private You look like you could use some more ❥ Honeystone


Petalnose picked at fish scales within the medic den, tearing them off a fish with unsheathed claws. Her brows creased in frustration as she muttered unintelligible mumbles to herself. Her trout was barely touched. The she-cat did not particularly have the largest appetite and the bubbling frustration of losing the battle didn't help. She was happy to be able to rip the Thunderclan deputys pelt, though, she was not satisfied. She would not be satisfied until victory was declared. If a battle ever was declared upon their territory the she-cat would happily tear into them despite the pain in her hindlimbs. She was not able to put too much pressure upon them as the injury had nicked some muscle. Her hindlimbs were sprawled out, although silly looking, it was all the result of pain. A few warriors glanced at her with a bewildered look, some stared at her with intimidation as if they were to succumb to her explosive emotions. The patched warrior had not paid attention to the attention she was gaining, too distracted with aggressively picking at the fish. "Argh! I will kill those mouse brains and tear them from limb to limb!" She finally shouted, piercing her claws in the fish's throat.

// @>Honeystone

The lilac tabby was not one to prone to violence, she wasn't bloodthirsty or wished the demise of others. She believed in forgiveness.. To an extent. As kindly as her words are laced and her grey-blue eyes shone with ever-present joy and pride, there was a deeper core to the primarily white femme. Her clanmates had returned with such injuries, their river was running red. It sent a wave of unbridled fire within the short-haired molly. Had any of her children been involved she'd be the first to return back to the battle for them but as she looked around at the cats living around her, they were just as much family as her own blood. It was just enough to upset the usually unwaveringly tenderhearted feline.

It was hard to miss the frustration that was brewing all around the brown tabby warrior, especially when she was loud with it. Honeystone would approach with a light but well-intended smile. "Justice will always prevail, Petalnose." She'd attempt to assure the other she-cat before gesturing to the fish who was a new victim to the feline's fury. "Does that help any?" The inquiry would flitter with a soft murrow of amusement behind it.— tags

Her attention snapped to the other patched cat, her gaze strong of frustration but slightly softening to neutralize. Does that help any? She looked down at the fish, lifting her paw from it and gently cleaning her claws as she gazed upon the she-cat once again. "Only a fraction." She grumbled, tail lashing in anger. "Staying cooped up is driving me insane." Petalnose wondered what made the she-cat to come visit her, dare to interrupt her storm of emotions. Brave she was. Brave she was to show so much friendliness to a trespasser Infront of her hostile clanmates as well. She remembered back to gazing down at Honeystone in distaste as if there was too much sweetness upon her tongue. She noted that she would have to keep an eye on the individual when they patrolled together again. She didn't want rogues or really anyone trotting into their camp without a leaders descretion.

She laid her head carefully upon her lanky legs, blinking her mix-matched gaze into her blue eyes. Her tone suddenly softened into curiousity as if a thunderstorm was suddenly ceased, "Come, sit, or take me out of here if you please. I need to stretch these legs too. So, what do you need? Need me to entertain you some more?" She asked, perking her ears in search for her answer. Maybe she could entertain herself in getting to know about this friendly figure, besides, the only thing she had against her acquaintance was being too welcoming. She was bored, antsy. A guest could distract her from the pacing thoughts within her mind. Thoughts spiraled into wonder of why she came to visit, they didn't particularly interact alone. Atleast, she had thought so. Who knows who she had interacted with before her memory loss. Perhaps this was an old friend? Something else? Her interest laid upon everyone, searched frantically of who she possibly previously had known.

//soo sorry for the slow replies!

A white ear would twitch in mirth at the molly's response before taking note of the drifting clouds of the storm that had been so intense in Petalnose. "Let's go for a walk then, I don't think being camp-bound does anyone any good." She'd chirp, choosing a solution to burn any lingering frustration within the other. Honeystone would wait for the high white tabby to rise, her grey-blue eyes being the only offer as aid. She was trying to be better about getting in others' personal space when not requested, even if they may need it.. It was clearly not always welcomed. "Hmm.. Entertain." She'd hum as if considering it, a jesting smile upon her maw. "You're like a hawthorn," The lilac tabby would start before casting a glance towards the entry of camp then back to the molly to ensure she was okay. "I've seen the thorns but I'd also like to know the fruits and the flowers." Her tail would give a wave before she'd start on their walk. "Also my kits are all grown and.. I think I need to branch out, I think Queen brain lingers longer than anyone will admit." She'd give a small laugh. "It's a weird thing." She'd half say to herself before drawing her gaze back to the other molly.

"How's um.." The feline would shake her head before sucking in on her teeth. Mentally she'd kick herself for even starting the question without thinking first. "The legs?" She'd attempt to recover her question.— tags
— tags

Petalnose blinked at the other high white tabby curiously, cocking her head to the side and then heaving herself upwards with a groan. She limped to her side and motioned her head to the exit to suggest she was ready to move onward, "Lead the way." She followed the other if she had gone with her offer, her front strides long but careful as her back legs created a slight hop. She shrugged her shoulders at her comment, snorting softly in amusement, "I don't really tell jokes so I guess I'll entertain you with whatever comes out of my mouth." Her tone could come off as annoyance to the she cat, however, she gave a good natured glance in her direction. She was grateful to have someone get her out and have a walk with her, it was hard to tell through her serious frown but she was thankful for Honeystone.

Petalnose rose her brow at her next words, sucking her teeth and scoffing. It made her remember why her mother had named her such a soft and gentle name. Which, the memory of her doting mother had tugged at her heart strings. Her mother wanted to unveil her soft side under her hardened exterior, admittedly, she hated it. It seemed as Honeystone caught onto her, she knew what was underneath. Intelligent. Observant. "You got me. Just careful of the thorns, they'll prick you out of no where." She warned in a light hearted manner, smirking softly as she observed the territory in-front of her.

She mentioned being a queen, her kits grown to warriors, she studied the other carefully. She was silent for a moment, paying attention to her face, "Not a gray hair. You're about as old as I am, I'm sure we shared nurserys as kits. How old were you when you had them?" As blunt as she came off, she meant well. She blamed herself for not being the best in the romance jest of things when she was younger and not being so fond of kits. Warrior life was more of her style in the first place. What queen loved fighting? What queen would jump into any sort of danger without a second thought? It made the warrior feel quite old, despite both of their young ages.

She questioned about her legs, glancing towards them and blinking in an irritated manner towards them with a long sigh, "Healing, but still annoying as can be. I can't wait to race the forest and swim again."

//no worries!!