaw had successfully been avoiding having to make any major decisions concerning the new leadership, and she was, regrettably, a bit relieved that she hadn't had to make her stance particularly known. She wasn't sure what Skyclaw's followers might do should she speak up and make her voice known, not that she would have been able to - she still proved unable to speak with any of his goons, and had trouble speaking with those who weren't; she was lucky that she could express herself around Vixenpaw.

Vixenpaw, who was making her stance on the matter well-known. Bugpaw declared that the apprentice den had been halved, split between proper ThunderClanners and the usurper's cats. It was only a short time before Softpaw and her sister could have made it out of the apprentices' den, but it hadn't been soon enough to avoid the younger apprentices' loyal antics. Not that Softpaw would find herself sleeping on the wrong side - her mind slid to Roaringpaw, driven out of his home, and she gently took her nest and tugged it over beside Vixenpaw's.

Bugpaw was... right. She was taking a stand, just like Vixenpaw was making her voice known. Softpaw inwardly cringed at herself for being so nonchalant about everything when even those younger than she were standing up in their own ways. Did that make her ready to be a warrior? Or did it just make her a scared kit, more frightened than she had been when she'd been driven from ThunderClan with her family? At least back then, she hadn't had such complicated thoughts on everything going on.

  • Sad
Reactions: Deidre
Sunpaw lays restlessly in his nest. He has seemingly lost his voice, motivation and energy6 when Skyclaw had become the new leader, a spot his mother was supposed to take. A spot that belongs to her. He turns, with pinned ears, and then tosses again. Theres nothing that could be done, anymore. Theres nothing that he could do.

Until Bugpaw speaks up. He perks his ears and raises his head as his sister speaks with conviction, splitting the den in half, the good guys from the bad guys. So many apprentices move to join her. Wolfpaw and Vixenpaw let threats hang in the air. He looks down at his nest, a little over the line because it had been the spot he had found first when moving.

But... What about... The past? He doesn't even cast a glance towards Meadowpaw, who had made her stance known. Who had taken the wrong side. Who had once played pretend with him. Who had... With as much anger as he could manage, he eventually sends a pointed look that sweeps over the other side, taking his nest and moving it after a few heartbeats of dwelling on lingering thoughts. Because after all, it had been their support that had killed Howlingstar, even if indirectly. Even if it indirectly killed his clanmates... He feels sick to his stomach. Morningcloud... And Pebblestep... And... And Ploverhop weren't here anymore. It's all because of them, he tries to reassure himself. All because of the traitors.

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    sunkit ₊⋆ ☀︎ sunpaw
    cisgender male ₊⋆ ☀︎ he/him ₊⋆ ☀︎ 7 moons
    apprentice of thunderclan ₊⋆ ☀︎ mentored by ivytwist
    red tabby with heterochromia & low white ₊⋆ ☀︎ short, but fluffy
    "speech, ee5d6c" ₊⋆ ☀︎ thoughts
    smells like oak & leaves ₊⋆ ☀︎ thunderclan staple
    chibi by pin ₊⋆ ☀︎ penned by chuff

glowingpaw & 07 moons & female & she/her & thunderclan apprentice

Glowingpaw has always disliked conflict - or, more accurately, taking sides. A quiet presence, she's often able to keep herself out of such disagreements - away from any uncomfortable questions or conversations. But thunderclan is deadlocked in such a state now - Skyclaws sudden rise in ranks the divisive moment. Them or us - that's the situation she finds herself in, forced to choose as Bugpaw draws a line between them - quite litterally.

Glowingpaw, somehow, finds herself on the 'wrong' side - she'd never really moved her nest back away from Wrathpaws, not even after Holwingstars body had fallen before the entire clan. Her conscience is heavy, guilt gnawing at her heart - but he is her friend. " Oh.. um, I- " what is there to even say? Teeth drag against her cheek painfully, and she gets to her paws.

But she doesn't join her sister, panicked look crossing her pale face as eas droop against her skull. " I think I was s'pposed to... do somethin' , " she says timidly, flashing a smile that doesn't reach her eyes, and all but fleeing the den.

Maybe she can sleep outside.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

W E ' L L - A L W A Y S -B E -S O -P E R F E C T L Y- H A P P Y

// in & out