private You know me || Thornpaw

[ ༻❄༺ ] Truth be told, Snowpaw had noticed, she noticed very much that Thornpaw had been isolating herself, not chatting with others and tending to keep to herself and Snowpaw wondered why. Wasn't she...happy? Her family were all back together, Laurelpaw and Halfpaw safely back in Shadowclan where they belonged, and their family...healing so, what was bothering the other so much? With a hum she found herself awaiting for the others return from training, and of course once she saw the other they quickly jumped onto their paws to greet the other, a slight smile on her maw in greetings.

"I was waiting for you, let's share a meal, yeah?" she would offer up, might as well if the two were to chat, and besides it was most definitely better than quickly jumping into a conversation and making things...awkward. Thornpaw, after all was one of the few that Snowpaw tolerated a presence from (Basilpaw having wiggled their way into that, and Scorchmoon was their mentor so it made sense of course). As soon as the other would agree Snowpaw trotted to the fresh-kill pile, searching through to find something the two would both like before looking at the other.

" training going...well? You seem distant as of late and I wanted to check in on you" she expressed coolly. Not like she was worried at all (she was indeed worried). Their stubby tail twitched slightly before glancing away a bit while a slight frown peered on her maw. Even if Thornpaw tended to stay near the other to correct their rude behavior, she much rather have them around, but seeing them being so recluded was concerning. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, but I wanted to make sure you were okay" they expressed before finally plucking out a distantly sized bird from the pile the two could share.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 5 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Today started slowly and picked up towards midday with a quick and satisfied dismissal from Bonerattle. He seemed rather pleased with the current progress so he'd sent the two-tone paw' on her way to camp. Despite the upside of getting out of training early her mind swirled with the usual maelstrom. In the earliest parts of her memories she could recall always being happy. Rough housing and bouncing about even with the daunting knowledge of her mother's passing. They believed being told the truth helped in processing it.

Yet, that know-how could never lift the grief left behind. Even now some things didn't make much sense and her world felt a touch colder. Time had passed akin to a snail race but also fast like a mad dash for the last piece of prey. Everything felt too much but she felt nothing as well. A passing tom with greyed cheeks and frazzled whiskers pulled the youth from their inner thoughts. Startling her to a complete stop a few rabbit hops from camp's entrance. The aged black and gray frame of the other seemed to nearly tower over her. Murky blue eyes blinking politely in her direction as recognition fell across the ancient critters snout.

"Oh! Hey there! Haven't seen ya since you were a wee tom. Is yer' dad doin alright?"

Silence filled the space between them as Thornpaw's bi-colored gaze grew wide with shock. Holding back the desire to uproot the conversation and bolt she stumbled into her words. "Y-yeah.. He's good. Nice seeing you." Thornpaw truthfully had no idea who this old tabby was but the young lass had about enough. Exiting the uncomfortable situation she pushed through the entrance and into a familiar clearing. Spotting her denmate she was happy to note that they'd been waiting on her. The barbary she-cat's mood flipped sending their striped legs bounding and thick tail swaying up high.

Snowpaw had been a staple in her life since early kithood, a friendship that was dearly cherished. The offer to share a meal felt gentle and welcoming, and the warmth in the pale apprentice's smile eased some of the tension in her heart. Nodding in agreement she couldn't help but feel gratitude for the much needed company. Quickly, the blonde chimera settled down to wait on their pick. Eager to get started on a filling meal after a bad day she steadily tapped her paws against the ground. Until their buddies concern weighed in on her already sinking heart.

Hesitation held her for a moment before words muttered lowly from their lips. "Today's training was okay." The lie sits heavy on their tongue and the dam doesn't hold for long. Giving in her frame slumps with defeat. "Actually, there's something I do need to talk about." Her earlier nerves bundled tighter together with every passing second. Their friend had opened up a hole with a way out so she figured there was no point in burying herself further.

