You let your feet run wild ᚾ prompt - dandelions


Along with flowers they would find themselves with weeds, though Bearpaw could hardly tell the difference. If it had a pretty fold of petals and was pleasant to scent he considered it a flower but a dandelion was a little different in that regard. They started as what he would call a flower but now they lined the field like a cloud lowered to the earth, soft and rippling, snow clustered around a stem to be caught by the first strong breeze. He had heard someone, he can't remember who, claim making a wish upon a dandelion you blew upon would come true if you got every last bit of that soft fluff to tear away from it; one gust of breath and the possibility of happiness. Bearpaw can't say he believes it, but he leans into the whimsy nonetheless. The chocolate tabby lays on the grass, head tilted as he twists to lift himself up from his back to lounge alongside a cluster of the bouncing spheres, his nose just touching one as he sucks in a breath and snorts it immediately.
Bearpaw coughs, chokes and spits as he rises to his paws to stand, shaking his head and gagging to try and rid himself of the sticky plant now lining the inside of his mouth like cobweb. He raises a paw to brush his lolled out tongue comically before giving a dismissive huff of annoyance. What did it mean when you inhaled them instead? Was his wish forever trapped now, sealed inside him and unable to be freed or did he get as many tries as he wanted?
Bearpaw inhaled deeply, nose pointed up to the sky to avoid another incident before he lowered it and blew hard upon the dandelion puffs, scattering them in a haze of spiraling down across the moorlands. His wish settles in his chest heavily, he closes his eyes and doesn't look down to see if any seeds remained clinging fast to the stem of their former home; clanmates cast aside to leave them alone.
I want to be a warrior my parents, my clan, can be proud of.

  • Prompt ⊱✿⊰ Make a wish! Your character finds a dandelion, what do they wish for?

  • 75204791_pMEBRLaFNue5FJp.png
    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of WindClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ SH Chocolate Rosette Tabby w/blue eyes.


In her own guarded, steel-barbed way, Featherpaw worried for Bearpaw. Despite the ferocity of his name, her brother was soft and gentle, even in the direst circumstances. It made the marble-striped tom feel as if a great adder was constricting his stomach to think of Bearpaw in battle- to think of anything happening to him, a pure soul unwilling to fight back. Distinctly, the concern for Bearpaw was different than that he held for Rivepaw. She was a whirling thing, likely to land herself in trouble- where Bearpaw would get unlucky. Either option was terrifying.

Of course, Featherpaw was awful at showing it. The sound of her brother choking on a piece of dandelion-clock set his head whipping around, quilled mane spiking sharper in shock. He strode over with purpose before he could think about it, but even that was wnough time for Bearpaw to recover, and now he was stood watching his littermate perform a little ritual. As Bearpaw sent little wisps tumbling into the air, Featherpaw's horned ears flattened against his head, and sun-sharp owl eyes narrowed. "I suppose you made a wish?" She did not sound impressed. Bearpaw wouldn't be destroying a dandelion out of bad temper, certainly.
✦ penned by pin

Bearpaw was perhaps Rivepaw's opposite- soft, sweet, gentle. Soft-spoken, the first and foremost. Rivepaw had been a loud kit, and even so, she hadn't lost the very thing that made her herself. Her spirit was there, right? Dull, but there. Slowly it returned. Featherpaw was closer to herself, she reflected, watching her two siblings speak quietly from a few feet away. Featherpaw was sharper, colder. A lashing tongue compared to the nurturing one that Bearpaw might have.

Her ears twitched as Bearpaw coughed on a dandelion's breath, Featherpaw's steps quick to settle the score. Rivepaw was almost amused as she picked herself up and stepped closer. Colder owl-eyes peered between the two of them. "Suppose he did. Maybe we all should make one, hm?" Rivepaw spoke, though doubt had begun to cement in her stomach, though what she felt was slowly becoming her every thought. Rivepaw's head turned, as if she could shake free the memory, their eyes beginning to search for another target to pick.
Bearpaw and Sunlitpaw were similar leaves off of their family tree. Pacifism led their paws more than aggression, and words were slow to come. Bearpaw was a bit slower to speak than Sunlitpaw, a little more reserved in shows of emotion. Sunlitpaw waws oftentimes choked by their emotions, quiet due to nerves and chatty when comfort struck. And there was almost nowhere else they'd be more comfortable in than in the company of their littermates. Sunlitpaw's steps follow behind Rivepaw, giggling at Bearpaw as he wipes the remains of the dandelion off his tongue from his first failed attempt. There was a part of Sunlitpaw that was soothed to see Bearpaw equally as enamored by post-blossomed dandelions, in a way their much more mature sisters wouldn't.

"Did you learn that from Bluepool too?" The sun-spotted tortoiseshell asks Featherpaw, attention sliding off her littermates to settle on the dense thicket of flowers ahead of them. It was knowledge they had learned from Featherpaw's mentor, so they could assume the tidbit had already been idly passed onto Bluepool's proper apprentice. Dandelion wishes were not something Sunlitpaw held merit in, but the thought was certainly a nice one. She wonders where the idea even stems from - perhaps the idea that the words spoken into the seeds would eventually drift up to StarClan. Tufted ears flicker as their siblings converse, noding resolutely in response to Rivepaw's recommendation. "Oh, that'd be fun. Featherpaw - " she turns fern green eyes up again, almost pleadingly, "you should make one too." Sunlitpaw can almost imagine the argument of it being a waste of time, not being real, or some other much too serious take. Part of Featherpaw's charm was how seriously he took things, sometimes. "Should we... do tell each other our wishes, or keep them a secret?" Sunlitpaw flicks her gaze toward Bearpaw. What had he wished for?

  • *

    they / she, 8 moon old moor-runner apprentice of windclan. mentored by foxglare
    a large yet timid chocolate tabby-tortoiseshell with spring green eyes
    sunstar x wolfsong, sibling to rivepaw, bearpaw, singedpaw, & featherpaw
    full length biography
    penned by izanami, contact on discord @nullmoons for plots or threads :)