private You made me a believer ✧ Mallowlark

Feb 20, 2024

There was a slow but steady understanding of StarClan forming for Flora; she could see herself becoming religious in the distant future, not today though. There were some things that the daylight warrior didn’t quite understand, omens or offerings or anything like that. She understood from the Eclipse that some potential omens can be seen by all but to her understanding that was mainly left to the medicine cats and their apprentices. That left offerings, did Skyclan leave offerings to StarClan? Mallowlark once suggested an offering of meat as an apology to Fireflypaw. If anyone best understood at the very least offerings, it would be him! Besides, she wanted to know more about Skyclan’s belief system. He seemed like an appropriate authority for that given Dawnglares absence and her (although improving) strenuous relationship with Fireflypaw since snooping through his herbs. It didn't feel right to speak with anyone other than Mallowlark, besides he was the only one that she had seen talking about things like that.

It was pretty easy to spot him amongst the other cats of Skyclan, she needed to keep an eye out for his pelt or when that failed, his a little unnerving smile or laugh. There was a bounce in her step as she trotted up to him, tail high and swaying in pace with her steps. “Mallowlark! Hi!” She called out, stopping in front of him, a wide grin of her own plastered on her face. The maine coon tilted her head as she gazed at him “So you know that one time where you suggested that meat offering back when I upset Fireflypaw?” It had been a while and she was vaguely aware of big changes happening in his life, with Dawnglare leaving for Thunderclan and all that.

There was a possibility that he had forgotten but she was happy to jog his memory on it. She hummed in thought, thinking about how she wanted to phrase her question. There was so much that she wanted to possibly learn from him “do you have any other knowledge on offerings that you could share with me? I want to better understand Skyclan's beliefs!” She puffed her chest out proudly, happy that she was taking initiative to learn. "Or anything else really! I'm not sure what else there is to learn." She sat on her haunches after asking her question, tail curled up snugly at her side.


Oh, a jaunty one! He was glad to lock eyes with someone who seemed just as smiley as him... Flora was a newer face, one of SkyClan's daylight warriors... something unique to them, like the tunnelers of WindClan. When he'd first come here, it had surprised him that some cats were allowed to split their time, like a cracking ribcage, across two place... how they didn't blood-eagle themselves in exhaustion was impressive. Therefore, wide silver eyes- uncurved by the aching smile spanning his jaw- met hers with no ounce of unkindness.

A meat offering? Oh, it was a vague memory, but there a few seconds after she'd said it. A knowing light flicked across his eyes, and Mallowlark nodded enthusiastically, head bobbing doglike.

To seek him for advice, though? No one had ever done that before! Or, not with this much proactivity. Usually it was just idle curiosity, but this, this was different, and Mallowlark's sharp fangs glinted with eagerness. "Oooh, I'm flattered!" he purred, laughter beginning to permeate his tone. "Offerings, just give the medicine cats what they ask for... they know so much! Especially Dawnglare..." There was a sappiness in his tone as he said it...

And, swiftly did the black-footed tom move on. "But also... if you press your ear to the earth, you can hear nature whispering... you have to listen really closely, 'n it takes a lot of practice to figure out what it means. Works best near where bodies are buried, I found out." As ever, his tone was jolly and sequinned with laughter. It was a wonderful, wonderful thing!

The way Mallowlark carried himself brought interest to Flora, she found it fascinating that his sharp fangs were usually on display for the world to see. He seemed enthusiastic and passionate in his mannerisms yet they were unlike the normal definition of it. She nodded as he spoke, mentally taking note of the fact that offerings were just giving the medicine cats what they wanted. “How did you know that Fireflypaw would want meat? Have they requested that before? Or was that just a guess?” Her inquiry was followed with wide eyes of wonder. She didn’t comment on the sappiness of his tone when mentioning Dawnglare, but her smile spread a little wider at it.

She thought it was sweet, yet didn’t feel like it was her place to comment or tease him for it, especially since they hadn’t spoken yet. Flora didn’t want to ruin a relationship surrounding knowledge by being too… well Flora right out the gate. Eyes that were full of childlike curiosity and wonder only widen in surprise as he moved on with the topic. “You can hear nature whispering?” she herself spoke in a hushed whisper, like this was top secret knowledge that the clan should not be hearing.

A part of her was a little unnerved at the concept of having to press her ear against the ground where bodies are buried. It wouldn’t be disrespectful right? Mallowlark didn’t seem like he would desecrate the dead by going against what’s respectful for them. There was confidence that she could practise interpretations, her tail swiped at the ground eagerly like there was prey to pounce on.

“Do you have any examples of meanings?” She had theories of what that could look like, the wind changing direction or vibrations on the ground but she had no clue what it could mean. “Could you show me? I don’t mind going near buried bodies or anything like that.” She had confidence that he wasn’t leading her astray, he seemed pretty serious about it despite the laughter.