camp you dream in color * decorating, intro


Feb 6, 2024
With leafbare in full swing, the marsh becomes nearly inhospitable. Myrtlewish has weathered this season three times now, nearly, and each one is just as fierce and toothy as the last. It reminds her of when she'd come to the swamp in the first place. Though greenleaf had been in full swing then, hot and bright and humid in the mud, it had not been long before the cold had welled in each stagnant pool and spilled over into the entirety of the territory. New to clan life, it had been difficult — little prey, littler happiness — but then newleaf had come. It is this spark of hope that Myrtlewish clings too as she resolves to have any amount of fun today.

Accessories are sparse with few creeping mosses or blossomed bushes to pick from, but Myrtlewish spends her afternoon collecting a fair amount of things to stick in her pelt: pine needles, mostly, but also feathers, blue cedar berries, hardy creeping vines; there is a surprising amount of greenery in this array. If she were to be truthful, she would admit (sheepishly all the same) that she wished for insect wings, or some more variety of feathers than winter birds wore, but it's still a wonderful little collection.

So she brings it to her sister and her sister's children. "Look, Ferny," she purrs, spreading the array of trinkets into a multicolored fan on the snow-dusted floor of camp. A gentle paw indicates a certain set of banded feathers, and she turns her dreamy face to her littermate. "I think these are snipe feathers. I wonder if we'll find crane feathers someday, though. Oh, or maybe a heron...?" Herons were huge, so their feathers would certainly make a statement when worn in the pelt. Myrtlewish starts her practice with little hesitation, tucking the meager snipe feathers somewhere at the base of her black-blanketed tail. If anyone else wanted to join them, she would happily oblige — she'd gathered too many curiosities for just her family to wear, after all.

/ interacting with @FERNDANCE ; also mentions @snowykit @BLOODKIT @SHADEKIT @Bonekit. but no need to wait!

  • myrtlewish . 43 moons . she / they
    — shadowclan warrior ; sibling to ferndance, deacon
    — "speech" ; thoughts. attacks in underline.
    — penned by meghan
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Being imprisoned within ShadowClan's camp had resulted in the most boring four months of the she-cats life. She had relied on the goodwill of friends and family to pull her through until she was permitted to leave again - luckily, one fateful Leafbare afternoon, Myrtlewish pulled through her. Ferndance's eyes widened with glee at the assortment of accessories that were brought before her and her children, a twinkle within her pupils like the glean of a thieving magpie. One after another they were placed onto the earth, the loafing she-cat's paws twitched underneath her as she resisted the urge to swipe at any of them. "Wow Myr, this is...." A lot. It was a lot, but in the best way possible. If she were permitted, the cinnamon tabby imagined spending hours assessing each little find until sleep won its battle against her. A smile danced upon her wedge-shaped muzzle. She tracked her sister's paw to the dappled feathers. "White tabby stripes..." She murmured under her breath, racking for an answer until Myrtlewish revealed they were likely snipe feathers. That made sense, she couldn't recall hunting snipes previously, but their feathers were distinct (as were most birds... the more she thought about it).

"Oh, a heron feather would look so good on you!" The blunt ex-Lead had many tells for her lies, but none appeared when she spoke to the other tabby. "It would bring out the colour in your eyes if you put it near your face." Perhaps in a cheek tuft? Or a shoulder hair? Heron feathers were big, big enough to look a little silly on some parts of the body, but that would just draw more attention to her sister. Ferndance's tail lashed excitedly as more opportunities scurried around her brain for pelt design. "I'm taking these ones," she announced, craning her neck forwards and dragging a clump of cedar berries towards herself by her chin (her paws were too comfy and warm to move). When her cranium tilted up once more, the Queen blinked down in shock at the squished pile of berry skin and azure juice. Ferndance gawked as if introduced to some convoluted Twoleg experiment for the first time. When her nose began to point towards Myrtlewish, the tabby's mistake began clear. "Whoops..." the blue-bearded feline mewed.


[ ༻❄༺ ] They couldn't imagine being trapped in camp all day and night, watched over by the rest of the clan like a kit once more. Truth be told, it made her wonder how Ferndance could put up with it, how she wasn't bored out of her mind going insane or even begging Chilledstar to allow her to go back outside of camp. Though a harsh punishment, one that was done so out of care for another. Yet, it would seem Myrtlewish had come to keep the other warrior company, and soon so did Snowpaw, her gaze casting to the oddities that the other carried and then to Ferndance's chin stained blue.

"Having fun...I see" she commented with a blink of surprise. Snowpaw's gaze shifting between the two before tilting her head slightly. She only normally came close to the nursery to play with Ferndance's kits (or else deal with them following her about camp). Their stumpy tail flicked with a greeting before glancing back at Myrtlewish's stashe trying to see what else the other warrior had clumped up in their pile of decorations.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 6 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Lilacfur did not often worry about accessorizing her pelt with trinkets like leafy garnishments or feathers. It was enough work keeping her fur free from mud and algae (which she only kept up with enough not to look haggard, but nowhere near pristine) that she couldn't possibly find time to add worrying about something like feathers in the mix. Aside from that the molly hardly felt anything actually suited her appearance. In the days of apprenticeship she may have experimented with whatever trends her denmates tried but ultimately nothing felt very fitting.

While Myrtlewish brought her littermate items to keep them entertained, a shrew hung from her maw for the hungry bellies within the hollow. "Careful you track ants into your mouth." She teased the queen after setting the shrew down between the kittens nests. "You always find such pretty feathers, Myrtlewish. What's your secret?"
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]