pafp you know whats on my mind .. watching


the exception
Apr 15, 2023
⋆⍋ // please wait until after @lily pad posts! + basil is contaminated so feel free to use the opportunity to get sick if you need to^^;

Basilwhisker was a lucky tom to have such a short pelt as it bared against the sun's rays. The late-summer heat was more exhaustive for some of his longer coated Clanmates, something he had noticed after a few rounds of watching his fellow warriors skulk about and keep themselves hidden beneath any shade they could find. He was perfectly content laying in a patch of dirt himself, occasionally falling asleep if he found himself so comfortable.

Today was one such day where Basilwhisker spent his afternoon watching. Accumulating small bits of information as pelts passed by and eyes glanced away from his own while they continued on. Patrol's weaved in and out, and he took note of the faces that returned closely beside one another, or who they greeted first upon arrival. Greenleaf appeared to bloom love alongside the rest of the forest, a sensation he felt detached from. Love did not form for Basilwhisker the way it did for his other Clanmates. How could it, when he felt as though he were playing a game of pretend? He assumed it would be the same for others like him, not born in ThunderClan. Playing the game of Clan politics and warriorhood for their benefit until something better came up.

His thoughts fluttered away as he noticed an approach, and blinked to see Lily Pad nearing the patch of dirt he had claimed.

"Yes?" His voice rasped in a way he felt was oddly familiar, but couldn't quite place why. He cleared his throat and spoke again, voice slightly clearer. "Am I in your way?"
As Lily Pad walks through camp, the greenleaf sun feels as if it's setting her fur on fire. With every step, she's closer and closer to igniting, her fluffy coat doing more harm than good.

She almost reaches her breaking point, but she eyes Basilwhisker lounging on the ground across camp. That's a good idea. Without thinking anything more of it, she makes her way to his side. "Oh, you're fine! Sorry, this weather is really getting to me. Can I sit with you?"

After waiting for a positive response, she digs at the dirt slightly to expose the cooler earth before laying down. It's not perfect, but it's better than nothing.

It's clear that, before she arrived, Basilwhisker had been people watching. It's only polite to ask about it. "So, learn anything juicy?"
[ earth girl ]
⋆⍋ Her intent is... surprising, but not unpleasant. Truthfully Basilwhisker hadn't anticipating someone joining his little midday tradition at all, but he suppose a bit of change wasn't so bad. Perhaps Lily Pad could trade information with him as well. As useless or useful it may be, he liked to know what was happening in the Clan.

"You can." His acceptance is polite, and shifted some to make room for the molly. He recalled something vaguely of her being connected to their newest Lead Warrior, but he can't exactly place how. The entire web of Howlingstar's kin is a confusing one with so many cats making of it. he would settle with her being... Wolfwind's older sister.

"I believe so. Most recently, I've notice Batwing and Leopardtongue enjoy each other's company." His voice is hushed as he indulges her curiosity, so not for others to hear. By the way his head is ducked closer to Lily Pad, though, it's clear they're sharing something secretive. "I've noticed, Greenleaf of all seasons seems to spark more 'friendships' among the Clan."

Little Wolf was not one who enjoyed idle gossip, she would not sit about and spread rumors like a group of elders with nothing better to do, but that didn't mean she wasn't curious about the inner workings of the clan, who was friends with who, or perhaps something more. She herself had noticed Lily Pad and Tansyshine were spending a bit more time together lately but she would keep that little tidbit of information to herself.

When she walks into camp, a fat pigeon clutched between her jaws, she spots the sister in question lounging with a cat she knows is Basilwhisker. She herself did not know him well but she wants to spend time with her sister and if her sister was hanging out with him then so be it - she held no negative opinions on him so when she approaches she puts the prey between her paws and dips her head in greeting "Mind if I join you two? I brought something to share" she says, indicating to the bird. There was more than enough for the three of them.

If they were to say yes she would settle down next to her sister, on the opposite side of Basilwhisker but she would reach out with a paw to push the bird in his direction, offering him the first bite as she listens to their chatter. Leopardtongue and Batwing huh? She can't say she herself had noticed but she also wasn't around them too often so she would have to take the toms word for it.

Unlike Shady, Berryheart had not brought something to share. The medicine cat was fond of his meals- especially the idea of them being his meals, unquestionably. Still, when it came to eating them he was vastly fond of doing so in company. The mottled tom was enamoured with the strategy of making every experience as enjoyable as possible- so, even when he did not have his favourite prey, he could indulge in making it wonderful by settling into a spot that would be good for gossip. Knowing everything involved knowing news, after all...

Two cats spending more time together... Berryheart was reluctant to believe it meant anything more than them enjoying each other's company. Still, he could not say he was very well-versed in the difference between platonic and romantic attraction. The latter was of no interest to him, and he was for once untouched by curiosity in that area. Still, he knew the cats who were already mates... that was much easier to identify and verify.

"I have seen eyes wandering to the nursery," he stated simply, offering his own little nugget of knowledge to the table, before splitting crooked jaws to take a large bite of his vole.