pafp YOU HAD A BAD DAY ♡ interrogation

Everyone had different ways of coping with difficult situations. Everyone dealt with shock and betrayal differently. Many of her clanmates had chosen to stand down when Skyclaw and his goons had taken over the clan, and they had every right to do so. At the end of the day, for most of them, making sure that they and their families were safe and alive was what mattered most. These foxhearts had already proven that they would not hesitate to take the lives of those who defied them, and it was enough to scare most of them into submission.

But one of her clanmates’ reactions in particular had deeply trouble Palefire. She had only just started reconciling with her friends after everything that had happened between them with the wolves, and before this terrible business, they were on the path to redemption. Badgerstripe in particular, she had taken a while to forgive. It was her formerly-boisterous young friend who had coerced them all into leaving their guard posts that night in the first place, and in the aftermath she had all but abandoned herself and Lightflower. But they had been talking more in the past few weeks, and things were starting to feel normal again.

Until last night, when Skyclaw’s group had revealed themselves and so many of their trusted clanmates had stepped forward in support of him. One of those cats had been Sleekserpent, and while Palefire had been preoccupied with her standoff against Redflower, she hadn’t missed the way pale warrior had berated Badgerstripe into submission. She couldn’t help but wonder now, in the cold light of the evening following the takeover, why Badgerstripe had given into his bullying so easily. There was a difference between standing down, and cowering into the arms of the enemy.

She was practically steaming when she suddenly rose from where she’d been laying in the shadows and marched up to her friend. “Why did you stay with them?” she hissed bluntly, though she knew better than to raise her voice above a stern whisper. Icy blue eyes quickly flickered around the camp, making sure none of their captors were paying too much attention to them. The lynx-point lowered herself to lay beside Badgerstripe, trying to make it look like they were simply enjoying a chat, but her quiet words were sharply pointed. “Sleekserpent. Why are you still with him? He’s one of them.” Explain yourself. Make me understand, she seemed to beg with the look in her eyes.

  • [ please wait for @badgerstripe !! This is set the evening after the mutiny ]

  • LrCLeua.png
  • 79175764_ro4GJWUVwEZd0z0.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 17 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes
    single, padding after skyclaw / npc x npc / sister to bluestride
    mentoring meadowpaw & ivorypaw / mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / all opinions ic
    underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.
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Badgerstripe still feels shaken from yesterday. It's almost as if a day hadn't passed, as if she is still living in the moment of Howlingstar's death. She spends most of today alone, doing her best to avoid Skyclaw's followers and dismiss any conversation. At the very least, Sleekserpent had presented her with his first catch of the day, a habit they have taken to - and she feels comforted in knowing that, for now, they have made up.

But.. it seems that someone else is not so pleased at that fact. When Palefire approaches, Badgerstripe lifts her head and offers a smile, hopeful that at least things can be normal between them. But the look on her face, the way that she stomps across the clearing like strictly business, quickly wipes the peaceful look of Badgerstripe's face. " I'm sorry? " the molly inquires at Palefire's first demand, startled and utterly confused - but the lighter colored warrior is quick to follow up, quietly and sharply, and Badgerstripe feels her heart sink.

She does her best not to glower, even as disappointment hits. Palefire really didn't like him, huh? She thought they'd get along.. " He's - " Badgerstripe begins, quickly interrupting as she clicks her tongue to the top of her mouth thoughtfully, and then sighs. What can she even say, after their quarrel was put on blast yesterday? " He's not.. like them, though. He's my friend, just like you and Lightflower. He's .. "

They were so curt yesterday, so commanding, but.. at least they were quick to recognize it. And.. they did bring her their first catch today, and the day before.. and they seemed to get along so well, like they were made for each other. Badgerstripe fights back the ache in her heart that had appeared ever since she learned of Sleekserpent's misguided loyalties. " Sleekserpent is.. thoughtful, and kind. I can make him -.. he can be -.. look, I really think I can turn him around, Palefire. " It's a vow that feels so empty, but she has to. As she speaks in a hushed voice, careful not to alarm the cats that walk nearby, she searches Palefire's gaze with an urgent pleading - desperate for her to understand, to give Sleekserpent another chance just like she was. I can't loose either one of you, she thinks, but.. after all that's happened, she feels inclined to brace for the worst.

BADGERSTRIPE ( she/her )​

( ooc ) text
  • Crying
Reactions: Lightflower
❝ it's gonna hurt for a bit of time ❞

Lightflower shuffled her way over as Badgerstripe was defending herself. The grey tabby molly was starting to fear that maybe she was destined to be a shell of her former self, cowering from her clanmates over and over. Her and lovelight's original plan clearly wasn't going to work out, so here they stayed. And plotted. But currently she could be with her friends. She slipped in beside Badg' on her other side, grateful they'd began to make up before everything. She agreed with Palefire, confusion was her main concern here. Badg and Sleekserpent were... cute... or whatever. It was never her favorite pairing but who was she to judge, right? "You can... turn him around?" she murmured.