You climbed the cliff edge and took the plunge ✸ lost kittypet

Fizzy Soda

May 3, 2023

Once again he, in his absentmindedness, wandered much too far and was now tired. The munchkin cat paused, short legs trembling and breath coming out in slow hitched gasps as his tongue lolled out. He was near some kind of place, the thick scent of cats making him hesitate to go much further. Some of the meaner strays laid scent markings like this near his two-leg nest and he heard a cat walked past them and got shredded to pieces for it. Fizzy Soda only faintly knew about the wild cats who lived this far but he knew enough to not want to test whether they were nice or not. You could never tell and whatever this Sky Cat place was he didn't need to lose his fur over his curiousity. Besides, he was much too tired right now. Taking care to avoid crossing any distinct scented areas he found a nice soft spoft of grass to settled down in and rest, legs tucking up under himself and tail curling at his side.
Give him a bit and he'd be able to walk back home. It wasn't a long distance for most cats, but for every step he took others tended to take several. Their strides and gait much longer and more powerful than his. Fizzy Soda knew his limits and he wasn't going to make his aching joints hurt worst by pushing them. It always didn't help that his tail was cramping up again.

He had heard Grapejuice mention this place before but couldn't remember the name, only that sometimes the clinic cat came here and just lived with them for a while. What a strange idea, to just come out here and stay in the woods when you had a perfectly nice home already. He couldn't imagine doing that, he liked his kibble and he liked his soft pillow bed too much to give either up. Didn't cats out here have to chase mice to eat too? He'd never catch anything! He'd starve! How dreadfully depressing to think of.
Wasn't this something?

They practically seemed the direct spawn of evil. Born not on Mother's grounds, but from some far off land, packaged under plastic and cement and released onto the world after an eternity of suffering. They are a speck betwixt the trees. Small was something, but they were impure, legs that looked useful for no more than cleaning another's feet with, a head that seemed to weigh down the rest of it's pathetic form. How it'd managed to make it this far is anyone's guess. He treasures his own kittypet roots, but perhaps, he could not blame any WindClanner that would slay this thing upon first meeting.

Dawnglare feels no need to slink about. To glide through the trees so that he may descend upon them. No, his approach is slow and uncalculated, only the slightest quirk of a lip offsetting the neutral plaster of his lips. Dawnglare never did feel too out of place besides the forms of his... leader, nor his mate. Most cats of SkyClan stood tall, but by the paws alone, he could tell this was different.

Dawnglare hunches over in an exaggerated manner, smile widening as he glimpses up close this strange fragility; strange stature. The ruddy tom turns his head to the side, gazing at the stranger with one - eye as if he were a bird. The typical formalities of borders and SkyClan are lost on him, he can only think of the amusement this creature brings him. His voice is a low rolling purr. " I could swallow you whole. "

I keep trying to find me

My! Was this cat adorable? So, wait was this a kit? No. Sparkstorm had been lost in her own thought about thinking how adorable and small this kitty pet was when she overheard Dawnglare's words and she couldn't help but let a burst of soft laughter pry from her maw. "Too much fur are you cute, so tiny~" she sing-songed as she learned slightly from the branch she stayed on, examining the tiny cat that find itself nearing Skyclan's borders, her green gaze sparkling with bemusement at the scene.

"You're so tiny! You must be an apprentice" she said but paused a bit, she had seen bigger apprentices than that of this cat so...probably not. Sparkstorm shook her head before shifting to move her paws closer to her body while her tail swished slightly and hummed a bit, despite what their...medicine cat had said, she'd doubt he would make an attempt, but who knew this was Dawnglare and she would shrug a bit. "I don't think he bites...I could be wrong though" she said towards Fizzy Soda with a purr of amusement.

Pausing she would once again open her maw to speak "Anyways! I'm Sparkstorm of Skyclan, who might you be? And are you lost?" she'd asked warmly towards the other, yet despite her warmth the young warrior still kept a guard up, even if they were tiny, they still could be a danger and one might as well have some caution instead of none, size deceiving.

Grapejuice had seen many things at the clinic he kept watch over. He has seen many different kinds of animals of all shapes and sizes. He's seen dogs almost as tall as twolegs, and some nearly as small as kits. Cats too, of course. He's seen strange cats as well. He'll never forget the furless molly that came in once. Ever.

He's seen twolegs bring in lizards, turtles, birds, so many strange creatures existed in the world and got to see so many of them from his perch on the counter.

But his favorite visitor was a regular, and it seemed that visitor was at the border today. He hopped along with pep in his step just in time to hear Dawnglare say he could swallow him.

He always thought Dawnglare was weird, but a cannibal??????

"You can't eat him!!!" He shouted as he bounded over to the cats gathered.

"He's my friend!" He said, giving Fizzy Soda a head bump. "What brings you out here, Fizzy?" He asked.

Out here where he could get LOST or HURT or even EATEN apparently. He could not let such a fate befall him!!

Never long behind Dawnglare; why would he be? When they did not have to be apart, why bother? Gleeful steps, skipping ink- he too approached with little stealth, wide eyes and wider grin set statuesque upon his features. No change there, though- the angle at which he gazed down was quite different than most days. Slowly, slowly- his head tilted to the side, lolling against his shoulder as if it were fixed on loosely. The focus of his silver-drowned pupils was unmoving, though- and the balance of his un-tilted body stayed perfectly upright, paws placed politely and securely, his anchor to the earth.

A screeching laugh burst from him at Dawnglare's comment; a "HAH!!" of squawking intensity that seized his body for a moment- for only a moment, before his sideways stillness was resumed. Just- that image! He really was tiny- so tiny that Dawnglare, hunched over him, looked almost like a hungry fox, smiling down at a meal. Silent, shuddering giggled still fevers his form, shoulders moving but intense eyes refusing to curve with joy. The reeling reaction of Grapejuice only served to intensify his building laughter until he was no longer able to keep it imprisoned behind his fangs- the cackling crackled from his throat, fangs parting to release the sound.

Still, he would not flinch... would hardly dare blink.

He hadn't seen many fancy cats, rarely did they roam the streets, their Twolegs scared of losing their precious investment. It took a moment for him to understand what he was seeing, a black and blue.... something with doglike eyes and a stature that would've put even WindClanners to shame. Silversmoke's mouth opened as if ready to say 'what the fuck is that' before he remembered his manners and cast an incredulous glance toward Grapejuice. Friend. Ah, of course. He'd never seen a cat with legs like that before but his smell was still recognisable as one of a feline. It was probably some sort of sickness and, suddenly, a pang of guilt hit the Lead Warrior for his initial visceral thoughts. He had little time to process anything before conversation flared.

The sound of laughter was imminent from their newest refugee and the Maine Coon's ears landed on either side of his head. Blazestar had done the clan a disservice by letting Mallowlark stay, if not for the betrayal of the code, then because it meant having to hear an echo of their treacherous medicine cat at all times. He'd promised he'd never let himself be bothered by the disdain of most kittypets but... it was embarrassing. "This isn't a playground." Briefly, he wasn't sure if he was talking to Mallowlark, Dawnglare, or the stranger. Eventually, his pupils settled on the latter, his tail swishing. "You're likely to get hurt out here, if not by badgers or foxes then by Twolegs. Why did you come?" If he heard 'because Grapejuice told me it would be fun', he was sure that would be the last straw, still, he waited for those exact words with bated breath.