you know just how to be cruel | ebonyfrost




general information
— ebonyfrost
— formerly ebony
— cisgender female
— she / her
— bisexual
— biromantic
— can be polyamorous
— 25 moons
— ages every 1st
— loner
— ex-shadowclan; deserter​

— healing; yes
— minor injury; yes
— major injury; no
— death; no
voice claim
— holly leaves, pine needles, and fresh snow​

— black and brown chimera with low white
— ebonyfrost has long, thin, wispy black fur with dark brown splotches at random locations, and small amounts of white dotted in-between. her fur's texture is silky and smooth, and it doesn't retain water well despite its length; its thinness means that while it dries quickly, it also doesn't do much to protect her from the cold.
— pale green
— slender and thin, with a long tail and an elegant frame; she's slightly taller than the average she-cat.

— ebonyfrost has a particularly striking appearance, bearing great resemblance to her half-sister in the way white decorates her fur at random. while she has a cruel-looking natural expression and a glare that can make even starclan shiver with fright, she is often described as beautiful in her well-groomed and elegant appearance. she takes great pride in her appearance, vanity mixing with perfectionism in such a way that nary a strand of fur is left out of place at any given time.

additional notes
— an old claw scar on her right cheek.​

— highly perceptive
— intelligent
— open-minded
— passionate
— familial

— reclusive
— wounded
— vicious
— guarded
— melancholic

— ebonyfrost is a cat defined by her anguish. vengeful and deeply wounded, her kinder nature is consistently shut away by her dreadful habit of intense internalization; while she is currently in the slow and arduous process of opening herself up to the vulnerabilities of her own heart, a constant feeling of betrayal keeps her well-defended from any attempts to break through her thick outer shell. while on the surface her lack of emotional display and her hard-working, logical nature may often read to others as being cold-hearted, the reality is just the opposite; ebonyfrost's love is intense in any relationship she forms, whether romantic, platonic, or familial. she is just as fiercely protective as she is lovingly domestic, and while very few cats are lucky enough to witness this softer side of her, there is no doubting that it exists.

— when she manages to push past that constant, pervasive feeling of depression and loneliness that she suffers from all too often, ebonyfrost is content with few friends and strong emotional connections, and can often be found standing on the sidelines of her chosen group's shenanigans with a sarcastic quip at the ready for the right moment. her sense of humor is subtle, sharpened by her perception and intelligence, so that a punchline can be delivered to those who know her well enough just by a well-timed glance and a raise of her eyebrows. though she doesn't socialize often, ebonyfrost is quick to pick up on social nuances, which makes it difficult for any ill-willed cat to manipulate her without her noticing.

— she also, notably, enjoys the presence of quiet or shy individuals much more than those with bombastic or overly-confident personalities. she loves teaching, and being predisposed to a nurturing personality, she tends to get along quite well with kits and apprentices especially. while ebonyfrost is cautious in romance, the idea of adopting younger cats into her found family is undeniably appealing to her.​

family history
— slate; father, an ex-marsh group deserter
— gloria; mother, kittypet
— pixie; sister
— circus; half-sister
— none
— none
extended kin
— none known​

— ebonyfrost was born to an early marsh group settler, slate, and a kittypet named gloria who was the subject of his hidden affair. she was in a litter of two, and was raised alongside her tortoiseshell sister, pixie, who had at that time been named amber, in the early gatherings of what would later become shadowclan. her childhood was largely defined by her father's absence and her sister's opposing personality; from a young age, ebony was often ignored and overlooked for the sake of her sister's attention-seeking, and this neglect was felt deeply throughout the rest of her life.

— it was at around six moons old that she found herself growing jaded towards her father, and at eight she finally gave up on winning his favor, instead accepting his absence in her life as a side-effect of her own imperfection; she wasn't as lovable or as energetic as her sister, and so to her it made all the more sense that she would be ignored. at this time, she focused entirely on her training and her duties, fine-tuning her skills in hunting and fighting through hours spent training at a ruthless and often self-destructive pace. what would later become a harmful perfectionist habit began here; her hatred and her hurt fueled her intense desire for perfection, and she was more than willing to sacrifice her relationships with her father, her sister, and her own clan in order to achieve it.

— ebony was twelve moons old when slate abandoned the marsh clan. after an entire life spent yearning and sacrificing just to get his attention, his announcement that he was leaving sent her into a blind rage, and the subsequent argument between the two was all things public and violent and disturbing. after pushing slate too far with her vulgar insults, ebony was given a claw-slash to the cheek, and could only watch balefully as slate abandoned her and amber went along with him. that was the last she saw of either of them.
— following that event, ebony remained in the marsh group, which would later become shadowclan, and she was given the name ebonyfrost for her icy glare and her blizzard-like attitude. now alone and dejected, ebonyfrost spent the rest of her time in shadowclan running from her self-doubt and her insecurities by refocusing herself on her clan duties. she became a skilled warrior and a talented hunter, precise and ruthless on the battlefield, and yet she was apathetic and unsociable, constantly uncomfortable around her clanmates.

— it wasn't until moons later that she met circus, who had strayed into shadowclan territory, and in the process of driving the rogue out the two slipped into conversation, where it was revealed that circus had come to look for who she believed to be her father: a black and gray tom named slate. circus and ebonyfrost bore a startling resemblance to eachother, despite having come from separate mothers, and this revelation that ebonyfrost had no idea how many other children her father had sired disturbed her deeply. her life in shadowclan became stressful and uncertain, and before long her thoughts darkened to a dangerous extent; her internal monologue agonized her.
— eventually, spurred by the realization that she would never be good enough for the love and attention of her clan—just as she was never good enough for the love and attention of her father—ebonyfrost disappeared into the night, leaving the territory and resolving to live in the wild with circus, who had up until that point been the only cat that she thought of as a friend.

— sometimes, she still wonders if shadowclan ever even noticed that she had left, or if she had been just as invisible to them as she always feared.​

— francis forever; mitski
— michelle; sir chloe
— rät; penelope scott
— castle; halsey
— false god; taylor swift
— trust; half•alive
— end game; taylor swift
— king of my heart; taylor swift​

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[box=75%][font=times new roman][size=20px][glow=red]☽ [b]EBONYFROST[/b] ☾[/glow][/size]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.