camp YOU KNOW WHAT IM THINKING (leaving for gathering)

The moon crawls higher into the sky, the dusk’s light already fading. The full moon casts a glow over the ravine, one that will grow even brighter as it climbs higher and higher. Howlingstar stands upon the Highrock and scans the milling cats as they wait to hear who will go to this moon’s Gathering of the five clans. She clears her throat and lifts her muzzle to call out, “The warriors who will attend are Flycatcher, Flamewhisker, Sunfreckle, Raccoonstripe, Nightbird, Roeflame, Shiningsun, Wildheart, Mothsqueak, Blizzard Fang, Stumpybounce, Cedarfire, Wolfwind, Spotflare, Little Wolf, Finchcatcher, Rabbitnose, Owlear and Dewfang. Remember, this Gathering is to get to know the other clans and make friends, not to share our weaknesses. The rest of you, we’re trusting you to keep camp safe until we return.” She dips her head and leaps off of the boulder, leading her clan out of camp with her fluffy tail held high. She’ll catch her apprentice’s eye and motions for him to join before disappearing out the bramble entrance.

// as always, elders can go if they wish, they don’t have to be chosen. Mentors may bring their apprentices but it’s ultimately up to them - usually, they attend unless they’re in trouble.
The chosen cats besides those on the council are @Roeflame . @SHININGSUN @Mothsqueak! @BLIZZARD FANG @Stumpybounce @Cedarfire @WOLFWIND @Spotflare @LITTLE WOLF @FINCHCATCHER @Rabbitnose @OWLEAR @Dewfang
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ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
When Roeflame spots Howlingstar making her way up to Highrock, she already knows what it is for, the full moon casting it’s milky hue signaling that the gathering was tonight.
Quietly, she makes her way over, taking her seat on either side of two warriors.
Her leader is quick to the point, names coming one after the other. Roeflame was not left in anxious waiting as her name is called after Nightbirds.
Her tail flicks from where it draped over her forepaws, a new anxiety prickling at her paw pads.
Snowpaw- it had been over a moon since she had spoken to him, or even seen him. Her mind ached with both concern and fear, Blazestars news from the last gathering only settling in far after he had broken it. Could Snowpaw have been taken? Never to be seen again?
Howlingstar is already moving, and Roeflame shakes herself from her troublesome thoughts, getting to her paws and falling in place at the tabbies heel. If anything, she could only hope to find out tonight.

Blizzard Fang finds excitement pricking at his paws, even at his age attending the gathering was something to be excited about. Instantly he seeks out @LICHENPAW, it would be good for the calico apprentice to get out and converse with the other clans. It’d take his mind off any lingering thoughts of Sunnyday and Sandpaw, who unfortunately would not be able to attend this gathering due to her injury.

”You ready?” He meows before departing behind Howlingstar. He does his best to pad alongside Lichenpaw before trying to strike conversation, ”How many gatherings have you gone to before this?”


"Understood, Howlingstar." Shiningsun would have been lying if he said that he wasn't excited. He was practically buzzing actually! At last he could mingle among the other clans, hear the news direct from the sources, and stand among them all as a new warrior. He was going to make sure that no trouble happened, nothing that could embarrass the clan. The large tom fell in line behind Howlingstar as they set off at last, his head held high.
It had been a while since he had last attended a gathering, though his former injury had been the main thing that had held him back. He truly hoped that the mutt who had taken his tail was rotting at the bottom of the river. Instinctively as the names were called out he found himself looking for Rabbitnose, and with luck, Patchpaw. He intended to walk with them to the gathering and would no doubt hang around them throughout the affair. "Maybe I can offer to watch Patchpaw at the gathering so Rabbitnose can have a break..." Wildheart thought with a tilt of his head as he planned things out.

Another gathering, another night of tension and yelling. He felt exhausted already. He wondered if there would ever be peace in this forest. He almost didn't want to go, but...... He was nosy. He wanted to hear what was going on. He looked for Patchpaw in the crowd.

Technically he should make her stay..... But he was soft. He understood two young cats wanting to be alone together, wanting privacy. She wasn't breaking the rules to be rebellious. He would let it slide this time. Besides, he thought going to the gathering would be good for her.

To meet other cats from other clans, to learn about them and what they were like, maybe make a few friends.

And besides, with the truce, she would be safe. That, and if anyone attacked her, they would not only feel his wrath, but they would feel Wildheart's wrath as well as Starclan's.

He sighed softly. He needed to relax. He was worrying too much.
Lucky her! (Was she? Or was Grandma's bias showin' more and more? Not like Wolfwind was complaining). A young, niave, and totally not her warrior (like Wildheart) would consider it lucky, at least. Someone who needs attention all the fuckin' time (like Wildheart) would think it an honor... But actually, it's shit, because she has to be there with Wildheart. Ugh.

