wc rebels YOU CAN'T TAKE WHAT YOU GIVE [ ✦ ] patrol assignments

Her and Scorchstreak were the only lead warriors. It was strange. Once, their numbers had been many. Tigerfrost, Weaselclaw, Sunstride. Only one of the three listed was still alive, but he had risen to a standing above them, the other two lay cold in the ground. Now, they had been driven from their home, from the moors. Life was... different here at the barn but as long as everyone was here, they were still a clan. Her sister would not be able to take that from them. Without StarClan, Bluepool is convinced that Sootstar's gang is no better than a group of rogues.

Despite the strange set of circumstances, the strange place they lived for now, life needed to continue on. Most importantly, patrols. Someone needed to assign border patrols, someone needed to make sure hunting was taken care of and that cats were training for the upcoming battle. Sunstride was usually the cat to carry out such tasks. But now, the burden of leading them all fell on his shoulders, patrols were something that he would need assistance with and that's where Bluepool and Scorchstreak would step in. She would assign the Moor Runners their tasks, and Scorchstreak would handle the tunnelers. No one knew the tunnels like she did, after all.

Now, she stands next to her friend, blue fur brushing against orange as she draws strength from the flame-touched molly's presence. If she were to catch her golden eyes, Bluepool would offer her a soft smile, a nod of the head to show she is ready before she steps forward. "Okay everybody" she calls out "Gather around for patrol assignments." she waits a couple of heartbeats for the cats of the true WindClan to assemble, for everyone to make their way over on wary paws.

"Periwinklebreeze." she stars, turning her intense gaze on her former pupil "I want you to lead a patrol along the border of this place. The aim of this patrol is not to establish presence but to keep an eye out for any of Sootstar's rogues that may be planning a surprise attack. If you see anything report back to me immediately" they could not afford to be caught unaware. "Take Goldenstrike, Foxglare, and Gravelsnap with you" she has no doubt that Periwinklebreeze will be okay. She had trained him herself, after all.

"Next up, Brightshine. You are familiar with the pastures yes? I want you to lead a hunting patrol there and bring Bearpaw, Sparrowbreeze, and Azaleafrost with you. Please, be careful" Brightshine knew the dangers of horseplace and hopefully, she knew how to avoid them as well. She trusts the calico molly, even though her sister never had. Sootstar had been wrong about many things, she thinks sadly.
"I will be leading a hunting patrol in the barn along with Featherpaw. Venomstrike and Redpaw I'd like you to join me." Venomstrike was someone she had no doubts in her mind she could trust. Her eyes find a couple of barn cats in the crowd, cats who had expressed they wanted to help, and she could think of no better time. "Sunnyday, Thymeroot, you two have told me you're looking for jobs so I am requesting you two come with. You can teach us WindClanners a thing or two about hunting here" having two cats who were experienced with the barn would prove invaluable, she is certain of it.
And then there was the important matter of battle training, something they would all need to brush up on if they had any hopes of being prepared for the fight she is certain to come. "Morningsong. I want you to lead a sparring session. No claws. We cannot afford to have anyone wounded right now." if they lost any warriors to a training mishap, they were done for sure.
"And finally, Cottonfang" her eyes rest on her niece for a long moment, a pause drawn out as she just looks at that familiar gray pelt. Calling her by a full medicine cat name felt strange on her tongue but she had remembered it. Despite her feelings on the matter, she is just glad she is here, that she's safe. "You and Wolfsong will need all the herbs you can get, I want you to take a patrol out to horseplace and bring Sunstride with Scorchpaw, and Margot with you" She names another barn cat who had wanted to help and as she locks eyes with the charcoal molly she can see her nodding her assent and then she steps aside to allow Scorchstreak to announce the tunneler patrols.

// Please wait for @SCORCHSTREAK to reply before posting in this thread please!

Threads to make (Moor Runners)

Border patrol (scouting)
@Periwinklebreeze. (patrol lead)

Pasture hunting
@BRIGHTSHINE! // @Bearpaw (patrol lead)

Barn hunting / lesson
@Sunnyday (patrol lead)
@Bluepool // @FEATHERPAW
@VENOMSTRIKE // @redpaw

Battle Training

Herb Patrol
@cottonfang (patrol lead)

The calico does not consider herself a lead warrior—that is a title held by at least one of Sootstar’s wretched warriors, now. She’d seen the scar across Hollowcreek’s chest when he’d shoved her into the dirt. Her position is no more, shed from her just as WindClanner was when she’d made her escape alongside the others. Still, she takes her place at Bluepool’s side to announce patrols, tail twitching as her pelt brushes against the other’s. The scarred-over lines across her flank and shoulders tug slightly as she shifts, a reminder of the last time tunnelers had attempted to patrol the lands around the horseplace. No, sending tunnelers back in the direction of WindClan’s camp would be a futile and even dangerous venture. Sootstar’s warriors will be coming after Cottonpaw-fang sometime soon, anyway. It’s better to await their enemies’ arrival while they rest and hunt, rather than sending out weaker patrols to scout the area.

