

  • uJhmOg3.jpeg

    SAGE SAGEPAW ; a soft and kind-hearted young she-cat

  • short blurb about the character. I like to copy and paste the basic description from their tags onto here! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut bibendum lobortis hendrerit. Donec lacinia fermentum maximus. Vestibulum at cursus libero. Praesent non enim rhoncus, egestas sem vel, tristique justo.
    ⤷ named for her wise and calm demeanor, which she presented from a young age
    — female; she / her; pansexual biromantic
    — apprentice of skyclan, generally thinks kindly of most outsiders; born in the twoleg sewers
    — created 01.27.2024 at 10 moons / ages every 8th of the month
    — penned by limerence; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST

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  • [ KITHOOD ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce hendrerit congue metus, eget tristique velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla volutpat vehicula egestas. Donec ac orci risus. Nam ultricies, lacus pharetra vehicula tristique, enim dui vulputate justo, in pulvinar arcu tellus ultrices nisi. Ut interdum lacus varius, porta justo sed, hendrerit mauris. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

    [ APPRENTICESHIP ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ultricies sed odio non volutpat. Nullam sed turpis at eros molestie hendrerit. Mauris tincidunt congue ex, in accumsan neque volutpat quis. Cras sit amet cursus nulla, a imperdiet urna. Mauris laoreet tempor leo, a elementum turpis volutpat sit amet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc ligula libero, vehicula in condimentum sit amet, bibendum sit amet ligula. Suspendisse laoreet fringilla sodales.

    Phasellus blandit nibh in sapien varius lobortis. Pellentesque auctor varius magna vitae pretium. Duis malesuada suscipit sapien ut sodales. In quis pellentesque nisi. Ut vitae laoreet augue. Nam a leo consequat, facilisis nunc vel, commodo nulla. Cras laoreet risus ut libero tristique, in consectetur sem gravida. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet suscipit tellus. Integer auctor ante enim, id posuere quam finibus vel. Aenean facilisis est ante, eu varius orci gravida ut.

    [ YOUNG WARRIORHOOD ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur accumsan lorem vitae suscipit scelerisque. Fusce ac neque in ex ultricies viverra sagittis eu ligula. Ut luctus diam facilisis nibh iaculis, sit amet egestas lacus accumsan. Quisque id nisl at nisi hendrerit accumsan vel eget lectus. Aliquam felis nisl, suscipit quis purus sit amet, varius luctus ipsum. Vivamus sed pretium enim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam porttitor auctor elit, non tincidunt augue auctor vitae. Quisque ex orci, vehicula nec lobortis non, dapibus vel turpis. Vivamus aliquam ut nunc sit amet iaculis. Curabitur at tortor odio. Proin fermentum turpis ac gravida vestibulum. Ut volutpat arcu eu enim tincidunt, a sollicitudin purus posuere.

    Vivamus viverra lectus justo, ut porta metus imperdiet in. Donec lorem urna, dictum sed aliquet sed, lacinia a ante. Aliquam cursus ligula ut justo consequat, quis eleifend justo porttitor. Maecenas vehicula commodo fringilla. Suspendisse posuere pellentesque neque. Vestibulum ac mattis dolor, et egestas nisl. Nam sagittis, nunc rutrum elementum convallis, sapien justo accumsan orci, venenatis posuere nibh tortor vitae augue. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed lacus est, imperdiet nec rutrum at, rutrum ultrices magna. Donec mollis sit amet metus id sagittis. Nam porta tortor eget arcu varius feugiat. Mauris feugiat congue tristique.

    In ullamcorper ante et orci imperdiet, ut pretium mi viverra. Vestibulum eros odio, semper ac massa ac, tincidunt commodo diam. Nullam hendrerit dui vitae blandit aliquam. Phasellus a nulla sem. Etiam arcu risus, lobortis id lobortis ut, pulvinar at odio. Curabitur nec mi dictum tortor pellentesque porta vitae quis turpis. Etiam gravida auctor facilisis. Pellentesque eget velit a justo sodales tempor. Mauris quis nunc interdum, dignissim est vitae, fringilla ipsum. Nam suscipit lobortis velit non congue. Curabitur fringilla quam vel congue vestibulum.
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Sagepaw displays many outward traits of her oriental heritage, largely in her build and physique. She's slender and long-limbed, with very short, sleek fur and long, rounded ears. Her muzzle is slightly longer and sharper than a normal domestic feline, but softer than a purebred oriental. Her pelt is a pale cream color that is speckled with dark and light shades of chocolate brown on her face, ears, legs, and tail. She has very faint flecks of brown dotting the rest of her body. Her eyes are a light baby blue, and her skin is a soft pink.
[ reference ]

Sagepaw seems to have been born and bred with a the utmost soft, gentle, couldn't-hurt-a-fly disposition. while her personality will be largely determined by the events and experiences of her early life, nothing will ever push her to stray far from being a sweet, exuberant lover of life. she'll always see the good in others and no matter how many times she is hurt or let down, which will likely be often given her overly-trusting nature, she'll never stop giving others second chances. she is ever the optimist, and truly wants to believe that everyone is capable of love and compassion. her biggest ambition in life will be to make those around her happy, and she'll go to any lengths to help them reach their full potential.

More often than not she'll put the needs of others before her own, partly because she believes that helping others is all she's good for. Her compassion will almost definitely get her into trouble all throughout her life but she'll never stop looking on the bright side of every situation, no matter how grim things might get. She is a hopeless romantic and loves the idea of love, but she tends to be so wrapped up in making others happy that she rarely stops to think about how she feels, and thus will have a hard time making romantic connections later in life. Family is everything to Sagepaw and she would genuinely do anything for hers, making it her personal mission to be by their side through every twist and turn. Because of her gentle nature she tends to be a bit of a pushover in her early life, finding it hard to say no to anyone, though its a trait she will likely grow out of.

  • I'm planning for her development to be very loose and largely based on the ic things that happen throughout her life, rather than trying to adhere to strict plans for her future <3
  • Sage would not have thought badly of her father for leaving them in Skyclan as kits, because she has loved her life there and knows its the best place for her. She does long to see him again, however, and will be very happy to see him upon his return to the clan.
  • She's completely dedicated to clan life but is very curious about the loner group she was born into, and will likely ask Vermilion a thousand questions about his life when she sees him next.