Discomfort played clearly on their wide-set face while her empty paws rolled against the dirt. "An elder, one who hasn't seen me since birth, accidentally used tom terms when greeting me." They felt the weight of said worries shift a touch. "They didn't mean any harm, but it stung. I'm a she-cat, and it's something I've been open about. Most cats are supportive-" Thornpaw hunched inward, seeking comfort from her own bubble. "-I know that's trivial, but it hit hard. I've been dealing with my own struggles, and talking about it feels bad." The statement wasn't entirely true but the negative feelings welling within certainly seemed that way.

Their gaze fell away, a lost sorrow in them, as family entered the topic. "My dad... He's been going through a tough time, and my siblings, too. Even after Halfpaw and Laurelpaw returned." Their jaw ached from the yammering but for a change she felt the need to open up. To seek out some sort of release after so much pent up hurt. "I've been absorbed in my own fears that I've lost track of time. Becoming an apprentice... I didn't even look forward to it til the other day." Thornpaw sighed, the weight of her burdens momentarily lifted by the act of sharing.

Pushing past the internal blockade the nerves began to unravel. "I'm sorry for dumping all of this on you, Snowpaw, but you're the only one I trust with this. I feel like you get me, and as long as we're friends, I'll know I'm not alone." A watery smile curled weakly up onto her tan features. Blue and brown gaze now cast to the ground below as shame burned at their ears. There was no mistaking the appreciation billowing off them in waves even as she swallowed back the rising emotions.
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[ ༻❄༺ ] Once the two had settle down to enjoy a shared meal, Snowpaw's eyes stayed glued onto Thornpaw, listening to the others trouble with a gentle look in tide, pushing the uneaten bird closer to the other so she could take the first bite. Ears perked as she explained her concerns, and how an elder had made her uncomfortable using the wrong terms and even apologizing for telling Snowpaw her burdens and yet, she disagree. She was glad the other felt comfortable enough to open up about her troubles, and for truth be told, she admired Thornpaw for knowing who she was.

"Don't apologize, I'm here to listen after all. Besides, that elder is blind as a bat and can't see whats in front of them. Honestly Thornpaw you're really amazing, you already know who you are and not many apprentices can say that" she said gently. Snowpaw understood the uncomfortable feeling of others using terms that did not feel... right, like when Basilpaw had called her a molly or... but truth be told she thought it was normal to feel that uncomfortable twist when someone mentions what you are so perhaps they had not been the same in any way at all.

"If anyone ever gives you troubles about who you are, come to me and I'll set them right" she said puffing out her chest a bit while a grin appeared on her maw. Thornpaw was one of the few to get her to smile or to show more emotions, and of course someone she felt close with so she would stick by Thornpaw's side and support the she-cat for as long as the two live. "Here, take the first bite. As Basilpaw would say, ladies first" she said with an amused chuckle to her own words.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 5 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Their downed mood lifts with surprise at their companions passionate statement. Immediately snatching up the attention the larger of the two had and hyper focusing it all on the other's dappled complexion. Thornpaw listened intently as Snowpaw responded with comforting words, her heart easing slightly at the understanding and support her friend offered. She felt a warmth spread through her chest as Snowpaw encouraged her, affirming her identity and offering to stand up for her if anyone caused trouble.

It meant more to Thornpaw than she could ever express. Sucking in much needed air the weight of the world felt a little less burdensome. "Thank you, Snowpaw a-and I hope you know I would do the same for you. Always." The blond molly murmured, her voice soft with gratitude. She couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for the other, knowing that she had someone like Snowpaw to lean on in times of uncertainty. With renewed vigor, Thornpaw reached out to accept the food her denmate offered, smile growing more genuine.

"You're the best, you know that? I'm not sure what I'd do without you." With a flicker of admiration in her bi-colored gaze, Thornpaw took the offered bite, savoring the warmth of the meal and the gentleness of the moment. As she chewed, she felt a sense of reassurance settle over her, knowing that she wasn't alone in facing life's challenges. A soft thrumming purr welled from her throat from the knowledge that they were in this together through thick or thin. If the paler feline would allow it, Thornpaw hoped it would be for their entire lifetime.