She flashes Howlingstar a knowing look. She totally wanted Wolfwind to watch over him, and stuff. The guy's practically on the precipice of embarrassing himself back down to being an apprentice, so as a friend and colleague, the kind thing to do would be followin' through with that duty. First thing's first, though, " First gathering as a warrior, eh? " she says to Roeflame beside her, meeting her with a friendly shoulder bump, " I remember mine! Lakemoon got hers the gathering before me, so I had to find her and tell her– " She pouts, then, recalling however that had went. " ...'Course she wasn't at that one though. Kh! "

" Point is, big day! ...Night! " she chirps, perking up again in an instant. Then, loudly so SOMEONES bee-filled ears would hear her (subtlety is for chumps), " Hopefully none of our other NEW WARRIORS embarrass us! " Accentuated with a cough, for good measure.
  • Haha
Reactions: Noor ♡
( ) Another month had passed, and it was time for the next gathering. She had missed the last one, but that was alright with her. Her mind hadn't been in the right place after the battle, and it was probably a good thing she hadn't been able to go. But now she felt more confident, and she was anxious to show her face again, and hopefully shove it in that Riverclanner's face that his attempt had not been successful. She was certainly going to try to find that tom, but she knew better than to cause a scene.

An over-extended avoidance, Finchcatcher's days of dodging the gathering have finally come to their end. He was just a kid, the last time he'd gone to one of these - single-named, his first scars only just healed over. A member of the Pine Group at the start of it, a member of SkyClan by the end.

How things have changed, since then.

The scarred warrior knew this was bound to happen at some point, his name being called forth to attend the gathering. He'd never admit it, but Finchcatcher thanks the stars every time his name isn't called for one of these things.

And though he wants to protest the choice, to declare that someone else should go in his place, he knows not to - that it would create more problems for him in the long run.

A flame-furred head lifts to look at Howlingstar from where she stands, a heavy nod in acknowledgment following. As she makes her descent and heads toward's the camp's exit, Finchcatcher takes a breath, before his own set of paws trail behind her. Hopefully, this night will go well.
.you want a battle ———


——— i'll give you war.
———————— ————————
THE BLACK-AND-WHITE FELINE TRILLED IN EXCITEMENT, BOUNCING on the pads of his feet. This would be his first gathering! Dove trilled, glancing over at his mentor with bright, owlish hues. Oh, I hope I don’t embarrass myself. He thought with a worried hum, kneading the ground absently. Stars! What if I trip? What if I say something wrong? What if I make a fool out of myself? What if I embarrass ThunderClan?

So many what-ifs left the tom dizzy, claws digging into the ground, hoping to give himself some stability before he spiraled into a pool of anxiety. He hoped it wasn’t noticeable—Oh, geez. He didn’t want to embarrass his clan for being stupid. Dove would admit he was odd, but he didn’t want to be odd, surrounded by cats he’d never met.

The apprentice shuffled, purring subtly to settle his anxieties, owlish optics dancing from one spot to the next, counting rocks. One. Two. Three. Four.

thoughts[/i] speech

another gathering. nightbird enjoyed them about as much as she enjoyed a thorn embedded in her paw. it would be another night where the clans found any excuse to quarrel, she doubted anything productive would ensue. it hardly ever did. her name being called sparked no joy or nerves as it did for some of the other members. instead, her head tilted slightly in acknowledgement, tail sweeping over her paws. she would turn to search for duskpaw among the crowd before joining the others on the journey to fourtrees.

The gatherings were always bittersweet for Little Wolf. Every moon that she was permitted to go she got to see her kits, the ones that lived separate lives, walked separate paths. It was always good to see Fireflypaw, Howlpaw now that she knew she was alive and well. But it was torture seeing Blazestar sometimes. To cast green eyes upon that cream pointed pelt she knew so well and to know she would never again be permitted to sink into that familiar soft fur, to press her nose to his shoulder and be lulled to sleep by the sound of his gentle rumbling purrs. She misses him more than she could put into words but she was loyal. To her clan, to her family. There was no way she could ever leave them for another clan and there was no way Blazestar could leave Skyclan in the paws of another and so they were at an impass. Duty and Family keeping them in their respective places. Still, she finds herself feeling a small tinge of excitement as she thinks of all the things that could happen, all the news she would be there to hear. She looks around for Ragwortpaw and when she finds her, she offers her apprentice a warm smile "Ready to go?" she asks, though her eyes also seek out her kits, glad that they are also all coming with if their mentors permitted it, of course.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Silverlightning stands by as he watches the group prepare to leave camp. His plumed tail flicks wordlessly as he draws closer, nodding in greeting as he sits himself by the entrance. "Be careful out there." The ticked tabby finally voices amongst the group. The gathering were a chaotic occasion he did not mind staying back from. The constant tension filtering throughout the air and flying accusations made it more trouble than what it was worth. He was more than content to sit by the opening of their camp and remain there as guard for the night.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road