pafp YOU GOT ME SLIPPIN' | hunting 'trip'



The colder the weather the more hunting patrols Twilightpaw is assigned to, it seems, and today is certainly no exception. Tromping along through the snow behind the rest of his clanmates, the apprentice attempts to fluff out his short fur, seeking some sort of respite from the chill, though it seems his efforts are in vain thanks to dusting of snow blanketing the ground. They need prey to survive Leaf-bare - he knows this, of course, but at times it just seems so futile when the ground is so hard-packed, when it's a treat for him to even spot prey, let alone catch it. Times like these, it seems much more preferable to just not leave his nest at all in the morning, savoring the last bits of warm sleep. And yet, still he finds himself falling into step, casting his gaze about the marsh as if he's actually going to spot anything. Even if he's not particularly interested in freezing his tail off out here, the only difference between being on patrol and being at camp is that at least Twilightpaw is moving around on the patrol, keeping his blood flowing. At the very least, it's probably slightly warmer than if he were in camp - unless, of course, he were tucked away into the apprentice's den, though he can't very well hide in there for long before somebody'd show up to drag him back out to his duties, which would be so much more of a hassle. No, really, being on the hunting patrol isn't as bad as it might seem, though at the same time it is still a bit hard to reason with how cold his toes feel.

With the cold at the forefront of his thoughts, it's surprising that Twilightpaw catches a scent at all, even more so when he realizes that no one else seems to have noticed it, either. Slowing his gait, the apprentice tries to focus, unsure whether or not he's just imagining it, but no, it's still there - the smell of a bird, a snipe, he thinks. A bit hidden beneath the sharpness of the cold, but real nonetheless. Throwing another glance to the rest of the hunting patrol to confirm that there really isn't anyone else already heading after it, he reluctantly begins to make his way after the scent, dropping to a crouch despite the way the snow tickles at his belly. Pretty quickly he's able to spot the bird, feebly pecking around the ground in search of some sort of meal. The hunger gnawing at his own belly prompts Twilightpaw to approach ever-so-carefully, for once taking extra care not to scare it off before he can get close enough to strike. Just a bit closer, and then - the snipe suddenly perks up, head swiveling in his direction, and the apprentice mutters a curse as he explodes forward, trying to reach it before it can get away. Paws outstretched, he can almost feel his claws tearing into tender flesh when he feels a paw hook on something, some gnarled root hidden by the snow, and instead of meeting prey he's suddenly meeting the ground, plunging face-first into the snow. The force of his sudden burst sends him rolling a few paw-lengths, snow clinging to his pelt as he finally skids to a stop, lying motionless from the shock for a few moments. Hardly deep, the snow had at least cushioned Twilightpaw's fall enough that he didn't have any serious scrapes, though it's hard to tell for the extra white spotting that now covers his pelt. Slowly pushing himself to a sitting position, he can't quite bring himself to search for the bird that's surely gone by now, instead observing the pattern left from his wipeout as well as sparing a glance at his own now-frosted fur. It's...not the first time he's found himself covered in snow like this, but at least last time he had actually caught something - this time, all he's left with is a sneeze from the snow tickling his nose.

// pls wait for @CHILLEDGAZE. to post first! <3
  • Haha
the stars were laughing at them, surely. they were at the biggest disadvantage, between all the clans. they had the worst fucking luck, and parts of them were losing their fucking mind. they just needed a couple pieces of prey. just to last them for a bit. everyone could share– everyone would share. they just needed something. how come they couldn't be merciful just this once? why? stupid fucking stars. their laughs echoed in their ears as they rubbed their muzzle with frustration, before continuing their trek through the snowy lands. they perked their ears upwards, turning towards twilightpaw who was hunting. it was going relatively well... until the dunce tripped over his own paws, sneezing in defeat. they weren't one to laugh but this was... ironic. this was... just pathetic. every last one of them had barely any luck– scraping the bottom of the luck barrel– but this was just ridiculous. they couldn't stop the girlish laugh the left their mouth, forcing themselves back on their haunches as their paw lifted to cover their mouth.

