you look familiar | misunderstanding

The trek to shadowclan's camp was a long one and traversing through their marshy terrain was a hassle at times. She was immune to the feeling of wet paws, it was not the moisture that irked her, but the copious amounts of mud. The dark mushy substance squelched uncomfortably between her paws as she continued to help lead Beepaw somewhere amongst the gnarled roots of the burt sycamore. "There you go." She voiced softly, blue eyes skimming over the nasty wound inflicted upon the apprentice's leg. Her own shoulder wept crimson, although it was hard to make out due to her ebony fur. "I hope we can get access to some herbs soon." The last thing she wanted was for her arm to get all swollen and puffy. "I'll be back." She whispers. Turning on her paws she begins stalking off in search of Cindershade throughout the sea of mixed clan cats.

Sablepaw's neck cranes, blue eyes squinting as she believes to make out her mentor in the crowd. Although before she can part her jaws to beckon her over she feels her body bump into that of another. Averting her attention she takes a step back, eyes growing apologetically wide. An equally dark feline stands before her with a bundle of herbs in her possession. Shadowclan's medicine cat surely. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I should have been paying attention to where I was going. Are you okay?" Sablepaw asks with concern lacing her vocals. (formally talking to @BEEPAW. now speaking with @STARLINGHEART)

≖≖ riverclan apprentice / twelve moons old / she/her ≖≖
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ The mud felt uncomfortable under her paws for a heartbeat but she didn't bother voicing a single complaint as she walked alongside Sablepaw to the Burnt Sycamore, her ear flicking to the side and wondering if she would've jumped into puddles if she was still a kitten, at least, the rank anyways even if she was still young. She'd be in the safety of Shadowclan camp playing with the rest of the kits if her name hadn't ended with paw still she does not complain if anything she needs to focus on more important matters like tracking down her littermates and seeing if they're alright. She rests herself against the gnarled roots of the tree remembering how she had lived within the willow den with both of her fathers and she feels a sadness run through her before focusing onto Sablepaw once more "Thank you again, Sablepaw..." She says with a tired smile and thinks about when she had been younger following after the apprentice, she's grateful that they're still close. She would have to repay the older molly someday since she had risked her pelt for her and saved her.

The thought of having died in Skyclan makes her feel uneasy but she shakes her head and nods in agreement at the mention of herbs, she glances at her friends wound and then her own noticing that her some of her leg was painted with her own blood. She grimaces turning away realizing that Sablepaw was leaving her once more and decides to realize where she's left. Beepaw feels tired despite being surrounded by many cats and closes her eyes slowly for a heartbeat before opening them once more, she finds that she cannot find rest and hope that her friends returns soon.
  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 4 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of cicadastar and smokethroat
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed

It has been a long time since Bonejaw - no, Boneripple now, had been on the forefront of her thoughts. The black and white she cat was turning into nothing more than the ghost of a memory in her mind, faded at the edges but if she focuses just right she thinks she can remember her face. She had still been young when the medicine cat had abandoned her clan, abandoned her after all.

She is headed to the temporary camp, a bundle of herbs clutched in her jaws, a gift, when she feels a body bump into hers. Immediately, her head is turning, mouth open to apologize. But when she looks up, she catches a glimpse of black and white fur, so hauntingly familiar it immediately sends a spike of anger and hurt mixed with sadness straight into her heart "Bonejaw?" she says before she can think. And then she looks harder, sees the brilliant blue eyes and the white patch over this RiverClanners face and she realizes her mistake "No... S-sorry, you look like-like someone I knew... once" she says, her voice soft.


XXXXXStarlingheart has a soft, forgiving heart, but Granitepelt will never release the searing anger smoking hot in his chest for those who have wronged him. Bonejaw had killed his littermate, had abandoned her own Clan and kin to an unknown fate. He’d not been surprised when the black-and-white medicine cat had forsaken Starlingheart and left ShadowClan—in fact, it had felt like vindication, like he’d been right about her all along.

XXXXXHe isn’t far from his mate’s side when a cat wearing river water scent like a heavy perfume bumps into her. Granitepelt turns his face around, teeth bared just slightly. “Watch where you’re going, Ri—” And like Starlingheart, his tongue seems to freeze to the roof of his mouth. The RiverClan she-cat in question might as well be a phantom, she looks so similar to the former ShadowClan medicine cat—she wears the same familiar skunk-streaked pelt, though her eyes are not burning flame. They are a piercing blue, and her expression is not set, not hardened like Bonejaw’s had been.

XXXXXStill, seeing her look-a-like in camp is enough for Granitepelt’s fur to bristle.

