private you left the lights on .. willowroot

Paws set out for the river once dawn reached the mouth of the den once again. Hazecloud hardly needs the light to wake anymore, as her eyes begin to flutter just before milk-pale light turned sunkissed. She spent those fleeting moments of quiet grooming the ruffled fur of her mate while she still rest in recovery. Up until she heard the first of warriors shuffling from their nests, and then she would at last emerge to start the days work.

Her head kept low as she tried to remain unnoticeable, but it was a much harder feat as a deputy than a warrior. Assessments had to be placed, the camp guards would rotate, an apprentice pleads for a different patrol route- when did it ever end?

It doesn't?

Some sick cruel punishment this was, throwing her to the Clans teeth and claws while her counterpart could hardly sit out of her nest for more than a meal. Because she had dared suggest someone fill the position at all, she had been made to do just that.

In all her stewing Hazecloud remained distracted enough to step right into another cat, and she stumbled over herself to regain her balance, lest her face meet the ground. Her head turned to see dark tabby fur, recognition instantly clicking.

"Willowroot! I'm so sorry, let me help you." The molly took the fish that fell from her jaws and pushed it further away from the waters edge. "My apologies, I've been very... distracted this morning. It's good to see the prey is plentiful so early in the day." Hopefully the hunting patrols would return with hefty bounties themselves. Had she remembered to send those out before she left? Now she can't remember, all her sense scattered from her ears the moment she collided into Willowroot.

  • @willowroot

  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.