"oh‐ i think you're supposed to land on the prey, not the snow."

they giggled, taking in a deep breath before smiling ever so slightly. it was very sad to see this but... they had to laugh at something. eventually.
( : ̗̀➛ ) Flickerfire is moody, as she always is when she's hungry. Leafbare has barely begun, and yet it seems to her it's worse than the one they suffered in these same marshes last year. The creatures they do manage to bring back to camp are barely a mouthful for a kit, much less their starving warriors. The always-lean tortoiseshell can count her ribs through her patchy black coat, and each trip to ThunderClan's borders has her salivating at the scents of prey in their undergrowth.

Their neighbors in the oak forest are struggling too, no doubt, but ShadowClan is suffering.

This hunting patrol is no exception. Her paws ache with the cold, and her stomach is cramping from hunger and exhaustion. Flickerfire trails behind her deputy with narrowed eyes, pausing to taste the air every few steps. The barest taste of snipe, but a splash of snow and an unexpected giggle from Chilledgaze kills any sense of optimism she might've had.

"We oughta eat you for missin' that thing," she hisses, though it's accompanied by an inward sigh. A well-fed Flickerfire would have laughed, shoved Twilightpaw's face deeper into the snowdrift, danced around him so he couldn't claw her.

She has no mirth to give, not even the dregs Chilledgaze manages to express.
If you don't like me, that's your problem
The rush she feels to finally be able to roam around outside of camp without worrying if Pitchstar will bite her head off is exhilarating. There is an unfathomable amount of joy sparking into a flame deep within her, although it fails to adequately show on her face. Features plastered with lighter stoicism she walks up from in behind Flickerfire, yellow eyes watching as Twilightpaw examined himself. Her attention then flits to the retreating bird, then back again as her eyes squint with some level of empathy. "Are you alright Twilightpaw?" She murmurs, her brutish tones as soft as they could physically manage. Her attention cuts briefly in the lead warrior's direction as she walks to the snow dappled apprentice's side. "You'll catch the next one." Tornadopaw adds, searching for cuts or scrapes but relieved when she finds none.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem
The sound of giggling draws Twilightpaw's attention away from the snow for a moment, and much to his surprise it's actually Chilledgaze laughing at him. Not a sound you heard often, especially not as of late, and almost like an instinctive response his neck fur bristles at the idea that he's being made fun of by the deputy, of all cats. A beat passes, a few flakes falling from his shifting fur, and then he's calming, the sound of their laughter more infectious than grating, and imagining what a sight he must look to the others, failing so spectacularly like that. If anyone else was in his position, he's sure he would laugh at them, too, at least a little bit. While he can't quite bring himself to laugh along, their grin is joined by a sheepish smile as Twilightpaw finally shakes away some of the snow, not wanting the chill to reach any deeper into his core than it already has. "I'll try that next time, yeah," he retorts, unable to keep a touch of amusement out of his voice. Next time he would be more careful with his footing, actually careful, as that was probably his worst hunting attempt on record, and even if it had made Chilledgaze laugh once he's certain they won't be so forgiving a second time.

Flickerfire's words roll over as he swipes a paw over the top of his head, dislodging the rest of the snow that was beginning to numb his nose. "I don't think I'd make much of a meal, really," Twilightpaw shoots back, though the comment settles curiously somewhere within his head. With as sparse as prey has been, he doubts that any Shadowclanner would make for a great meal, though he wonders if he would be any better to eat than the bird he had lost. He was larger, at least, so that meant he would feed more of his clanmates, though he's not sure he'd taste better than any prey they could find - if they could actually catch it, that is. Tornadopaw finally questions if he's alright, and somehow it makes him feel all the more chagrined that someone actually felt the need check on him. "'M fine, just some slight bruising to my ego," he jokes. Her next comment, meant well, he's sure, still hits closer to home than he'd like it to. Not likely, he wants to quip back, but something holds Twilightpaw back - perhaps it's the way that the others seem so subdued, or perhaps it's just the way his own stomach aches at his own failure. "I sure hope so," he mutters back. "Maybe you'll be more lucky than me," he tacks on after a moment, turning his grin towards his fellow apprentice. She certainly had more drive than he did - he hoped she'd find more success than him, as embarrassing as that might be.