You love me and you hate me - intro


New member
Sep 4, 2023
To be honest, Sparrow expected to be abandoned. Though at first, he denied it. His father always talked about soon he'd be old enough to live it out and survive on his own. But not this soon, no he was ill prepared.

So instead the thoughts of his father abandoning him were simply to leave the larger than average cat for his age for dead. He thought of memories, of his father claiming he cared about him, but he couldn't believe him at this point. It had to have been a lie. There was no other reason for this.

Lengthy limbs guided him to the side of camp. Watching, listening. He'd hear of gossip of other cats, he'd hear of Yellowcough, he'd hear of apprentices and their tasks. He'd hear of many things, but it was overwhelming pretty quickly. Everything he'd have to learn in these marshes. He didn't want to, but he'd have no choice soon enough.

Sparrow would curl his tail around his paws, unsure what exactly he should do. He could try to talk to others, but, well they seemed busy. He couldn't possibly nose his way into a conversation. He'd rather not be an inconvenience as much as he probably was already.

Maybe, he could try to hunt, would that help the clan? What could he possibly do to help otherwise? He really didn't know, he was never in a group before...

It was strange business, an abandoner acquainting themselves with the abandoned. Wheatpaw had left her family at a young age, for reasons which were her own. Did that make her have more or less in common with Sparrowpaw? The apprentices could bond over shared grievances, but that would make for depressing conversation.

After her outburst at Scalejaw and Honeyjaw, Wheatpaw was in no mood for reminiscing about the past (or talking in general, for that matter), but a desire to be alone had led her to the edge of camp, where Sparrowpaw was sitting. Amber eyes glanced sidelong at the stranger, half-interested. If Wheatpaw had been at all invested in her social standing amongst shadowclan, she imagined she would’ve acted a lot like the nervous apprentice beside her upon joining.

Letting out a low sigh, Wheatpaw would attempt to relax Sparrowpaw with a friendly smile and a few kind words. “In my experience, cats are preferable to foxes” she joked, tilting autumn features towards the center of camp and those gathered there. “Most of the time, anyway. Shadowclanners can be a stupid lot at times, but they are by no means bad people.” There was a wistful look on her face, as if she was nostalgic for the present.
Scorchedpaw had been born in ShadowClan territory, and has only left its confines for menial tasks. (Save for the bears. Stinky bears.) He did not know what it was like to be an outsider in your own home, or to at least feel that way. He had a lot of pride in being a ShadowClan cat, but it's not like he was born with it. It's a learned thing. So what's to say other cats couldn't grow to find their own place within their clan?

Seeing Sparrowpaw and Wheatpaw both chilling alone, two who were abandoned as kits to the wilds of the marsh, he thinks to show his support. Ignoring any signs that he might be unwelcomed, he approaches in a friendly manner, clumsy smile upon his face. "I'd like to think we're preferable to foxes, yes! And we can also be very stupid! And weird! But it's part of our charm." He practically sparkles at his last comment, taking pride in being an oddball. Better than being savages like those in WindClan, he'd say.​
He didn't expect others to join him on the sidelines, but he wouldn't complain. He was used to only having his father, he was used to very little to no conversing. He lacked the social skills of others, lacked the meaning to introduce himself or really keep one.

"I don't know what a fox is," he said softly, trying to find words to keep it going. "That's good to note though, really." Ice blue eyes would seem to examine the orange form of Wheatpaw, before his eyes moved to Scorchpaws lilac form(?).

"So why are they, well we I guess, stupid?" He asked innocently. His father called him stupid sometimes, when he couldn't pick stuff up immediately, but he seen it as a form of endearment, because that's what it was right? Maybe the question he asked was to clarify. "Stupid in a good way?"
Applepaw did not understand why this stranger had very suddenly became ShadowClan’s problem. She thinks that he must be around her age, and yet he seemed hopeless, sitting in the midst of camp as if, as a newly made apprentice, there were not plenty of things for him to do.

No, it is not surprising in the slightest that Wheatpaw – who Applepaw has quickly learned to dislike – is among the first to approach them, with nonsense on her tongue, no less. An unimpressed glance would be sent to Scorchpaw as well, who, at the very least, is self - aware of ShadowClan’s problems. At worst, him lumping in with those same stupid and weird cats is very telling of his character.

I don't know what a fox is. What world has Sparrowpaw been living in where he hasn’t even heard stories of the mischievous, red - and - white furred beasts? Applepaw frowns. " What do you know? " The question is genuine, rather than meant as any sort of jab, though it certainly could be that, too.

