sensitive topics YOU MAKE ME WANNA SCREAM, AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS &. private


just for your love, give you the world
Jun 10, 2023


it was simple. it was just a hunting patrol. the other cats on it weren't that far from him, and he knows that. and yet... it's hard to stay awake still. that lullaby is back, and he finds it hard to concentrate on what he's supposed to be doing. his brows furrowed as he quietly hummed the song that rocks him to sleep. logically, he knows he should be paying attention to the hunt, but he's just so sleepy. so tired. drowsypaw did live up to his name sake, and that wad for sure. and besides... he would only sleep for a few moments! what was the harm in that? with a yawn, and stretch, the tom lowered himself to lay down. it was only for a few minutes, he repeated in his head. he rested his head on his paws, tail swaying behind him in some sort of rhythm was he fell asleep.

his chest rose and fell like a wave, soft snoring seeping from within him as he slept so soundly. he couldn't help that sleeping like this was likely the best sleep he'd ever get. away from everyone and unsuspecting of everything. it was dangerous to be so exposed out here, parts of his knew that, but no one understood just how hard it was for him to stay awake. his lids were always heavy with exhaustion, and he always just needed five more minutes of sleep. just five more minutes, he said, but it was never just that.

maybe he shouldn't have fallen asleep though. his mama was fighting to stay alive in the medicine cat den. blazestar was dead. harrierstrike killed him and in return, bobbie killed harrierstrike. but his eyes wouldn't stay open. perhaps it was the uncertainty of everything that made it so easy for him to fall asleep. at least when he's sleeping, he can escape. he doesn't need to be strong. he doesn't need to be anything. his mama is okay. blazestar is okay. everyone loves each other in his dreams. was that why he was so tired all the time? was his brain just trying to get some semblance of a break from everything that always was happening? he doesn't know.

he just wants to escape for a while. a few minutes. no one was hurt in his dreams. and so he counts the sheep. frolicking happily in dream lands, where everyone was safe and kind. no wars. no anger. just happiness, love, and peace. a true child's dream. reality hits hard when a child is too naive to believe in the truth. the sound of rustling nearby makes him jolt awake. so much for dreaming of safety and serenity. he's awake now, and his paws are trembling at what could be. the scent of rogues still hang close to the unclaimed territory, and his stomach turns as it gets stronger.

"w-who's there?"

maybe he should have quit while he was still ahead.

// @Chi

i could tear you apart if i wanted too , hun .
Oh, how boring this all was, trotting along the border that stunk of crowfood, adding to her misery after she discovered that no-good mate had gallivanted off. His scent disappeared across the border and molded with a newer scent, one he often reeked off. She tutted. To think he would stay. If only she killed the creatures growing in her stomach. Oh! That would be far more interesting, but sadly, no; not if she wanted to keep that pesky monster close to her.

The things she does! Couldn’t anyone see? She was miserable! And so bored.

She would have rubbed it in her sister's face if she were here, but that would only add to her growing annoyance. A voice stopped her, helm pivoting with a grin. “Oh, my! Have you come to play with me? My lucky day! Finding you here all alone.” She sang, emerging from the undergrowth with a bright laugh. “Why that face? I’m sure we’ll be wonderful friends.” Her grin turned sharp, predatory, golden hues staring at the young apprentice with disgust. Such disgusting creatures. To think she had been so small. It made her stomach churn. How naïve.

She tutted, drawing closer, helm lowering to stare at the other, golden hues glistening. “Certainly not a very good clanner, are you? Sleeping on the job. Perhaps you don’t need those eyes of yours, mhm? It would be a shame to waste them on someone like you.” She purred, claws unsheathing with a light-hearted laugh, grinning. “We should fix that, shouldn’t we?” She hummed, lunging forward, claws outstretched, aiming to keep Drowsypaw pinned while her front paw shot forward, digging into the supple flesh beside his eye, and pulling downward with a delighted squelch of skin ripping. “Annoying pest.” She splats, staring at her bloodied artwork with twisted delight. “Now you’ll just be as ugly as the rest of your kind.” She sneered, muzzle wrinkling. “Tut. Tut. If you dare say a word, then perhaps I’ll just aim lower, mhm?” She hissed, bloodied paw tapping his throat, whether she poked him hard enough to draw blood was anyone’s guess. “We wouldn’t want that, now would we?” She mused, helm tilted. “It would be a shame to ruin your face even more, or maybe I’ll just kill you. You will keep our little meeting a secret, won’t you? I do love playing with you.”
thought speech
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she's... terrifying. whoever she is. whoever this molly is, there isn't a lick of remorse or care dancing in her eyes. she's like the nightmare that sits in the back of his dreams, tendrils seeping past rocks and trees and waiting to grab him. he hardly has time to react to her, before hes backing away. she makes his stomach turn, and he hates that. fear has always been whispering in his ears, and now it's screaming. run, little rabbit. you don't stand a chance.

"n-no, i'm a good apprentice! i wasn't sl-sleeping, just resting!"

he insists but she knows better than he does. she intends to fix it, and he doesn't know what that means but it immediately makes his stomach turn. he is frozen, cold seeping in his veins before he is pinned roughly to the ground. her words are likes pins in his chest. she calls him an annoying pest, and though he wished it wouldn't, his mind agrees.

"n-no! please! w- AHHH!"

he couldn't have stopped himself from screaming if he wanted to. his flesh is torn beneath ivories, and she spits that he's ugly now. he was ugly before, uglier now. and he doesn't know how to stop it. drowsypaw's blood is dripping and seeping into his smokey colored fur, as he stares up at chi, who threatens him, her claws pulling more blood from his neck as she presses a paw on him. he shakes his head. no. he wouldn't want that. he won't tell a soul. he won't tell his mama. he won't tell lulu. he won't tell crowie. and he won't tell duskpool. he can't. he won't. he doesn't wanna die. he doesn't wanna die, he's not ready.

"i won't say anything!!"

he promises.