private YOU DO IT FOR HER, THAT IS TO SAY YOU'LL DO IT FOR HIM [ ✦ ] featherpaw & periwinklebreeze

Her former apprentice had come to her asking for help becoming a better fighter and how could Bluepool ever say no? In her opinion, a cat does not stop learning when their apprenticeship is over. All your life there are things to be gleamed, new information to be held and in battle it is especially important she thinks. New strategies needed to be implemented especially when going against old foes he may know the moves you have used in a fight prior. Bluepool is not above fighting dirty, of using tricks in order to gain the upper hand. In her opinion, it was a necessity if you wanted to be the one who went home at the end of the day, the one who comes out on top. She has thrown sand in eyes, used the sun to her advantage, and she has even allowed herself to be injured in a tactic to get her opponent to lower their guard and leave an opening. In the marsh group is where she had learned such things, back when it was so fiercely kill or be killed and there were no clanmates to be relied upon in the every day struggle that was life.

"Periwinklebreeze, you and I will spar" she says when the small group finally reaches their destination. The place should be familiar to her former apprentice, it is where she has taken him to fight in the past, the grass flattened by the long days spent trading blows. "Featherpaw, I want you to sit here and watch. Afterwards I will ask you a few questions so make sure you pay close attention." she instructs, gesturing with a paw to a spot a safe distance nearby before turning once again to Periwinklebreeze. "Alright kid, time to show me that you haven't forgotten everything I've taught you while you've been away" she says with a small laugh before dropping into a defensive stance, her body low to the ground and her legs starting to carry her around the tom in front of her as she circles him, waiting for him to make the first move.

// @Periwinklebreeze. and @FEATHERPAW


periwinklebreeze 16 moons demi-boy he/they windclan moor runner

Slouched figure feels a pale imitation of the molly beside him, battlescars painting only a picture of his failures. It hadn't been enough - his hardest had still cost him an eye, nearly cost him his life. And now - now he must begin again. The world has become strange - half formed, shadows and light filtering in hazily and dancing across the right side of his vision distractingly. Its haunting knowing that he cannot see his enemies coming until it is far too late. It's the reason he seeks her out after all - well that, and perhaps a touch of simple nostalgia. He's lost so much - he does not wish to see bluepool be one of those casualties, fading from his life.

Featherpaw's presence is a bit unnerving - the fact that any failures today will be met by the eyes of the youth leave him wanting to prove himself more than ever. And then at last it's time - he takes a deep breathe, nerves quieting down to a dull throb in the background of his mind, focus and clarity returning at the familiar scene. Unlike during his apprenticeship, this time, he does not hesitate - he is done running, done waiting for life to come at him.

Blackened limbs coil taught before launching graceful figure forwards, waiting only long enough for her to be within views and reach - his left side is all he can trust now. Though claws remain sheathed he does not hold back his strength as he aims to slam forepaws down upon her haunches - he may not be the strongest of cats, but long legs have always been his greatest asset. Tail swishes away - and hopefully out of reach - on instinct, and he focuses his efforts on trying to topple her.

He doesn't think far enough ahead to plan anything else - to him this is simply a battle of wills, and of instinct. He only knows he doesn't want to lose. If this were the real world after all, losing would mean death. And Periwinklebreeze refuses to die.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'



There was something oddly comforting about the knowledge that Bluepool had trained a cat before her. A lead warrior, of course there was some honour to her name; but to look at Periwinklebreeze and see a living, breathing cat was comforting. Somewhat. He had been hurt in the past, it was obvious just by looking at him, though Featherpaw's permanent scowl did not give any of her machinations away. She stared, simply and fully, gaze narrowed. She would be privy to something special, today.

Bluepool gave clear instructions, and the promise of a test afterward was enough to stiffen Featherpaw's back even further than it already had been. Determined yellow eyes lingered upon the two of them, unsure which one to watch. What, who was she watching? To zoom in owl-eyed on tiny details was tempting, but surely then she'd miss the bigger picture. The chocolate tom wrinkled his nose, but gave a nod of acceptance before they began. Would they perform any worse with scrutiny?
✦ penned by pin

Periwinklebreeze's injury is something he would have to learn to live with, to adapt to. If he could not do that then there is little chance for his survival in WindClan, a battle would be out of the question and that wasn't even mentioning the countless other dangers that they could face on a daily basis. She is pleasently surprised then, by his ferocity when he launches himself at her, when he makes the first move. It is not the fashion of the cat she remembers but it proves growth, it shows a willingness to live. She has underestimated him and his speed, and as a result he manages to catch her off guard. Forelimbs come down upon her haunches and it is almost enough to bring her to the ground, to end the spar then and there, but she had always been a quick thinker, especially in the heat of battle and instead she drops her hindquarters quickly and twists her body around, and though she would never actually use her claws in a spar of this nature, she does unsheathe them to wave them in the toms face, hoping to make him flinch just enough so she could slip away from his grasp.

Featherpaw watching is of little consequence to her, whether she won or she lost the apprentice would learn something from this, she would make sure of it. He is a distraction that she casts out of her mind as she loses herself to the familiar tempo, her heart beat setting the rhythm like a loud booming drum. "Your muscles do not forget the things it has learned, but now you have to adapt" she says before circling quickly around to Periwinklebreeze's blind side, hoping to catch him off guard with a hard, sheathed, blow to the head that would leave him staggering if it hit the way she intended it to. Whether or not her attack is succesful she would call to Featherpaw, "You must play on your opponents weaknesses as well as their strengths" it was important in battle to take stock of the cat you were fighting, to know your enemy as well as you would know a clanmate, better than even. She would not go all out on Periwinklebreeze, but if he were to taste victory today he would most definitely have to work for it.