you didn't have to say my name. TUGGER


starstruck with love.
Jun 10, 2022

the tom cat had plans, you know? he wanted to do more for his home, especially with brewing tension between cats. he wasn't much of a fighter, no not at all, but he could. he would if it came down to him. with a twitch of his long whiskers, his head tilted. the fur in front of his eyes fell out of his way, making him eye a perfectly good flower. It was orange and that there reminded him of a certain fellow... tugger. he wanted to talk to the other more, but he was concerned he would be considered weird. an oddity. it wasn't like he always cared what others thought about him, but stars did he now.

"ssstop being sssssuch a sssssad ssssnail, baggie. ssssometimessss catssss jusssst don't like you."

he reminded himself with a small frown. picking up the flower, he looked around for tugger, tail bouncing gently behind him. that brute had to be around here somewhere.



It should be noted that Tugger would've taken great offense at being called a brute. He was many things - stunning, impeccable, undeniably good-looking, leaderly, kingly, but a brute? Tugger would've scoffed if could've heard the thoughts of the white oddity. Baguette was his name, an interesting moniker for something that reminded the ginger brute of a cotton-ball.

It was this lazy thought that crossed Tugger's mind as Baguette approached him, orange flower pinched delicately between his teeth. He paused in his current activity - he was trying in vain to make a particularly stubborn bit of fur lay flat between his toes - to peer at the thing with interest. It was such a vibrant hue, an odd color so early in the season. He hadn't a clue what the flower could be, but it was eye-catching.

"Trying to impress someone?" The ginger king grumbled, though his tone was more light-hearted than anything.
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of course he hadn't meant it on a bad way but to him tugger was a bit of a brute. in the nicest way he could think of. baguette was sure if tugger knew what his inner monologue had said, he'd be upset without asking for explanation. but it was what it was. baggie hadn't even said it outloud. his gaze shifted from behind his fur, head tilting slightly before he became nervous. there he was. in all of glory, there he was.

he slowly came closer, ears twitching back with a small huff leaving him. he was trying to impress someone... on more of a subconscious level than he was aware of. he originally thought that maybe it would be a nice gift but now he realizes how right tugger is. he's trying to impress the king. and like the silly jester he is, he doesn't want to fail.

"w-well ssssort of..."

he says behind pinched teeth, before lowering the flower to place across the other's paws, trying hard to ignore his rapid heartbeat. he knew the king would hear it, which only made it faster and louder, despite his calm outward appearance.

"it'sssss for you, tugger. it matchesssss your fur sssssso utterly perfectly, i had to give it to you."


Tugger blinks at the gift. For him? That's what the white cat had said. For him, in all of its radiance and beauty. A gift for him, a gift for him because it had made the white tom think of him. He couldn't quite wrap his head around the idea that someone would want to give him something so... personal... but an odd little thump-whump sprang up in his chest at the thought.

"Oh." The ginger king said after several moments. He turns the flower over delicately with one paw, inspecting (admiring) each petal in turn. He had never been one for flowers - if he had to pick a favorite, it'd be roses simply because they were easy to differentiate from the rest - but this was his now. "Thank you, snake, I love it." Snake, he had muttered with the utmost affection. He liked snakes, they were cute and interesting, not unlike the cat before him now.
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he perked up his ears at the nickname, a slow purr rumbling in his throat with a small smile twitching at the corner of his mouth. he so did love nicknames. he was quick to give them, but never to get them. his heart bear slowed rhythmically, all his nerves gone within just one word. his eyes watch from behind his shaggy fur, before he pushes his gaze away. call it what you will, but he never did like his eyes. too unique. too telling. too... vulnerable.

"yeah, of coursssse..."

he hums, turning into a different direction. his nose twitches and he let's out a breath, finding the courage once again to speak up to his king. the jester thought the nerves had been gone but... how wrong was he.

"would you like to join me for a quick hunt? i can tell you sssssome rhymessss and riddlessss along the way... i-if you don't mind of coursssse. i know how annoying i can be."

he almost waves off his words, simply repeating what he's already said. did he care about being annoying? sometimes. but more times than not, he was happy just being himself. if they didn't like that, then it was their loss.


"Tell me them." It's a quick, reflexive sentence. No posturing and pleading with the white cat not to think of himself as annoying or aggravating, simply the quiet statement that Tugger would love to hear what his companion has to say - even if he wouldn't be an active responder. Riddles were not within his wheel-house, he didn't care for the mental gymnastics he had to do for an answer, but it was something that Baguette liked, and that was what mattered.

He stands, suddenly very aware of the flower. It could very well get lost in the hunt.... "Ah... snake, do you think you could tangle this in my fur so it doesn't get lost?"
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