you look a little tired, (vulturemask)

Jan 5, 2023

Hunting with the storm isn't exactly easy. The wind buffets her face and she can hardly see more than a few mouse-lengths in front of her. But she can smell it - something warm blooded amongst the white wasteland the moors have become. A part of her almost wants to leave it be. After all, any prey creature dumb enough to witness the cold surely has something wrong with it. But then she remembers the hungry mouths at home, the skin taut over ribcages and frowns creased into expressions. If the measly mouse, rabbit, whatever - if it can feed someone, it'll be enough.

Her training is half-done, her tricks still borne for the tunnels despite being a moor runner now. But she puts forth the effort. She tracks down the warmer scent, prowling close to the ground. She leaps as soon as she can and by StarClan's grace, she catches it. It's a thin birdling, likely wasting away under its own weight. Bunnywhisker dispatches it regardless, returning home with a meal befitting a scrawny kitten. She's unsure, at first, where to bring it - but amber eyes flit over Vulturemask's hulking figure and she recalls the mess of kittens the tom brought in not too long ago. The nursemaid of a queen must feel exhausted, even if her previous kittens perished.

Bunnywhisker makes her decision swiftly. She strides towards the nursery but doesn't push past Vulturemask. Instead, she approaches the older warrior head on. Her gaze is readable by any - being hardly more than a child herself, she's yet to learn to hide her intentions. Her short tail twitches and the bird falls from her maw next, landing squarely before his paws. "This is for Snowfeather," she states, motioning towards the nursery with a free paw. "I heard nursing kittens is no joke. Figure it would help some," after all, those kittens are WindClanners now, as far as she understands.
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He had been having nothing to do so he had taken the time to be staring at the nursery den like a hawk for a while now like he was worried dangerous would come at any moment trying to harm the lives inside of there he had vowed to protect. It felt surreal still for him by the fact he was a big brother now. To think he ever would get back the family he had have a family of his own again. It brought a purpose to his life one he hadn't have before. To live to fight for somebody that was prectious. He had never thought how quick he would get attached to the small lives.

Vulturemask had been busy with his own thoughts , distracted that he hadn't noticed Bunnywhisker as she came over to him in the cold to place down a bird in front of him. He would face them with a puzzled look until she explain her intentions. He was honestly suprised not having thought a clanmate of his would be this thoughtful to the family he had brought in here. He had expected more resentment and harsh judgement. But here a warrior like Bunnywhisker was ready to make sure his siblings would be okay. " Thanks, that will really help." he said as he stared down at the bird a bit longer before he glanced up at the warrior, giving her a grateful nod of his head. Vulturemask stood up and picked the bird up in his mouth and took some steps closer to the nursery before he stopt. His long ears were twitching a bit like he was thinking something over before he cast a look back at his shoulder.

" Do you...wanna come along?, to meet them." A rare offer he would make but the faster this kits got looked at like one of them the better and he wanted to know who he could trust and not...since one day this three would become apprentices and have their own mentors. He wanted them to have mentors that would leave a good influence on them.

The subtle shock in the tom's eyes are not surprising, though Bunnywhisker almost anticipates Vulturemask turning her away in the end. Whilst the moor runner hardly remembers her parents, she can imagine them as protective and hardy as the other appears to be. Self sufficient, even - though she supposes if they were self absorbed as she imagines them to be, they wouldn't have left her in the paws of WindClan (or the beginning remnants of it, at least.) Vulturemask must be much of the same way. Prideful, but understanding of when he must accept help.

What does surprise her, is his offer for her to meet the little rascals. It's Bunnywhisker's turn to blink a few times, ears standing tall as she reassesses his question. It's nothing big - just a warrior offering another to see a litter of kittens - but... it's vulnerable. In a way. Maybe if she thought harder about it, she'd see the hidden intent behind the question. Vulturemask wants his little siblings to be accepted by all, so if this is a means to that end, then he should very well take it. All Bunnywhisker sees, however, is the tom wanting a spot of companionship in the least.

"I'd love to," she says, pausing for a brief moment, "I won't be long, though. I imagine kittens need just as much rest as some warriors do." Bunnywhisker follows him into the nursery, head ducked low as she looks over the few queens and their kittens. She spots the foster mother among them, but doesn't race towards her, simply waiting for Vulturemask to take the lead. And as he does, she does share a single thought with him - in a few short moons, these kittens will be apprentices. Would she be ready for an apprentice then? She wonders next if she would ever be ready for an apprentice. Her tail shakes.

"They're so little, Vulturemask," she coos quietly, "I could never remember being that small," she continues not long after.