pafp YOU || Joining....2!

She followed Emberstar and her clanmates back to the camp. She was almost overwhelmed with anxiety, she hadn't met her brother in so long. Would he be any different?

Surely not..

She didn't have to wait long, because whenever Sunfreckle left camp...... Rabbitnose was watching the entrance to camp for him to come back.

She paused a second, staring at him. He stared back.

She was planning to pounce on him when she found him.

But the role was REVERSED. Rabbitnose had sprung to his feet and charged at the group, leaping at Badger and knocking badger right over.



She has definitely found him. He looked stronger, more mature. She couldn't believe it, her sweet littermate had grown up. She pushed him off of her and bumped her head to his.

"When we couldn't find you.....We thought the dog got you."

Rabbitnose nuzzled her back with a soft purr. "Well technically it did get me..." He said, wiggling his tail.

Badger stared at him. It was a specific stare that Rabbitnose knew meant she was going to say something stupid.


"I hate you." He said, with love.

Caution was not Emberstar's strong suit. Most leader's would not, for instance, bring a trespasser that had just had a scuffle with her clanmates into camp. Even if they claimed to have family in the clan. The other leaders would have probably run Badgerstrike out without a word.

The Thunderclan leader was at least being cautious by her standards. The entire way back to camp, she had kept a close eye on the other molly. Ready to leap into action at a moment's notice. She was certain that if anything went wrong, sh could deal with it. Besides, as it had been her clanmates to start the fight, she did at least want to give Badgesrtike a chance.

When she saw the siblings embrace, she was pleased with her choice. It allowed her to breath a sigh of relief to see them getting along so well.

"Any family of Rabbitnose's is family of mine, nice ta meetcha!" she greeted Badgernose anew, her smile less easier than before. "Sorry about the trouble."

She bapped Rabbitnoses head and smiled.

"Good to hear." She said. She didn't have to squish anyone this day. Except Rabbitnose.

"It's alright, I would have attacked me too." She laughed.

Rabbitnose couldn't help but notice that Sunfreckle had returned with a bloody nose. He was able to put two and two together and knew that Badger had done it, but surely it was a misunderstanding.

"Did you....Hit Sunfreckle like that? He asked. There was no venom, he just wanted to know.

"......yes but it was an accident."

"That means you have to stay so I can punish you to collecting mouse bile."

"Ew." But it was a fate she deserved.

"And you have to meet my kits."



Badger stared at him, processing what he had just said. His kits. Kits that were his. Kits that he conceived with Sunfreckle, his kits.

She was fucking SPEECHLESS. BABIES. HE HAD BABIES. Her mind had been blown to pieces and she stared at him with a look of utter shock.



A soft growl echoed in the depths of Wildpaw's throat as he lingered near to Emberstar, glowering past her at Badger. The apprentice was itching for an excuse to throw paws with the she-cat again, but for now he would just have to sit and wait whilst the happy little reunion took place. Though he couldn't believe that she was actually related to Rabbitnose. She was fucking awesome, whereas he was... well, the embodiment of major dad vibes.​
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( ) Flamewhisker's ears would perk as she heard a patrol returning to the camp. She shrugged it off at first, until she smelled faint amounts of blood. Her attention whipped around again, and she spotted a strange molly, her leader, Sunfreckle with a bleeding nose, and the other on edge patrol members. The warrior jumped to her paws, and hurried over. Had this she-cat attacked one of their patrols? Was she being punished?

Any family of Rabbitnose is family of mine.

Her eyes narrowed, slightly confused, and she turned to watch the siblings reunite. So the molly that had injured Sunfreckle was Rabbitnose's sister? A quiet chuckle formed in her throat as she thought about the irony. The new warrior waited for the two to converse for a little bit before making her way over. "He's got quite the army of little ones. I'm sure they will be excited to meet you." she would say, her whiskers twitching. "My name is Flamewhisker, I'm one of Rabbitnose's friends."

She was still grappling with the idea that she was an aunt now. Holy shit.

"I. Can't believe you had kits, Rabbit, congratulations!" She said. Despite being utterly flabbergasted about it, she was proud of him.

"And you have so many friends.. We didn't have to worry at all!" She added, looking to Flamewhisker after. "Name's Badger. It's great to meet you! Glad to see Rabbit hasn't given you gray hairs yet." She greeted.

She couldn't just...Leave, now. Already she felt rooted. She had family here, now. Sure, she had family in that smelly barn too, but they were safe. She could always visit. She looked at all the cats around her and off in the clearing. Her brother was safe. He hadn't been eaten.

"I would love to meet your friends and family.... If you'd have me." She asked, looking to Emberstar. She totally understood if she said no, she did kind of cause a ruckus.

"Badger are you sure?" Rabbitnose asked. He was excited that she wanted to stay. She was probably very well suited for this life. "What about the others?"

"They're fine, they're staying at a barn way down the road."

"Never took them for barn cats but thats good!"

"I can't go back because I bit the twolegs and also their dog, so."

Rabbitnose chuckled. "Well.... If Emberstar is okay with it... I'd love for you to stay."


He didn't linger long because he was already padding back to the nursery to check on the sleeping kits before raising a paw just outside to try and stifle the bloodied cut on his nose less the smell disturb any of the occupants. Sunfreckle debated waking them to meet their new relative but he decided that could be done later and turned back to the gathered cats on soft, hobbling steps with a faint smile and nervous flattening of his ears. She seemed alright now, but she had been very scary at the border with how quick she was to fight and how fast her claws moved for such a big cat.
But if he caught her roughhousing with the kits too aggressively he was going to sit on her until she behaved. She was only a little bigger than he was, he could manage that.
" you're going to join? That's..." Don't be rude, "...lovely." Good enough. He wanted to go see Berryheart about his nose because it was itching now but since it didn't hurt that much he didn't want to add more to the already harried medicine cat's plate. Sometimes he vaguely wondered where Cinderfrost had gone, but he pushed the thoughts away. It was unfortunate, she'd been so kind to him and the kits, but her unpredictability was dangerous...