private You never fight back ⤜ Onyxpaw


Gonna bay for the blood
May 11, 2024

Their pitch black tail flicks in the air in a serpentine-like manner, an adder laying in wait to strike. The ground was becoming too chalky for Shriketalon's liking underneath the sun but with the moon on the horizon maybe the cool night would bring a dampness to the ground once more. Though maybe dryer ground would be better for Onyxpaw, they glance over their shoulder at the apprentice training behind them. Slowing their foot fall so they could walk in tandem beside her, they've heard from idle chatter around camp that her hunting wasn't the greatest.

Really Shriketalon didn't understand how that could be the case, they were sure that she hunted just fine. They were already planning on hunting today since they found that they'd search for solace in the hunting grounds, though solace for them was through company. Onyxpaw to them was the right pick for that company, as she had agreed and didn't seem annoyed by them. Surface level reasonings but who knows maybe they'll find more while together on the venture. They hoped that they would find more reasons beyond the surface, Onyxpaw seemed pretty nice and they were always looking for the excuse to drag others out hunting with them.

“So I think it would be kinda cool if we found a big rat. Maybe a frog? I missed out on when that big swarm of them lived here.'' They stage whisper as they walk, trying to be quiet enough to not scare anything off while being unable to be silent. Their torn ear flicks as the sound of rustling in the marsh grass is heard on Onyxpaw's side of the land. Their tail lashes as they fight the urge to pounce, instead lightly nudging the apprentice's side. “Why don't you take that one?” They suggest with a small smile, gently guiding without trying to make it obvious that's what they were doing.

  • SHRIKETALON || They/them, Warrior of ShadowClan, 29 moons
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes. A small tear marks their right ear.
    Mentored by Nectarsong | Mentoring N/A
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ⭃ underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by Juice ⭃ Ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Frankly, Onyxpaw would have loved it if tales of her hunting skills were exaggerated. After all, the last thing that she wanted to be was a drain on Shadowclan's resources, and hunting was one of the easiest ways for a cat above kit age to give back. Unfortunately, it constantly felt as though the finer points of hunting just... slipped through her paws. The chimera certainly knew the basic principles, and neither Avocetfall nor Scorchfrost had been terrible teachers, yet things still escaped her. The massive frog she had once gotten her teeth into remained her finest catch to this day, though she desperately hoped she'd be able to top herself someday.

Shriketalon's offer had given her an opportunity to do so, even as doubt flourished viciously in the back of her mind. Though Onyxpaw didn't know the warrior well, there were few Shadowclan warriors that she didn't trust fully - a list that consisted of, truthfully, just Betonyfrost. So, she had had little issue with following in the monochrome feline's pawsteps, moving carefully through the marsh grass in an attempt to not grab attention. "A rat would be a good piece of prey... although the big ones can be pretty dangerous. A big frog might be better, I caught one of those before." Her musings were interrupted by the familiar rustle of grass nearby, the motion causing her to freeze in place.

Honestly, she would have preferred to let the warrior take the lead. Unfortunately, Onyxpaw also wasn't bold enough to deny their suggestion. Which was how she found herself nodding, speckled body lowering to the ground as she stalked slowly towards the noise. Her entire body was alight with anticipation and apprehension, and it wasn't until she leaped that she realized her claws had already slipped out. Specifically her back ones, which managed to catch themselves just right in the wet ground to send her sprawling into the muck with a cry. She didn't even bother to look up when she heard the skittering, knowing that whatever had been nearby had been sent racing away. "Shriketalon... I'm so sorry."

  • 75034637_eiCvVhxv9vQNT6l.png
    an apprentice of shadowclan, onyxpaw is inching towards warriorhood at ten moons. she is being mentored by scorchfrost, and is on track to graduate fairly soon. shy towards most other cats, she is nonetheless loyal to her home and a skilled combatant, although she struggles in the hunting department. 

“Mm true, the last thing we need is for one of us to be injured by a rat. This isn’t their hunt after all” they chuckled to themself at the thought, it would be impressive to catch a big rat though. It may even do wonders for Onyxpaw’s confidence in hunting, though being injured on this trip would probably do the opposite. They can’t help but assume that would be a big bruise on the ego, which can be difficult to recover from. Hm. Hopefully the rustle of movement wasn’t a rat then. They eye off Onyxpaw’s response to the movement curiously, she froze which could either be a strength or a weakness depending on if that was on instinct or a tactical move. They had learnt and started to gain understanding of the use of stealth that ShadowClan likes to use when faced with either combat or hunting so they were curious if this was something that the apprentice just knew to do.

Settling on their haunches they kept a keen eye on her movements. Figuring that maybe if things didn’t go well then she may want pointers? Her crouch looked proper, which they hoped would be the case since she was an older apprentice but they didn’t know what to expect based on what they heard about her hunting skills. As Onyxpaw seemingly slipped on the ground it had started to dawn on them that those stories may actually not be exaggerated. Standing up and straightening their posture they rushed to her side, crouching low in an attempt to be closer to her level. Taking the time to ensure that no visible injuries had occurred, though maybe a muscle had been pulled? They really hope not, for both of their sakes as they didn’t particularly want to face the wrath of an upset mentor.

“You don’t need to apologise Onyxpaw, you’re fine” they shrug in response to the sound of skittering, it was probably only a really small lizard anyways. That’s what they’ll tell themself and Onyxpaw, not worth it even if it had been caught since they were in the seasons where it was a little more acceptable to be picky about which prey to collect. “Are you okay? It looked like a nasty fall” they weren’t really sure if they should try and call to her attention so they’d look up or let her decide to move on her own. After deliberation Shriketalon had decided on the latter, an understanding smile given to the apprentice if she did look up.

“The marsh kinda sucks for hunting, when I joined I couldn’t catch anything for a while” leftover frustration from those moments still bubbled within them sometimes. “Do you know what went wrong? Do you want to talk about it? If you know then you know how to improve next time” it was sound reasoning, at least they thought so. With their tail they gesture to the marsh ahead of them and slowly start to walk, stopping to make sure that Onyxpaw was following them. This was a bad omen for how the rest of the trip may go but Shriketalon was convinced that this was just a one off incident.