Feb 4, 2023

"Oh yeah? Well, get this..." Rainecho looks out of the corners of her eyes at the cats nearest to her, drawing out her own gossip in an effort to gather suspense. She draws the others closer so she can say in a hushed voice. "I hear Tornadopaw has been sneaking off lately, probably to go hide. It seems after injuring her foot she isn't taking her duties as seriously. Maybe she's sneaking off to go hide from her mentor?" She wonders what Chilledstar would think of that, if they ever heard about it. There are murmurs, of course their are murmurs as the small group quietly voices their own opinions, most of them agreeing that yes, Tornadopaw must be sneaking away in order to laze about. Then another cat is talking, her eyes equally flitting about their small little group, landing specifically on Rainecho as she speaks. "I have a good one!" she declares and everyone leans in close to listen. "I know who fathered Betonyfrost's kits!" Rainecho cannot help it, she also leans in to listen. Betonyfrost had been an old friend, but, as friends often do, they had drifted apart. Just like her and..."Roosterstrut" Ashblossom suddenly says, breaking into her thoughts. For a second shes taken aback "What makes you think such a foolish thing Ashblossom?" she asks with a laugh but Ashblossom doesn't flinch. "Well, you have to admit they spend a lot of time together, oh and have you see the way he looks at her kits? The way he talks to them? It has to be him!" the other cats nod their agreement, murmuring that yes, it only makes sense. Rainecho, however, rolls her eyes.

"Im going for a walk!" she suddenly declares, deciding very quickly that she is done talking to this group, done listening to things she does not want to hear, her ears are laid flat as she stalks away, her face very obviously troubled. Could it be true? She wonders, and as she does she can feel her heart twist with some emotion she has no name for. What do I care? she thinks bitterly to herself as she kicks a rock with one of her feet, yard sailing it across the camp. She hadn't meant to kick it so hard, send it flying so far, but in her anger she had lashed out. Now she watches in horror as it heads right for one of her clanmates. "Hey! Watch out!" she calls in an attempt to warn them, but likely it is too late.

// feel free to have your cat be the one to get beaned!
Thunk! Needledrift makes a strangled little sound as something pings her in the temple, rebounding off her little head and thumping back to the ground - an assassin with a target true. Rainecho's warning reaches her ears a half-second after the assailing pebble is already resigned back to its dusty walked-upon state and Needledrift turns her now-stinging face towards the she-cat, questioning.

Her tail winds upwards, a curious little curve beginning in the most polite what the fuck? she manage. What was that for?!
she smells like lemongrass and sleep

Her mother told her once that her choices mattered more than anything else and even something as simple as the color of the bloom she tucked into her fur was a symbol, a statement. She was winding into her tail blue and pink flowers, whispering their meanings to herself with each petal tucked into place. She didn't know if these were the exact flowers, she wasn't very knowledgable on plants, but they were the same colors as the ones taught to her in a quiet garden surrounded by cold steel and gray stone and it was more the memory that mattered. Wolfsbane was commonly negative, but also whispered warning; useful to ward of cats and blue as her split pelt. Oleander, pink, was also cautious but more positively. Perhaps even romantically. Maybe she was being silly, but having kits and a cat she liked again as much as she once had so long ago had filled her with a rare upbeat mood.

Halfshade's ear flicked upward in alarm to the sound of voices and from the mouth of the nursery she turned outward into the camp.
The gossip would have been of much interest to her but Halfshade missed it entirely, her only warning it had ever occurred was the shout from Rainecho that had her lifting her head just in time to see something strike Needledrift directly in the head. The torbie stood, a groan escaping her as she did so, but on stiff limbs she wandered forward with a tail held aloft to check on the gray she-cat, a paw raised tentatively to the molly's temple but not quite touching.
"Are you alright, dear? Cut anything? No, it looks fine I think..." Her gaze turned to Rainecho as the others did but her question was much more vocal, "If that had hit one of Betonyfrost's kits you could've seriously hurt them!"
If hers had been born then and one had been struck...well, she'd killed cats before for lesser crimes. All the commotion had caused her to lose several of her flowers too in her walk over...dreadful.

Theme Prompt #1:
Pink Oleander represents - desire, destiny, and caution, as well as romantic love.
Wolfsbane represents - caution, treachery, and misanthropy.