sensitive topics you & me, always forever ❁

Mar 30, 2023
Adjusting to the lack of sight on one side has been hard. Once a good hunter, one of the best, trained by one of the best, Orchidbloom's catches have dwindled to nearly none. Her depth perception has disappeared, and has become even harder to adjust to the lack of it. She's been more angry about it recently, especially so today, bursting in to frustrated tears in front of her mate. He'd recommended a walk, and so near the border they go, his shoulder brushing theirs, and their muzzle coming to press against his ear every so often, almost as if they were afraid of him disappearing.

Her tail flicks irritably behind her, slouched over like a wolf as she walks alongside her mate, angry gaze casted upon the various sticks and rocks they make their way over. Raggedbite was talking about something, and the guilt within them kills them over the fact that they're so in their own head that they didn't hear. "I'm sorry, my love," she turns her head to offer him another press of her nose against his ear, the apology leaving her tongue hastily. "Could you repeat that? I didn't hear."

Stars, she feels terrible. He's been so patient with her and she can't even lend an ear to listen.

  • @RAGGEDBITE. @shrike @KITE no particular posting order is required
  • 80192257_BM5b2gMLix2zWQF.png
    orchidkit, orchidpaw, orchidbloom
    demi-girl ,, she/they ,, 17 months
    warrior of shadowclan ,, formerly mentored by forestshade
    lanky yet fluffy cinnamon smoke she-cat with wide blue eyes
    "speech, d1afed" ,, thoughts
    bisexual ,, mates with raggedbite
    smells like lilies and iris'
    chibi by I-IALCY0N ,, penned by chuff
( 𓆙 ) evening sun casts a bloody glow across a low, humid sky. two dark shapes slink through the shadows of the marsh, paws dipping in and out of mud pools and thorny grasses. they hiss to each other, voices low and at times non-existent as sharp eyes of yellow and blue scan their surroundings. the two rogues feel less at home here in this desolate swampland than in their smog-covered city.

shrike's pale blue coat prickles with discomfort, the waining heat of the day not yet abandoned from her thick fur. they'd come to this border to find some fun, had ended up hunting frogs and poking around the carrionplace for bits of shiny trash until the sun began to set. now, they can smell the musk of this place seeping into their skin and coating their sibling who pads alongside them. curiosity not satiated, thirst for entertainment more parching than ever, shrike's ears prick up at voices in the distance. a small smile crawls across the white masked face, faded blue eyes flashing to their sibling as if suggesting a bit of play-time.

ahead, a couple strolls, one gently speaking, the other sullen looking and barely paying attention. the sweet looking cinnamon woman is cursed, her eye sewn shut by clawmarks. her gravel-hued companion is similarly scarred. "bound together by hurt," shrike whispers with an awed tone. how fitting. "do you wish to have some fun, sister?" pointedly, unabashedly, they snap a twig with one snow-strewn paw.

  • // set before kite joins skyclan! sorry this is so late xoxo "#586f6b"
  • 85491344_uk6R6zo595jO23z.png

    a blue tabby with a white mask, wing-shaped patches on her back, and blue eyes. blue, with a darker blue stripe running down their back, tail and ears. their chest and paws are white, and they have a white mask around her eyes, and white wing-like patches along their back and sides. piercing dark blue eyes often give a far-away look, slightly vacant but always glimmering with thought. she has two small scars, curling pink along her neck, gifts from an enemy rogue in her youth.
Kite had been the one to push for them to venture outside of their usual haunts, jealous of Shrike for going to the Horseplace without them. They had been searching for more, out here in the swamp, but so far they hadn't found it. What was it the dark cat had been searching for? ...not even herself could be sure. They heard the voices before she got sight of them, her small ears flitting forward. She turns to regard Shrike with an inscrutable expression, which transforms when her eyes gleam-- the same idea her sister has had bloomed in Kite's mind. Mmm... and more hurt they'll be in.

When her sister snaps the twig, Kite's smirk is concealed as she immediately dances away on nimble paws like a shadow, avoiding any other twigs would could give away her positioning. The compact feline gives the two strangers a wide berth, snaking through undergrowth so she may remain undetected but get closer to the two. She slips through the brush towards their rear, now that the couple have turned around, to investigate the sound that interrupted the silent forest. She pauses beneath some overgrown foliage, settling down in a crouch. Kite knows Shrike will be doing the same thing and waiting for a moment strike. There is no time like the present.

The small statured cat dashes forward, straight towards the she-cat and leaps onto her lower back, claws digging through fluffy fur and piercing into delicate skin. She throws her weight back, raking her claws the smokey femme's rear before disengaging and charging back into the foliage. Shrike'll deal with the tom-- Kite has no doubt the blue tabby can hold their own.

———————---****KEEP IT ALL INSIDE******———————---
  • black tabby with a slim physique and compact muscles, tags
    38, ages every 21st
    they/them or she/her
    wary to trust
    peaceful powerplay allowed

he doesn't mind it. he knows they're going through a lot and he's more than happy to just be here for them. he tries his nest to take the burden from them, but they're not so willing to give it up. parts of him wonder if they want the hell at all, but this isn't something he voices. he knows that they would... it would just take time. time and patience. he can do that for them. he would do anything for them.

as they walk together, he says something that she doesn't quite here. he's not upset about it, not at all, as he gently bumps against her in a smile.