When it is her turn to speak, she looks to her sibling first. "Rattleheart," she regards the black and white tunneler with a small smile. The other warrior is fully capable of leading their own patrols, and surely they can handle the likes of Mouseflight. Downypaw should go along with them as well, she decides. The apprentice has returned to their family, but they are without a mentor now. "I’d like you to take Mouseflight and Downypaw with you to the other side of the horseplace. I saw some burrows yesterday, and I’d like you to check them out." Patrolling in that direction will lead them into loner territory, but Scorchstreak would rather risk a run-in with loners or rogues than with Sootstar’s lot. Outsiders can be reasoned with—Sootstar’s loyal hounds cannot. "See if there is prey within them, and where they may lead." The in-progress tunnel to RiverClan’s side of the territory pops into her head. An abandoned project, and one that Scorchstreak only wishes she’d had time to see through to the end before her exile.

Perhaps having a tunnel system spanning from the horseplace to somewhere farther out into the loner lands would be nice. It would allow WindClan to hunt outside of their territory while still having the safety of their tunnels to rely on, in case any outsiders found themselves bold enough to attack a patrol. And the horseplace’s barn would be a good structure for a patrol to camp out in for a night if needed, since the trek from camp to the horseplace is not a short one. It could serve them well in the cold months when prey is scarce—but that’s for another time, she supposes. A time when they have either moved back into their camp or died trying.

She straightens once more, golden gaze turning on her apprentice. "Pinkpaw, you’re with me today." As always, she thinks with a huff of amusement. She explains her plans no further than that, assuming that the younger she-cat will only complain—loudly—if she’s told outright what Scorchstreak’s plans are for her. "What we’ll be doing is important," she asserts. And it is important, searching for easy escape routes from within the barn—if their injured and young are to stay in the barn when Sootstar’s warriors make their appearance, then there also needs to be a way for them to get out of it, should the situation turn dire.

// sorry @PINKPAW you’re on boring duty today

Tunnel exploration:
@RATTLEHEART (patrol lead)
Pinkpaw doesn't really listen super close to patrol stuffs, cause allll of those names and alllll of those boring warrior duties... she can't possible, remember them all, and she's pretty sure it would hurt her head really bad if she did try! She doesn't really. Bluepool talks lots and lots and meanwhile Pinkpaw bats around a piece of straw. She's glad the moors werent lined with this stuff instead of grass because then it'd hurt her paws real bad... Well, or maybe she could avoid it since she does stuff under the dirt instead of on top of it... But it'd hurt Finchpaw and Featherpaw still, so um, that'd be bad! Real bad... It's more fun to play with than to walk on!

She perks when her name is called, cause that's one thing she's like, super good at listening for! Just them? No other tunnelers or nothin? Pinkpaw cocks her head curiously. " Okay! " What we’ll be doing is important, Scorchstreak says. " Ooh! I wanna do important things! " Maybe they were ognna sneak - attack Sootstar or talk to StarClan or go look for more missing cats or find the largest rabbit in the world for everyone to share... The possibilities were endless....

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with suburst eyes ringed blue around her pupils (central heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​

There's a strange comfort in patrol assignments being given out, a familiarity to the combined voices of Bluepool and Scorchstreak that was enough to put Rattleheart at ease even considering the circumstances. At least she could rely on the fact that they were still in good paws, and she was - for far from the first time - relieved that the both of them had ended up following after Sunstride instead of remaining in Sootstar's clutches. Bluepool's assignments mostly just went through in a blur to the tunneler, but he did spare a glance towards Venomstrike when she heard her mate's name called, flashing a smile in both his and Redpaw's direction. She had no doubt they would be a boon to Bluepool, not to mention helpful with leading along the barn cats that the silver tabby had also opted to bring with her.

