
"I know you're angry, you have every right to be." She stalks forward, the intention was to hunt but she is too angry and unfocused herself to even bother and if she feels this way then she knows her young apprentice feels the same. "...but you do have to learn to not mouth off to authority. Even if said authority was formed from a dirt pile and a rat's nest and looks like something a dog spat out on a good day. Next time they say anything to you, come to me. I will deal with them." No, she absolutely didn't think Slate or Silversmoke deserved even a sliver of respect, but Edenpaw was an apprentice and if she allowed this to slide then she might act out towards another lead who did not share their awful beliefs. It wasn't a habit she wanted to form even if it was justified in her eyes this time. It wasn't fair. It felt as if Blazestar died and the last barrier between them and the harsh unwanted remarks of their clanmates was gone and those who harbored ill will were emboldended. "I'm going to talk to Orangestar, okay. Just stay out of their way until then."
Maybe she had a soft spot for her apprentice, discarded by her own twolegs and only recently settled into Hazelbeam's own nest with hers after such a traumatic experience, but seeing her have to deal with this after all of that was salt rubbed into an open wound. It was cruel and she wasn't going to tolerate grown toms treating her or her apprentice like that when they should be the first who knew the benefit of having extra paws and more force in a clan that was until recently constantly at odds with either rogues or others. She'd fought for SkyClan, she mourned the losses with them she had done her best to help keep them fed when Yellowcough rampaged through their ranks and took down so many of their numbers. Hazelbeam had earned her place here tenfold, she was not going to be disrespected and she'd not let Edenpaw be either. If they want to scold her for her mouth that was fine, but they had made it a personal attack - they had both turned it into an act of kittypet hatred for no reason.
"They are a minority, Edenpaw. Do not let them get to you. They mean nothing."

  • - @edenpaw ?!

  • 75204766_i8QXUtYv5cuKxDF.png
    —⊰⋅ Daylight Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Black/Blue Chimera w/blue eyes
    - Does NOT wear her witch hat while hunting or on patrol.

𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 As nice as it felt to be reaffirmed of their emotions, it didn't do much but stoke a wounded ego. It had been harmless fun.... Why was everything on this miserable territory always turned to ash in their mouth? Their glare is so intense, it could set the pine needles on fire if they were any luckier. Hazelbeam is furious too.... and there is something to be said about that solidarity. "I'm fine," they lie, and it is obvious in how teeth-clenchingly tight their speech is. Clipped. "Yeah. I got it."

It was always 'be respectful'. 'be civil', 'keep your mouth shut'... and never did they get justice. Even Blazestar had been helpless to do more than empathize with them. Could not give them the peace of seeing Otterpaw pay for his deceit. Because he'd played by the rules... rules that were built in his favor. Just like now. Their jaw churns with their frustration, glancing towards pale fire eyes. Their sulking does not calm at her reassurance, at her promise to speak to Orangestar.

What good would that do? Orangestar hated Edenpaw. The same way the Silversmoke did, over a stupid, harmless joke. Probably the work of one of those hexes that Mallow had mentioned... she had willed this cruelty onto them. Would probably condone it. Encourage it.

"Except they're in charge," they complain, argue, still pushing, pressing, surging through the throes of anger. It is a hot, burning emotion... one they hate... but its grip is powerful. "And if I'm even half right, Orangestar will be too busy making out with Slate to even listen to you. The whole thing started because he's too good to sleep in the warrior's den anyways!"

Their nose wrinkles in a snarl that sits comfortably there, "I... I hate them."