"it's alright. he just asked how you were feeling today?"

whatever hope of a moment is quick and fleeting. he finds himself turning his head back at the sound of two cats. his muscles instinctively bunch and he remembers something. innate within him. fight. fight. fight. he can't even truly react to one because his attention is torn away when one of the rogue's go after his mate. he promised he would always take care of her. that he would protect her. and thus, he leaves himself open to attacks.

// raggedbite is a good fighter so it can be powerplayed that both of them kill him when orchidbloom is incapacitated enough to not cause a distraction!

Just asked how you were feeling today, and Orchids gaze softens. "I'm just... angry. I'm so- sorry." they're angry all the time, now, and for a second the veil of grief lifts. Selfish- they had been selfish. So selfish... They're about ready to apologize, for everything, for being mean, for being angry until weight is slammed on top of them, earning a sound of pain. Claws rake down their sides, and this is what Orchid realizes what Raggedbite had been turning for. Red wells up between patches of cinnamon and white and its gone as soon as it happened. Orchid gets up, wide-eyed and stunned, only for the black tabby to come back from the undergrowth with jaws open.

Fangs close around her throat. Orchidbloom chokes at the sound of a crunch. This wasn't supposed to happen. This was supposed to be a good time out with their mate... Not a time to get her throat bitten in to. I'll kill you, Orchid flails underneath the bite, where the rogue only digs in deeper. I'll kill you! And then the pressure is gone, the black tabby disappearing from her sights. Probably to go after Raggedbite- but she won't let her... Get up. Get up. Get up. Protect him. The pain is immense, but they have to help him.

Orchid hauls herself up from where she had been knocked over and almost falls back down. Red puddles around her. Something sprays, wet, against her paws. And then just as quick as it all happened... The swamp goes silent. All she can hear is the roaring of blood in her ears, vaguely aware of the viscera spilling from her throat. Badump. Time slows, or at least it feels like it does. Badump. Orchid tries to raise a paw against Kite, mustering up just enough energy for a silent snarl. Their paw falls limply to the ground. Badump. Black edges against her vision and Stars, she cannot breathe correctly. Her throat hurts. They can't think straight. They stagger to the left, and then to the right as their vision fades. Their face lets up on the snarl, something agonized and grieving settling upon it.

Her heart beats for the last time. Badump. Orchidbloom slumps to the ground, her final movement a paw stretched out to her mate. Love you, is her last thought before everything falls silent. A starry body rises, waits for Raggedbite, and when it is his time to go, they depart together.

  • perms given to powerplay kite for the killing blow
  • 80192257_BM5b2gMLix2zWQF.png
    orchidkit, orchidpaw, orchidbloom
    demi-girl ,, she/they ,, 17 months
    warrior of shadowclan ,, formerly mentored by forestshade
    lanky yet fluffy cinnamon smoke she-cat with wide blue eyes
    "speech, d1afed" ,, thoughts
    bisexual ,, mates with raggedbite
    smells like lilies and iris'
    chibi by I-IALCY0N ,, penned by chuff
  • Crying
Reactions: Blitz Krieg
//tw for gore, blood, etc

"I'm so angry." The second time that Kite charges from the undergrowth, there would be no mercy. The black tabby lunges out while her victim is still stunned from the prior attack, not risking the perfect opportunity. Teeth in fur, flesh, then muscle; warmness floods out of the body. For that is all it is to Kite, a vessel. They have no relations, no qualms, no ties to this victim. It's over, quickly... when she finally decides to stop fighting back, Kite lets go, and skips back with a ferocious gleam in her eyes. Blood babbles from the wound in an alarming rate, it is only a matter of moments, there's no need to play more with something so broken.

Shrike's been dealing with the male, successfully; their struggle continues only a few lengths away. With the molly incapacitated in a pool of crimson, Kite focuses on the loose end, dancing around the two in a circle. When an opening occurs in the conflict between their sister and the male, Kite charges. They barrel into him, throwing him down into the mud. It isn't difficult to take him down into the moist ground, he's been worn down by Shrike. Perhaps he'd given up? Maybe the tom feels their mate's existence is no longer on this plane... Kite simply holds him down, claws locked in his fleshy shoulder and they lunges forward, the killing blow done in the same fashion as the she-cat. It adds a symmetry to the entire thing... especially considering their blood flows as one now.

They lay together. Kite had made sure of it by the way they tackled the tom down. The dark feline stands, paws flexing in the moist mud, gazing impassively at the savagery. "I'm so sorry," Kite murmurs, turning to face their little sister. "Those were her last words. I didn't catch his." They press against Shrike's blue pelt and before turning around, Kite presses into her cheek, likely smearing the blood along her white mask. "I'm going home."

Kite turns on her heel and crosses the border, disappearing into shadows and the fog that has settled to surround the clearing where the crime just occurred. There'll will be no trace of the two sisters' scents, their trail disappears into a stream which they waded through until they were satisfied they would not be tracked. They'd been traveling for two sunrises before the events within the bloodied clearing, there'd be no knowing where the two hailed from, they could be anyone. Phantoms of the forest clan. Kite'll remember this vividly, it started as something to do, but the scene of the two forest cats, entwined together in death, two as one... something about this killing struck a cord within themself. Two senseless deaths. What had Kite done? Why did this affect her so? I'll remember your words, broken bird. I'm sorry. For what I did.

———————---****KEEP IT ALL INSIDE******———————---
  • //perms given to powerplay
  • black tabby with a slim physique and compact muscles, tags
    38, ages every 21st
    they/them or she/her
    wary to trust
    peaceful powerplay allowed