you love the mystery .. herd discovery


hit me with your kill shot
Apr 30, 2023
WE'RE GETTING LOST! //kinda the exact opposite of a discovery but w/e :) thread takes place right before the 7/1 meeting!

She had opted out of taking either of her apprentices on this patrol. Particularly due to the heightened danger now that the beasts had a kill count, and she was purposefully sent with a few others to scout their whereabouts. She had assured when they were tucked in some more battle trainings, they would join her on the next dangerous mission. Hopefully, she would never have to make them face such ferocious creatures again.

The she-cat crawled through the thicket, following the trails left from the northern parts of the forest, just a short distance after the Snakerocks where they had last been seen. Her eyes scanned like a hawk's sight, movements slow and calculated. For a moment, she was... confused. The scent trails were faint, leading beyond the Clan's territory. Beyond any Clan's territory, further out where StarClan did not touch. Killdeercry looked between the other scouts with her to confirm.

"I think they've finally left. All of them." She's hesitant, but hopeful. — tags
Wolfwind could not rest easy while the boars were around. They had announced their appearance loudly, by taking the life of her uncle. She wasn't sure she'd seen anything quite as horrifying. Not the battle itself– she hadn't been there, but just the sight of him, trampled and battered beyond enough was enough to make her freeze. Not only was it death, but it was undeniably a horrible one, and late at night, Wolfwind finds herself apologizing under her breath for it. The death of a warrior was a noble one, but that– Wolfwind has a feeling he never stood a chance.

Daily life itself has become dangerous with their rule over the forest. Wolfwind feels anxious hunting, and senses more attuned to galloping feet and great tusks than the prey they were here for. Bringing her apprentice out felt like a death sentence, and with her apprentices, that is a risk she would rather not take ever again. Was it fair to halt everything for this, though? For a presence that could become permanent, for all they know.

And yet, Wolfwind feels like that ain't the case. They never quite stayed in the same place. Some days, they were closer to camp than others. Lately, it seems like they've only ben drawing further and further away, but it could be her bein' hopeful. She would not drop her guard.

But they creep closer to the edge of the territory, and the place is oddly still. Wolfwind bites her tongue, unwilling to make sudden assertions.

Kildeercry says what she's thinkin', and she'd cast a sideward glance to the rest of them gathered. She does not allow relief to wash over her yet, but she acknowledges... things might be okay after all. Wolfwind's nostrils flare with the weight of her breath. Nearly desperately, she scans the clearing, as if waiting for something to prove her wrong. It never comes, though. " ...I sure fuckin' hope so, " she breathes at last.
Unlike Killdeercry and Wolfwind, Quailsong does not have an apprentice to agonise over bringing on this patrol. She is, however, aware she's come along on account of being blindingly fast; if someone needed to run for help, she could do so ... though after the destruction the boars had wreaked on the ThunderClan lifestyle, she isn't totally certain she'd be able to outpace one of the beasts. Graystorm certainly hadn't, she thinks, eyes sliding to Wolfwind as the handsome molly scans the area. She knows better than to ask, but wonders how she feels nowadays without her uncle.

"Oh thank the stars. I've had enough of boars for a lifetime." Quailsong hisses as the others' scanning comes back empty of threats, ears falling flat with the relief of it all. Her head lolls to the side, a weary sigh working its way into the air, and her eyes slip closed for a moment. It's sloppy, but she trusts the judgement of her fellow warriors to yowl at her if she needs to move. "I hope they never come back."

  • quailsong, tags.
    — she/her.
    — thunderclan warrior ; no apprentice.
    — attack in #C4B25E. low strength, high dexterity fighter.
    — penned by mercibun.

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( ) Hailstorm had tagged along wanting to be useful and well, if they needed another able body in case of another boar sighting as the large tomcat walked alongside his clanmates. He didn't want to think about all the things that had recently occurred and how they had lost cats, a small frown forming on his maw at the thought of it though his ears would perk up hearing Killdeercry announce that the boars were possibly gone. His eyes would light up and he snorted tiredly agreeing with Quailsong as he nodded.

"I agree... Good riddance," He sighed shaking his head lightly with ears laying flat against his head. Maybe things would become a lot better and it would definitely give way to let those around him heal and peacefully mourn without the worry of boars at their doorstep.