you know that i love you &. specter

tired. they had been able to get a lot more rest being cooped up inside of the medicine den, but it was so stuffy in here. they wanted out, and out they would go... who was gonna argue with the deputy? except maybe bonejaw but she didn't seem to be around. standing up on their paws, their nose twitched at the scent of herbs attached to their wounds, torn ear flicking back slightly before they simply ( and extremely slowly ) moved out of their nest. they moved out of the medicine cat den, taking in a rather decent breath, grunting as their legs gave out, forcing them into a seated position. their tail tapped against the ground, eyes closing for a moment. they weren't going to go far, they weren't that idiotic, but they just needed a bit of fresh air. everyone else seemed to be sleep anyways. their stomach began to turn at the idea of cats looking at them with pity in their eyes but what else could they do? so many cats already so suspicious of hawktail.

with a deepened sigh, they soaked up the bits of sunlight that peered through into the camp, biting their tongue with a huff. this is your own fault.


Paws plant firmly against the ground, the frog hanging from their jaws swaying slightly in the bitter, early leaf-fall wind. They'd spent hours searching for the perfect piece of prey, because his friend should settle for nothing less, deserved the world when others were too fearful to give them that. His skin had crawled the whole time, fur prickled in anger, a few frogs exploding when he bit down too hard- wasting prey when they needed it, but as much as Specter cared, they were all just as guilty as whoever slashed Chilled's face, marred their ear. Their gaze was distant as they just stand there in the entrance, seething, heavy breaths, a struggle to calm down knowing that even if it were a spar gone wrong it was nothing less than traitorous intent in his eyes.

He comes to be with a sharp inhale, shaking his head as he begins to move once more, casting his gaze on every shadow that moved, death, death to the traitor. May whatever hell be out there grip the unfortunate soul, never let them leave, claws curled out once more as shoulders tense, anger, anger, anger. It only dissipates when their eyes land on their friend, their rock, and they can't stay mad for long as they hurry, casting a long, spindly shadow over them. "Chilled." his voice gruff as he drops the frog at their paws, settling down on to their own haunches. He places his head on their shoulder, tail flicking wildly despite the rigidness of a statue. "I brought you food." eat, they silently beg because they know how Chilled is, how they overwork themselves for the sake of others.

He thinks to simpler times. "They don't deserve you." it tumbles before he can stop it, teeth clenching and grinding together. Goddammit, who fucking did this? They want to scream as their eyes move to the bandages, forcing back a growl. "And when I get my fucking claws on whoever did this I'll-" they suck in another breath, tapping one of their paws on to the ground in a rhythmic manner. Calm, calm. "... I'm here. If you want to do anything." he came here to offer support, not coddle them as much as he wants to, wrap them up and fight off the wolves of the world. They stare at Chilled with blank eyes, waiting for how they'll respond.
  • Love
the suddeness of spectermask makes them tilt their head in confusion. they watch as the prey is dropped to their paws, flinching slightly at the touch from their friend but they breath out a sigh. they seemed to be a little jumpy but... they would calm down with his presence. it isn't as if spectermask would ever hurt them... right? they made it clear that they only wanted to protect chilledgaze, even now when they were the deputy of the clan. they almost wanted to tell specter that it was their responsibility to look out for them, but they held their tongue. chledgaze just wasn't too keen on being protected... it just proved to them the one thing that nagged them– that they were weak. sighing, they only bit the inside of their lip.

"i'm not hungry..."

they know the look in his eyes, but they can't stomach anything right now. one bite and they knew it'd come right back up... they didn't want to even think about that happening. however, specter's anger draws them away from their thoughts and suddenly they bumped their head against his shoulder.

"i think it is more correct to say that i don't deserve any of you."

they chuckled, lowering their gaze to their paws which have begun to knead the ground beneath them.

"it was an accident, okay? just a stupid accident. it went too far and i... i'm fine. i'm not dead. please don't worry, okay? don't get flustered and don't get yourself hurt. i would miss you terribly if anything happened to you."

they admitted to them. and i would kill anyone who put their filthy claws anywhere near you... but i'm not gonna tell you that.

  • Crying
Reactions: spectermask
Theres a heavy exhale that leaves their nostrils when Chilled says they're not hungry. Fine, okay... He wouldn't push it, thats fine. He would, however, make sure they ate later- they couldn't have a collapsed deputy, malnourished, especially going in to the winter season (but they're two peas in a pod, and Specter knows deep inside that neither of them will adhere to the rules). They do, however, note the flinch and slightly draws back, gives them space for a bit. He does suppose that getting attacked by a damned clanmate would do that to you, and the fire reignites all over again.

Their chuckle makes his lips purse, a slight hum leaving him as his tail thumps against the ground. "You do so much for them." why? He almost wants to add on, but its not their fault that he doesn't have enough friends to feel a solid loyalty to the clan. He's loyal to them, their friend, and they'd rather die a thousand deaths over again before seeing another gash on Chilled's face.

Theres a smile that ghosts his lips for a few heartbeats as they speak, reminding him to calm down. Just like that, the inward voices that scream for murder calm in their head, if only for a little bit. "Right back at you, you know." he purrs before their face hardens, looking out in to the distance. The clouds were graying quicker each day, which meant leafbare would be coming soon. They're slightly dreading it, the cold constantly beneath their paws, the biting wind and stark ivory color coating the ground. "It's coming soon. You think they'll make it?" they leave out the duo at hand, because they know they'll make it, Specter would fight for pieces of prey if thats what it came down to. Whats another scar, another trophy for his pelt?