horseplace you live and you lose, you sympathetic star | new arrival (o)


Nov 20, 2023

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ The horizon was alight with oranges and pinks by the time Juncoclaw made it to the barn. Her limbs were sore from the walk from DuskClan's camp in her attempt to race time. She had to get here before sunrise, lest she be caught by one of WindClan's patrols. Thankfully, her arrival thus far has been uneventful and lonely, just as she had wished.

Juncoclaw wasn't present for WindClan's attack on the barn, and couldn't recall the last time she participated in a border patrol here. Her WindClan scent was long gone, replaced by a rogueish muddle of scents of mud and grass. She figured that any lingering Clan scent would be a confusing mix of WindClan and ShadowClan, given the close presence of Granitepelt and Ghostpaw. She hoped that she would be unrecognizable to the cats she was about to meet.

With the barn door cracked open, Juncoclaw weaseled her way along the outers walls and into the building, all the while casting uncertain glances towards the nearby moors. Once inside, she took a few steps into the barn, dimly lit by the rising sun, and stopped. Her green gaze scanned each hay stack, stall, and rafter - looking for any signs of life. Did they all follow Sunstride home? she'd think. After another brief moment of hesitation, Juncoclaw continued her walk into the barn, taking slow and cautious steps - if anyone were to question her, she was giving them the chance.

  • ooc - open to barncats! juncoclaw is a former windclan loyalist-turned duskclanner, and has left to join the barn. she was not present during the barn battle and may not likely be recognized as a windclan loyalist unless your cat was in windclan in the past 10 ic moons!
  • juncopaw.png
  • JUNCOCLAW she/her, rogue of duskclan, 9 moons.
    a blue-silver tabby chimera she-cat with green eyes.
    n/a family // formerly mentored by mockinggrin
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Wary amber eyes flash from the gray shadows gathered in the barn’s rafters. A well-fed, fluffy chocolate tortoiseshell leaps from her perch and sends dust and scattered hay spuming from beneath her paws. “You’re new,” she mews, her tone neutral. She tastes the air—there’s no discernible Clan-scent, only the turgid scent of rogues and the scrubland beyond WindClan’s borders. Pollenfur’s tightened facial features relax; this cat does not appear to be a threat.

She sniffs the air once more, then lets her shoulders slacken. A hint of warmth creeps into her voice—this girl is young, and she looks paw-sore and weary, as if she’d made a great journey to get to this place. “There’s plenty of mice to go around. Try to relax.” She dips her head. “I’m Pollenfur. Strange name, I know.” She smiles faintly. It looks like a ghost on her weathered muzzle. “What are you called?

  • ooc:
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  • Pollen . Pollenfur, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 60 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored Melonpaw
    — loner, formerly a windclan warrior. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — formerly mated to Hyacinthbreath, currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortoiseshell with white and amber eyes. intellectual; mature; whimsical; philosophical; absent-minded; avoidant.

The first cat to approach is not one she can say she recognizes. By the sight of her comfortable physique, Juncoclaw's hopes rise at the prospect of hunting being well here. You look about as fed as a kittypet, she'd think, though without scorn. Rather, she's quite impressed by the look of things here - warm, comfortable, and seemingly running with food. Perhaps she'd never have to truly work again. Is that the kind of life she wants?

Juncoclaw doesn't let herself think too hard for too long, for the stranger carries on with conversation. Such warmth and kindness was not something she was used to being afforded, but she's careful not to forsake it, even if her gaze remains wary. Pollenfur, the loner is named. A Clan name. If the molly recognized her from an assumed Clan-life history, she does not show the apprehension Juncoclaw would expect. "Strange, yes, like.. like one of those Clan names," she responds, slowly, a subtle inquiry to her origin.

Would Pollenfur ask the same if Juncoclaw announced her own Clan name? If she was revealed as a Clan cat, could she be bothered to pretend to be one of Sunstride's loyal, and to come up with a reasonable explanation as to why she was here? She remembers her apprehension towards receiving her 'warrior name', a name that should have been bestowed upon her by Sootstar and no other. A waste of breath, it was - an utter disappointment. "Junco," she responds finally. It takes all her will to stop from grimacing at her own words. Never before had she imagined herself bereft of an honorable prefix, even if having one was part of a big game of pretend.

Following her curt and careful responses, Junco's eyes scan the barn once more. "Are there others, here?" For once, her mind does not wander towards the threat of competition. It remains wary of someone who would see her for the bloody past she's trying so desperately to lock away - not as a young, troubled traveler.
  • speech is #F7C566
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  • juncokit juncopaw JUNCOCLAW 'JUNCO'
    ━━ windclan duskclan BARNCAT | 11 moons ,, ages every 21st
    ━━ CASSO xx BUDGE
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none | MENTORED by mockinggrin[/color]​

The tabby is reserved, and Pollenfur can understand why. She points out her name is one of those Clan names, and the chocolate calico blinks. “In another life, I lived with WindClan,” she explains. “No longer. I have kin there still… but that lifestyle is not for me.” She tilts her head to one side as the stranger introduces herself, bearing a loner’s name.

Reassured, Pollenfur smiles back at Junco and nods her head. “Many cats come and go around here,” she says. “I’m one of the few who stay. I was a traveler once, but now that my… my sister’s kits are becoming WindClan warriors, I linger here so I can keep an eye on them.

A rustling in the hay catches her attention. Amber eyes flicker toward the source of the noise. In a flash, the older she-cat pounces on the disturbance. A mouse and a few strings of straw drip from her jaws. She pads closer to Junco and sets it before her. “Eat up. You’re hungry after traveling, I’m sure.

  • ooc:
  • 3be2QPn.jpeg
  • Pollen . Pollenfur, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 60 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored Melonpaw
    — loner, formerly a windclan warrior. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — formerly mated to Hyacinthbreath, currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortoiseshell with white and amber eyes. intellectual; mature; whimsical; philosophical; absent-minded; avoidant.