pafp you just don't get it — bad joke



// retro to blue losing her tooth lmfao! @Mosspaw

Blueviper bounds into camp with more energetic a demeanour than she's usually prone to, her wide amber eyes sliding around, searching for a cat to tell this great joke she just heard on patrol to. Normally, the chimera doesn't really ... participate ... in jokes, actually she finds them rather corny, but this one is funny! She can't remember who told the joke (to be honest, she wasn't paying a ton of attention ...) but it was like, really funny. her gaze seizes on a black-striped pelt and while Blueviper generally tends to avoid the apprentices, she pads quickly over.

"Hey, Mosspaw! How can you tell when a WindClanner's getting old?" She crows with mischievously gleaming eyes, not waiting for an actual response to the prompt before barrelling ahead with the punchline, "Look for the grey hares!" Just telling the joke sends Blueviper into a fit of laughter, nearly collapsing with the deliciousness of her wit.
Mosspaw snapped to attention as a warrior hastily approached her, expecting to be given some task to take care of. An urgent one, based on how hurried she seemed. Her expression and tone, however, made it apparent that wasn't the case. Mosspaw tilted her head curiously, wondering what had her so excited.

"How can you tell when a WindClanner's getting old? Look for the grey hares!"

She blinked.

"Yes," She stated slowly, staring at Blueviper in utter confusion as the other molly's laughter nearly bowled her over. "They would have grey hairs if they were old." That was a simple fact, she didn't see what was funny about it. It was obvious to her that she must be missing something but she had no idea what. As the warrior next to her laughed uproariously, she just stood awkwardly.

"I don't get it." Mosspaw stated plainly, hoping her admission would incite an explanation.​
Houndstride groans, long and low, and maybe that's enough for Mosspaw to see a joke in the warrior's words. Though he's kept to himself, his head ducked low as he lays out a bundle of reeds, there's no escaping the strength of Blueviper's words, or the absolute stench of that joke. His paws push into the ground as if to steady himself, and– and the dark warrior laughs, a rough chuckle tearing itself through his throat before his teeth can clench down on its escape. It only gets worse from there. That one chuckle gives way to a shaking chest and a chin ducked low– he's not loud, doesn't even make a sound past that one, but his shoulder's tremble with the effort of it. Were he any more composed, maybe he'd do what he could to help Mosspaw understand. For now, though, the only thing he can do is rub it in that she's missin' something hilarious.

  • ooc:
  • Untitled_Artwork.png
    ──── houndstride. trans male, he - him - his pronouns.
    ──── over three years old. born late december of 2020.
    ──── warrior of riverclan, formerly of the marsh group.
    ──── bisexual but with a heavy masc preference; single.
    ──── deeply repressed and struggling with his feelings.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with ( stylized ) low white and intense lime eyes. lean and lanky,  with whiplike musculature and a long, quick stride. hound's notable features include his impressive height, the long scar across the left side of his face from nose to jaw, his very deep, dense fur, and the confident manner with which he conducts himself.
  • "speech"
How much she loathed that this was seeming to catch on in the clan. The thought occurred to her that it was surely to be Clayfur's fault and that a lecture was to be swiftly delivered to his unsuspecting ears. Flattening her own as if it might spare her some of the uncomfortable disappointment from the joke she'd borne witness to, it seemed that she wasn't alone in that contempt. Looking to Houndstride as he audibly sounded his own dismay, the blue molly gave a small, suffering nod of agreement.

But his betrayal soon followed, a rumbling laugh escaping the brown tom as if it had been pried from his chest.

Turning to Mosspaw, it was a brief consideration that it may be a mercy to leave it at the oblivious, obvious train of thinking. "Mosspaw.... they hunt rabbits..." Her affect was flat, deriving no joy from having to explain the entire punchline though the laughter was hard to ignore as a contagion. An unwilling smile tucked up at the corners of her lips before she elaborated, "They're like hares."
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Houndstride too, seemed to find some unseen humor in Blueviper's obvious statement. It was only a single chuckle, but the force of it was unmistakable. Mosspaw's ear flicked. It felt like everyone knew something she didn't, and it was really annoying. Her eyes flicked between them expectantly, waiting for someone to just tell her what she had missed.

Lichentail, finally, offered an explanation. Through the cacophony of laughter, she listened intently. Though she didn't get what Windclan hunting rabbits had to do with anything.

Mosspaw blinked.

"Oh, I see. It's a double meaning." She reasoned aloud, eager to illustrate her sudden understanding. Then they would see that she was good at jokes too. "Hare like their prey and hair like their fur."

Mosspaw glanced over to Blueviper. "That's funny." She told them, entirely straight-faced.​
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જ➶ Truly the woman isn't so sure of what she is seeing here and she looks between the two other warriors before looking to the apprentice. Her maw creases into a thin line and she tries her best not to laugh. Especially when the joke goes right over Mosspaw's head. Her ears angle back slightly and she ducks her head a bit before forcibly clearing her throat as Lichentail has to explain the joke which kind of defeats the purpose. Does dissecting a joke make it less funny? Maybe but as Mosspaw goes into it further the woman finds herself chuckling softly. Dipping her head again before shaking it. With such a straight face saying that she has to wonder. "Did you actually find that funny, Mosspaw?" Truthfully she is amused by the whole occurrence yet she tries to keep her own face reserved as best as possible