There is a rather pitiful excuse for a mouse hanging from his teeth by the tail as he approaches, pausing curiously to the ShadowClan medicine cat's exclaimation of surprise and understanding immediately why. Smokethroat passes them without a word, only there to check in on his daughter and bring her something to eat though not out of any concern she was going to be neglected at least. He'd only met Starlingheart once properly, she'd come to the border to see Beesong and talk about their herb knowledge or something and he had to snap at Wolverinefang for being uncessarily aggressive with her. While he had never been a fan of either of the ShadowClan refugees who joined his clan he did not hold the same animosity for Boneripple's kits. They were born in RiverClan, their heritage meant nothing when they were battling to do their best for their new home and any contention for them would be met with his snarling visage.
A gentle nudge is given to Beepaw in greeting, delivering his catch and glancing sharply behind him to Granitepelt's rising fur - he'd not blame ShadowClan for their irritation at the reminder but they would not punish a RiverClan apprentice for the sins of the parents. Rising properly upright to stand he approaches to give Sablepaw a bump on the shoulder, remaining quietly at her side for a moment as he passively regarded the two marshland cats.
"Starlingheart, glad to see you well." Beesong had liked her, if he recalled. "And I'm afraid I recognize you but don't know your name.." Chilledstar had said it surely, but he had been so unfocused at the border he probably forgot. The gray and white tom was familiar enough though, he'd seen him on the occasional border patrol and gathering. "I see you met Sablepaw - one of our more skilled hunters among the apprentices. You'll see her a fair bit bringing in prey." For the sick, for the injured, for the queens and their kits. The is a quiet challenge in that orange eye, honing in with a narrow that was not hostile but not entirely friendly. "She'll be one of RiverClan's finest warriors soon.."

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai

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₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Beepaw watches as Sablepaw bumps into a black and white molly that smells of Shadowclan, the apprentice wonders who she is and feels her own fur lift slightly when she sees Granitepelt baring his teeth even in the slightest towards her friend. It seems that Smokethroat would settle the confusion from the Shadowclanners but only after he had delivered her a mouse even if it a little pitiful, it was food and that's all that mattered. She would be grateful for whatever she could get her paws onto and the gentle nudge is accepted which in turn, Bee would offer a small smile and a quiet "Thank you." Her mismatched gaze still focused on the pair of marsh cats Marsh feels her snout scrunch up in the slightest listening to Smokethroat speak highly of Sablepaw and agreeing in her mind that Sablepaw would be one of the finest and best new warrior of Riverclan.

Although the thought of the skunk striped molly leaving the apprentices den and moving in with the warriors did sadden her in a way, Beepaw knew that she would still seek out her friend to possibly learn more moves that had been taught by Cindershade. She takes a bite of the mouse wondering what name she would get... Probably something really cool. For a heartbeat, she thinks of what her warrior name would be even if that was moons away. She needed to get better at everything else first or she would make a poor warrior and she didn't want to make her father's efforts all in vain and nothing. The young molly would make a name for herself this she is certain and determined of. She finishes the mouse and carefully covers her injured leg with her bottlebrush tail and winces quietly to herself.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 4 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of cicadastar and smokethroat
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed

"Bonejaw?" The sound of her mother's former name leaving this shadowclanner's mouth forces her ears forward, blue eyes growing wide in retaliation. "Y-you knew my mother?" Sablepaw's voice clenches, hushed by the rush of this new information. It wouldn't be so far fetched, for someone to know of her wayward mother. But Boneripple never spoke of anything pertaining to shadowclan, much less the people who formally knew her. Right now the apprentice felt like she was chasing the past of an apparition that would never appear to her again. The bicolored warrior was gone, leaving her behind without gifting her a single goodbye. So why did she feel so invested?

Her breath shudders as another question dares to fall from her lips and it nearly does until a rough voice partially warns her. Periwinkle clashes with acidic green and instantly she feels flayed alive underneath his gruesome stare. Still, he appears to look as if he'd seen a ghost. Leaving her to believe that maybe this cat also knew of her mother although his reaction was far from pleasant. Just how much trouble did Boneripple get into. "I said I was sorry..." Sablepaw speaks softly, though there is a confident firmness to it.

Smokethroat's shoulder offers a comforting bump to her own, serving to ease her frazzled nerves. At once he proceeds to introduce her, singing praises so high and lofty that it made the humble apprentice's pelt burn. "T-thank you Smokethroat." It was an honor to receive such flattery from the tom, especially since he was not so easily impressed.

≖≖ riverclan apprentice / twelve moons old / she/her ≖≖

Granitepelt is, of course, his usual bristly self. Always leaping to her defense whenever the opportunity arose and she finds herself leaning in closer to him, black fur brushing against marbled gray. His words die on his tongue and she is acutely aware that he has noticed the same thing she has. The black and white molly asks if she knew her mother and for a moment, Starlingheart is taken back. Had she known that Boneripple had had kits? She tries to think back but at every gathering when her aunts name had been mentioned she had tried to cast her out of her mind immediately. "She was my mothers sister..." she leaves out the part where Boneripple had once been Bonejaw, medicine cat of ShadowClan, how she had been her apprentice when she had run off, leaving the fate of an entire group in the paws of a kit in the throes of leaf-bare.

Her eyes flash to Smokethroat as he approaches and introduces them. "This is my-my mate, Granitepelt" she says, pressing herself against him in a gentle shoulder bump. Hopefully the appearance of RiverClan's deputy would break him from whatever stupor he had fallen into. "He was just named a lead warrior" her voice is filled with pride as she speaks and when she looks upon him. Yes, the meeting where Chilledstar had appointed him had been strange but her mate, though prickly, was a hard worker in her eyes. It was well earned in her opinion. Smokethroat sings praises for the she cat who stands before her and while Starlingheart spares a glance to Beepaw, her gaze focuses primarily on Sablepaw. "That is great news, maybe at the-at the next gathering you can introduce yourself to me again wi-with your warrior name" she smiles then, a warm expression that lifts the corners of her mouth. She had cousins in RiverClan, cousins who had also been abandoned by her aunt when she had run off to who knew where now. She could sympathize with the she-cat who stood before her now and she realizes with a start that she wants to keep in touch with her distant kin.