" ”Stupid in a good way“ isn’t a thing, " she’d inform him with a raised brow. " Cats are stupid because the marsh is very dreary, and they think it gives them an excuse to be stupid. But you don’t have to be by default, you know. " She’d cast another glance to Scorchpaw. She wonders which side of the scale Sparrowpaw would end up on, though he was already tipping towards one in particular.

  • 66721833_Y30FuX2hxpmoxlp.png
  • ( I'M OBSESSED WITH THE MESS THAT'S AMERICA. ) APPLEPAW. kit of shadowclan. eldest sister to swankit, valeriankit, and garlickit.
    —— she / her; confused by the use of others
    —— currently 5 moons old as of 9.3.23. ages every 17th.

    longhaired blue torbie with a white chest, paws, and underbelly. A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applekit is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. A rule - follower to a T, and thinks herself better than the majority of her clan for this. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and never wanting to be afraid of anything ever again.
  • Haha
Reactions: Scorchedmoon
"I'd like to think there is a stupid in a good way!" Scorchedpaw retorts. "Well, okay. Maybe not good...but charming? Yeah, charming! Like your sister Garlicpaw!" He follows up with, once again not particularly caring that he said this out loud. To her sister. Well, it's not like Applepaw gives her any respect anyways! "But yeah, it's not like there's a default way to be just because of where you live. It's up to you to decide that!" Well, for the most part. He's fairly certain that there's some other factors, like how weird your brain is compared to normal. Not that he could say much, there's probably something wrong with his.

"But a fox is like...a weird large orange cat. They're also super orange, like more orange than some cats! Their snouts are also comically big, more than dogs even." Did this kid even know what a dog was? Explaining even more always sucks... "However, they're very dangerous. Don't ever approach one. Run as fast as you can and tell a warrior." He's not about to be the reason Sparrowpaw goes off and gets himself killed if he ever finds himself in the presence of one, assuming they're friendly before it's too late.​
The tortie that approached gave Sparrowpaw a slight uneasiness. But he shuffled his paws so his held did not show his feelings of intimidation. He could not seem weak... he did not want to make himself removed from the clan if he could not keep up.

"Well.. I know.. tracking! I mean, it's a lot of surviving when you're not in a clan. It was just me and my dad, so, he was making sure I knew everything." He said, even if it was a slight lie, it was true. He felt confident in tracking, but hunting was not known, and that was definitely a trait of survival.

He was pretty good at navigating new terrains, memorizing the landmarks, so that would help him, especially with border marks and everything. It was dark and unfamiliar, but he'd learn.

"You learn a lot of interesting things I bet." He said towards Applepaw. But really, it was directed to the rest of the apprentices. They had many others to teach them. He had just learned what his father wanted him to learn.

"Everyone acts the way that makes them happy.." He trailed off. Sometimes, he didn't make himself happy with the way he acted, but it was him, and he can decide what he wants to do other times. He had expected to be left alone, but it was fun to have the group around him. He was figuring stuff out slowly.

A shudder ran through him as Scorchedpaw mentioned the dog. He remembered the rabid mongrel quite well, it's teeth large and sharp, it's saliva dripping out of its mouth like poison, it's barks piercing his ears.

It's grip... around...

He shut his eyes and inhaled softly, but his throat still caught on the inhale. he'd loosen his grip of the earth, and push it back. "There aren't dogs around here, are there?" He asked softly.
“I hope you’re happy then!” The chimera chirps, after listening with rapt attention as Sparrowpaw explains more about what he had learned prior to ShadowClan from his father. “And yeah, a lot of interesting things! You will too. You’ll be a proper member of the clan in no time!” Some of the others might be less accepting, but there’s no reason for Scorchedpaw to not be supportive other than apprehension. He might be a full bred ShadowClan cat, but it’s not like the founding members are, technically. As long as Sparrowpaw isn’t a detriment!

He then feels bad as the younger apprentice has a bad reaction to his mention of dogs. Oh no, he didn’t mean to bring up pain! Even if he didn’t know about it. “A-Ah! No, there aren’t dogs. If there is, they’re very lost. But you’re safe here. We’ll protect you!” There might be a time in the future where Sparrowpaw has no choice but to fight a dog, but that day is not today. He probably wouldn’t even be allowed near a dog if one suddenly popped up, unless he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Either way, Socrchedpaw doesn’t wanna stress him out any more than he already has.​
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