you must be swift as the coursing river [open -daylight warrior bootcamp]



When the meeting had ended, Johnny didn't hesitate to speak up before the crowd had a proper chance to disperse, voice carrying strong and stern among the dispersing cats.

"Any daylight warriors who are serious about their training can meet me outside of camp in five!"

And that's where Johnnyflame now stood, face painted into an expression of seriousness that ensured any who approached knew this wasn't a game. This wasn't their good pal Johnny calling the shots, all easy grins and chaotic energy. No, this was Johnnyflame, lead warrior of Skyclan, and he was about to whip these rookies into shape or send them back home where they belonged.

While not the biggest cat in the clan by far, the stocky, muscled bobtail held his chin high as he stood facing the gap in the bramble wall, waiting to see who -if any- of his fellow daylight warriors would appear. He wasn't sure after this next moon which of them would be asked to leave and which would be allowed to stay, but he sure as hell wasn't going to see them go down without a fight, and he was going to give them every opportunity and resource to show they meant business before that judgement was made.

OOC- cue the training montage! This is open to both new and old daylight warriors, along with any regular warriors that might be a little nervous regarding their current skillset!

He is here. Grapejuice is ready to train. He is ready to beat someone up in a spar, ready to beat someone at any tasks he's given. Some would look at his full figure and call him lazy. Spoiled.

They would be wrong!!

Beneath that fat is muscle that he is going to put to use today. For too long have some of his clanmates mocked his kittypet heritage! Not directly, but he sees the looks and knows the things that are said.

Today he is going to DESTROY THEM.

They will know the folly of their words!!

And when he stands triumphant over the bodies of his opponents, they will break their minds trying to understand what had just happened to them, for they are incapable of acknowledging that they have been bested by a kittypet.

Yes. That is his goal today. To WREAK HAVOC upon the wildborn populace of Skyclan.​

What did 'in five' mean? Five what? It was something Hazel was trying to figure out for the longest time after hearing the announcement from the scarred spotted tom's mouth and she was still trying to figure it out as she followed along after Grapejuice who looked like he knew what 'five' meant and surely that was why he was out here now and not back in camp. Well, whatever it meant, she was here. She was here to learn to fight better, though how you could improve upon her already amazing skills was a mystery to even her!
The spotted she-cat had found a place to hang her hat back in camp and though she felt terribly exposed without it, she knew it would only get in the way of her attempts to pulverize a cat and prove her merit; though she did miss the shade it granted her eyes - it was so bright out here!
Her paws scuff the ground as she waits and she unearths a small stone, pausing her kicking about to pick it up gingerly between two paws to examine its dirt encrusted surface, a pad rubbing to remove bits of the debris to allow her to see the shine of it.
Simple, gray, it was neither good luck or bad luck. Sometimes that was perfectly fine, but she had really been hoping for a more obvious sign of her victory.
Extending the rock over to the blue tom next to her she embraced wickedness, "Here. They say if you swallow a gray pebble when the sun is highest in the sky it would strengthen your limbs."

sootspritespark & 37 moons & demi-girl & she/they & skyclan queen

Children passed off to whatever queen has taken over watching them through the night, sootspritespark joins the rest all the same - fluffy tail swishing as she waits, patient. She is confident in her skillset - she'd roamed parts of these woods long before skyclan had existed, had only left them because she could not face him any longer, could not live with the choice she'd made. How many moons has she been fighting, surviving on the streets, armed with the knowledge he'd given her? She's lost count. She hardly pays the others much mind, ignoring the fact that one of her fellow daylight warriors seems to be feeding the other rocks - honestly, if they're stupid enough to fall for that, well then they deserve to be tricked.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a small and notably round molly with ink black curls and a white-speckled belly. she wears a bowtie collar with a bright white and lemon yellow plaid pattern, and always seems to be smiling. beyond the normal clan-scent, she smells heavily of milk-scent, dog, and twoleg.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#ffff99]action here[/color][/b] and tag account



Well... It wasn't the kind of turnout he was hoping for.

Three cats showed up on time, slipping from the gap in the wall to join him outside of the camp. He couldn't help but frown somewhat, knowing there was easily double that which should have made an appearence. Didn't they understand how serious this was? Oh well. He had made it very clear that he was on board with cutting the dead weight away, Daylight Warrior or not, so instead he focused his molten gaze on the trio before him.

"Oh for the love of- do not eat that rock!" Johnny huffed, clearly exasperated. "Don't eat any rocks. I can't believe I have to say this right now."

Stars, they weren't going to make it easy on him, were they?

""Now, listen up, aye? There are cats in this clan that doubt whether our kind can cut it out here. They think that some of us are too lazy or selfish to put the clan first, and they're right. Not every cats is meant for the forest, but you lot have have a chance to prove you are."

Not all of them would make the cut. Is was harsh truth that Johnny had come to accept despite his social instincts to accept any well-meaning cat that came along. Because at the end of the day this wasn't a game. Cats could lose their lives out here, and he wasn't going to be responsible for those deaths.

"Today your going to see what's expected of you as a daylight warrior of Skyclan. You will walk borders, hunt prey, participate in training sessions, and contribute to chores around camp. You will be sore by the end of it, but this is the life of a clan cat and it's ultimately what your signing yourself up for."

If they stuck around long enough they wouldn't find it nearly as exhausting, and he had a feeling that some -like Sootspritespark- were already miles ahead of some of the others. Still, he was glad to see them there, ready to prove they still had what it took to be a part of the clan.

"If you've got questions, ask 'em while we move. Borders are first on the agenda." he said, gesturing with a flick of his bobbed tail for the small group to follow him as he began leading the way to the Thunderclan border, setting brisk but fair pace.