Her sister spoke up next, her words outlining how few tunnelers they truly had as a group - an unsurprising fact, considering how involved Sootstar had been when it came to the rank. Still, it was slightly disheartening not to hear more names called out, even if she was more than happy with those that had been. In the past she might have balked at the duty of leading a patrol - she literally had in fact, her anxiety skyrocketing the last time the request had been made of her - but this time she found it wasn't as terrifying. The proposition didn't feel nearly as much like the world was being put on her shoulders after everything that they had all gone through. So instead of wilting under her sister's gaze she smiled, nodding to the calico before turning to locate both Mouseflight and Downypaw in the gathered crowd. "Alright, that doesn't sound so bad. Hopefully we won't run into anything too bad hiding down in those burrows." She then moved to lead them along, black and white tail held high like a beacon for them to follow.
The black-patched warrior rises to the announcement of patrol assignments as he always does, looking to Bluepool now rather than Sunstride or Badgermoon. The she-cat is a much less intimidating replacement for either of the toms, but she gets the job done. It can’t be easy assigning patrols while they’re in a territory unfamiliar to most of them. They could be attacked by any number of things, confronted with all sorts of enemies. Badgers surely live out this far, and the massive creatures within the fencing don’t look particularly friendly. And that’s not even mentioning the risk of being ambushed by one of Sootstar’s own patrols; some of the tunnelers had found that out by experience.

When he’s tasked to go on a patrol with Periwinklebreeze at the head, Gravelsnap grins, turning to look around for his friend. Scouting out the borders of the horseplace sounds awful and too risky for comfort, but at least if Peri is there it won’t be so bad. "Got it," they say with a dip of their head to Bluepool.
[ you put the fun into dysfunction ]

Assignments were definitely something he missed receiving. When tasked with a duty it often provided refuge away from his own inner thoughts, which more often that not wandered deep into a quagmire of misery. Ultimately the tom preferred to be kept busy than to be left to rot away in some murky corner, so needless to say his time in exile had been harsh on his psyche. But the WindClanners who had been driven from their home had provided him with a purpose and with some much needed solace.

It was hard to avoid seeing the cats gathering round Bluepool and Scorchstreak, and it reminded him of how he had once waited for Flycatcher to give the duties of the day. Intrigue kept him lurking close, some part of him caught up in nostalgia as he dreamed of being made into something useful once more. Though what surprised him most of all was hearing his name being said. It seemed that his dream of being of use was about to come true, and it made his eyes brighten with hope.

Sunnyday listened to Bluepool's instruction before he gave a prompt nod of his head in acknowledgement. "Understood."

periwinklebreeze 18 moons demi-boy he/they windclan moor runner

Head turns at bluepools call, eyes flicking for a moment as vision struggles to focus. Ears twitch and he jolts to his paws at the call of his name - mismatched gaze moving to meet sunshine as he nods - his former mentor is actually trusting him with such a task? Uncertainty creeps in, that nagging little voice telling him it's a mistake - but he bites his tongue, who is he to argue with her? Gravesnaps voice is enough to snap him from his daze, if only for a moment, and as he joins his friends side daisy-strewn tail flicks beckoninglyat the others - " We sh-should set off n-now - n-no time t-to waste, " he says, doing his best to be heard despite the number of cats packed into the small space. It's best not to even give sootstars cats the opportunity to sneak up on them.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'



This place was far from home. There were no moors they could run free, and he had found himself pacing just to be free of excess energy. Their bellies were full, which was great for the cold air of leafbare that he supposed usually meant starvation- but, this was not home. His claws itched to run, his scruffy coat wanted moss not hay- but it was where they must settle for now. He just felt uneasy and bored.

Milkthorns ears perked at the patrols being called, eager to get his paws to work and blue eyes settled on bluepool in anticipation. Though, as she finished off, a frown settled upon a scarred muzzle, thick head looking at the others that had been assigned. When scorchflame spoke, he was lifted for just a second before he yet again was not called.

"Is... there anything else I might be able to help with?" he asked, approaching bluepool as others seemed to quickly gather and disperse. Sure, he could hunt within the barn, but there had to be ample other things one could do.

your entire existence gives me a headache, go stand over there .
“If you need an extra set of paws—” He voiced from afar, brought in with a guide of another’s tail against his flank, paw raising with a devilish grin. “I’m sure there’s something useful for this crippled warrior.” He finished with a snap of his jaws clinking with the motion, tone curling like smoke against a scarred maw, wispy against the rustle of paws and the speedy quip of breath as clanmates moved, commanded by their lonely lead warriors. Look at what has become of us. Nothing more than feeble beggars. He tutted, tail weaving high over his shoulders.
thought speech