private you couldn't save me from myself - training


oh look, a squirrel!
Jul 15, 2023

ever since batwing told her of the news, she was a bit quieter, though she seemed to mask it well. as well as she could, the light not seeming to reach her eyes as she was still processing the information. she was eating a bit less, as if that wasn't already hard in leafbare. if focus wasn't already an issue, it was a bit worse now. finding anything she could to distract her mind.

she wasn't mad at him. she appreciated him, she really did. but she did wish she hadn't asked sometimes, stuck up late at night with nothing to distract herself and her mind running in circles of what seemed like depression. she wasn't too aware of that however. she didn't understand what depression was. she was too young.

she'd be spending even more time with tansyshine, and filling her circle with whoever would allow her in. anything to distract herself.

"what are we doing today?" she finally asked, breaking the silence in the air.
